I find it so strange that no one is talking about this, this might seriously be a beginning to a new era of mankind

I find it so strange that no one is talking about this, this might seriously be a beginning to a new era of mankind.
Can we connect logical thinking to our reward center? Would you do it?


>"Science Finds God?"
My Gott.*sniff*

post rare slavojs

its dat boj o shit waddup

What an overproduced video

It's intentionally made to reach a bigger audience, in other words "intersubjective reality", to spark conversation. It's the fact that it is most likely possible to connect the reward center to logical course of action. Once this hits the mainstream, shit will be going down.

Tbh looks more like someone finally started an even more cultish singularity cult than lesswrong.

Damn straight, but this is actually based on empirical data and over 100 people claim to have experienced the effects of this already, can't say that for myself yet though. If their theory is correct it is beyond revolutionary.

>actually based on empirical data

So why do they make slick videos instead of peer-reviewed articles?

>and over 100 people claim to have experienced the effects of this already

Have you ever met over 100 people? He says a lot of shit

I still don't get what the fuck this is about, anyone care to explain really fast?

They make these videos

I've talked multiple people that claim to have went through a life changing katharsis, where they value logic over anything else, not even caring about their own comfort anymore, trying to spread the idea as efficiently as possible, as they feel extremely fulfilled and obliged to move humanity forward(not excluding the possibility of placebo, but it is extreme unlikely 100% of these people have not experienced any neurological transitions)

They have done tests, made papers and have contacted copious amounts of scientific organisations for peer review, but the effect the papers will have in the early stages, is nothing compared to the absolute hysteria going on as this is spreading to the intersubjective reality like wildfire. It's compromise of effectivity and efficiency.

I am still skeptical towards it being viable to the average layman, including people like myself, I just work through neural plasticity, doing regular self development, creating youtube channels, businesses, blogs etc. If I "click" I won't be spending time on this site anymore, but I want to spark discussion.

They make these videos to reach the mainstream(inter subjective reality), he has done this for 18 years, but he finally achieved a proof of concept and therefore, he goes about it the most efficient/effective way*

It is connecting logical reasoning and action to the reward center, having the emotional brain(limic system) work in symbiosis with the prefrontal cortex, this has been tried with electrical shocks to increase activity in the more rational part of the brain, but this is completely different. This is more of a brain hack than anything, on a fundamental level, you desire to "make sense" of things.

Alright I just watched quite a lot of Athenas stuff and I think i can explain some things.
Basically his ideology is about embracing logic. This means that someone gets himself to get satisfaction from logically correct actions. Good actions here are things that increase your positive impact where the goal is basically to bring the world forward (It is regarded as a "superorganism"). Why is it logically sound to have this be good? I dont really know but I think it is not really important.

What this means is in effect that you become more flexible and are not bounded by reward systems which might have flaws, like a religion.

If you watch some videos you will see a lot of people questioning Athenas system, obviously.
Athena is not perfect and can therefore not perfectly implement his ideas. He cant always know what is the most logical thing to do to increase his impact factor.
When he makes mistakes in arguments he "kind of" states that it was intended and it will increase his impact (for example a factually wrong clickbait title). In the end it is statement vs statement where the evaluation of an actions impact differs between athena and the person complaining. No one can know what is right, but if Athenas system of thinking is correctly applied, the correct thing is being done.
What I basically want to say is that Athenas system is unfallible, as it is based on perfectly logical options. Theoretically any mistake that is revealed in Athenas statements about his theory could be traced to him not being perfect while the theory, which is just logic, stands.
Basically his whole idea is just to get people to pay more attention to acting logically and while this belief is unfallible it is also not really relevant.

Just my opini

I do think it is falsifiable, since I believe and he even claims it himself, that logic is subjective, because it is limited to your own thinking capacity and knowledge, if someone with more more brain power embraces logic, with stronger rhetoric, he could have a perspective that is more in line with reality, making anyone that subscribes to the foundations of logical reasoning on an emotional level, follow the line of thinking the person with superior intellect has provided. It's cool to see some discussion though famalam.

Vulcans? It was not that difficult to begin with.

Well if I understand you correctly you are talking about a case where someone might be better at making logical decisions than someone else and therefore the inferior persons desicions where not correct. This is definetly true and in my opinion very much presebt with Athena. I think that he often retreats to his argument of "Im just doing those things to persuade many people on the level of intersubjectivity" because it automatically reduces any attack on the soundness of his actions to a statement vs statement situation where both sides think they are simply better at evaluating objective reality.
However I argue that if one was (hypothetically) perfect at judging objective reality and therefore could perfectly act the way Athena wants people to act, he will always make the best logical desicions to achieve whatever us defined as "best". The whole system boils down to "do what is best" in my opinion which is unfalsifiable the best thing you can do but in perfect application impossible (therefore athena can still be wrong - he is just not capable of fully following his principles)

...which is unfalsifiably the best thing you can do, but in...
fuck my english

* Oversimplified value proposition: "one method for a better life"
* x step programs
* Worship of some divine concept, in this case "logic"
* Lavish marketing
* Literal mind control

How is this different from Scientology?

>What I basically want to say is that Athenas system is unfallible, as it is based on perfectly logical options. Theoretically any mistake that is revealed in Athenas statements about his theory could be traced to him not being perfect while the theory, which is just logic, stands.

You keep saying logic as if that explains everything, it doesn't.

in that case it literally just means doing the right thing. I kept using the word to keep a connection to the stuff Athena talks about.

>in that case it literally just means doing the right thing

Okay, now how is that any more clear or infallible than any other 'just do the right thing lol' philosophy?

Im not saying that his stuff is good, Im saying it is essentially just "if you do the best possible thing to achieve whatever you define as your goal (in this case advance humanity) you are taking the right action"
So the question and the answer are basically just the same statements.
It is obviously impossible to apply and the significance of this idea in general is minimalm Although I do believe that it might motivate some people to be more flexible in the ways they judge decisions.

>the best possible thing to achieve whatever you define as your goal
What if it's genocide?

Logic does not necessarily tie to morality. Nor does efficiency.