Kek's Stadium will work with a rng to battle memes, with each meme having their own weaknesses and strengths...

Kek's Stadium will work with a rng to battle memes, with each meme having their own weaknesses and strengths, similar to magic the gathering.

The losing meme will undergo permadeath and go to the meme graveyard, rip.

The winner will be award two new memes from a new meme drop as a reward for risking his or her meme. They may either choose to put these memes on the marketplace at the regular floor price (.00666 eth) with the full price going to them, or they may keep the memes for their collection.

There will also be a small chance of winning a very rare meme in Kek's Stadium which will be priced at (.0666 eth) on the floor.

Welcome to the first deflationary meme economy.

Congratulations bizzzzz, you made it.

Attached: congratsbiz.png (1643x1071, 691K)

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Lol wow poorguy has his own meme. Iconic

I hope you can implement this stuff, if so this will unironically land on the moon

hot potato games are dead
you're late

its not a hot potato you retard its a meme economy


this is going to be the biggest thing since crypto kitties

when was the last time people texted each other cryptokitties?

what about memes?

stay poor retard

Attached: 1.png (1800x1090, 726K)

just look at the dappradar, only serious projects with a lot of advertisement have active users

lmao this literally released 3 days ago

and dapp radar is a scam run by a game dev, shows how much you fucking know retard

this is going to get shilled hard

roadmap released this week

then medium, twitter, reddit the works

just trying to give it to biz first but fomo in later if you'd rather buy high and sell low

>people will start paying for memes they can download and share for free because I say so

try harder faggot

lol this is a meme, stay updated mate, las vegas dropped last weekend

also potato game, ZERO advertisement, fucking hot game

You heard it here first. Don’t sleep on this. The power of memes knows no end.

lol I watched biz get scammed by a pajeet trying to buy memes 5 times in a row, most pepes went to .05

it's only a matter of time before people realize this is a real meme economy with a roadmap and fomo in

>please buy my bags, I just made them

want to try any more buzzwords to scoop up brainlet normie dollars?

>implies biz is full of normies

lol i think your posts will be buyable soon

I also did several games, but the last one is barely covers website and contract creation costs, good luck to you

lol contract is blowing up

stay retarded retards

Attached: hahahhah.png (884x951, 129K)

holy shit dude right on this is exactly what I am looking for in ETH gaming


Attached: heattttt.png (816x669, 93K)


Attached: lambos.png (639x99, 15K)

Let’s gooooo


Attached: rekt.png (712x207, 44K)

Lmao what a fucking response

Imagine getting a free rimjob poorguy lmfao

shhhh my girlfriend is very sensitive

also I called him a buttlicker

Attached: buttlicker.png (621x205, 38K)

Indians sure is getting desperate.

brb getting v8 for making a meme economy

congrats on wash trading your own contract when it's obvious you're just going to steal everything in the end

When do I get paid sir? I have completed the contract but I have not gotten my money sir. Please my family needs this sir..

jesus this guy's a fag

haha ill see you in a week,

it's impossible to steal it you dumbfuck the contract holds no money

Just because you cannot see how hard this is going to moon once everyone knows about it does not me, a fag make, sir.


Attached: hype.png (1056x793, 322K)

oh... oh I want that trump one just to piss my friend off.


Attached: 14.png (500x500, 417K)


mods ban this pjaeet

>4 transactions
>2 unique users in best case scenario
>"blowing up"
this is the kind of desperate shit that convinces people NOT to fall for your scam

You're under arrest. Those are counterfeit pepes!

you retarded pajeet cant even afford a proper domain you fucking cuck. kys with your shitty game

>its not a hot potato you retard its a meme economy