What exactly does Zizek mean when he says "pure ideology"?

What exactly does Zizek mean when he says "pure ideology"?


Essentially imagine ideology to be a loud white noise that permeates all discourse. You're forced to recognize noise that deviates from it, some are highe pitched and some are lower pitched. You recognize things relationship to ideology through their divergence from.
Pure ideology is when something blends into this background


And how is discourse not white noise itself? What would discourse cleared of static be?

As ideology is inherently non-expressive. It is a historic object formed by power relations establishing an unspoken code of acceptable ideas and expressions.

As such your question is insensible to answer. Ideology is not removable but it is malleable and ever evolving responding to historic circumstance and new power formations.

By that standard, language is ideology. So to distinguish discourse from ideology, is, well, ideology.

It's a fancy way of saying what everyone already knows - the way you think, the things you value, your metaphysical assumptions - all are determined by history and society, all are interpreted through a mythos. Some people have a naive belief that they can bypass mythos and achieve something that is pure and untainted, but obviously this is ridiculous. A tradition can only be replaced by another tradition, such as the Hegelian-Marxist dialectic that Žižek is obsessed with.
The question you should be concerned with is this: Which way of interpreting the world is overall more useful to western culture? Talking about truth is irrelevant.

Not exactly. The developement of language is inseperable to the developement of Ideology as they hold a dialectical relationship but they are not identical. Language (As a component of discourse) exists in particular instances from individuals and sources with their own positions of power and relationship to ideology.

Your understanding of Ideology is not correct. You seem to speak of it essentially as a relationship to historical influence but ideology is very specifically a relationship to an abstract authority

OP I'm an edgy postcollege Marxist and this picture / meme question combo had me rollin.

Keep posting you're a gem.

How do you the image of this authority is formed?


He's saying "everything this side of the line in their thinking is ideology".

There's still some ideology elsewhere, but he has still delineated a bit of pure ideology.

I shall call you "pretend Socrates" for you are the poster that thinks writing (what you think sounds like) a Socratic dialogue pastiche is the same as doing philosophy.

Ideology is expressive, rather it is non-knowable. In many ways ideology is only expressive and that's part of the problem.

>it's true whether or not you believe in it

Not true, by the way.

>exists in particular instances
You mean all instances

The Slovenian is a hack.

At worst, you're given Hegelian-Lacanian verbiage.

At best, he says things that are either obvious or obviously wrong.

It's your belief in a false ideal of your society and in the symbolic conditions which your society taught you will result in this ideal.
When Zizek talks about 'the trashcan of ideology' he means an individual is willing to do things which aren't really good for him, not because he doesn't know they aren't, but because he was raised to believe this things are components of a certain ideal reality, and that by eating from the trash can he will actualize this dream of his (now replace trash can with Coke, beer, whatever. How often are this things romanticized?).

This reminds me of some idea that "truth" is unattainable, as everything a human experiences and understands is through the lens of their own mind, which, due to its biological evolution, cannot experience objective reality. Although in some aspects, we can get quite close to what the truth might be.

This is similar to what Buddha taught, and why Buddhist practice is to remove the subconscious mind's reactionary nature in order to better experience reality objectively.

not accurate btw

Most accurate post ITT.