I made some chili but the color is off and it's bland. Any tips, opinions?

I made some chili but the color is off and it's bland. Any tips, opinions?

The issue is that you had it stored in someone's stomach for an hour. Try a refrigerator instead!

That's is uncalled for!

>beans in chili

I wish this wasn't just a lame shitpost by some bored 14yr old posting a picture of puke so we could actually talk about chili.

Yeah I wanted to make it authentic

>being passionate about food that looks like diarrhea

Hmm needs more tomato paste?

Yeah, that's right!

looks like hummus

try some coriander

1. Go to Mexican grocery and buy a fuckton of dried chiles: guajillo, cascabel, ancho, chipotle
2. Get a coffee grinder and grind one of each chile (seeded) with cumin, coriander, onion & garlic powder, corase sea salt, oregano and sun-dried tomatoes (secret ingredient)
3. Saute a pound of ground chuck and throw the spices in the meat & rendered fat
4. Add beef stock, a can of red beans (optional) and a bottle of beer and simmer for a couple of hours
5. Enjoy your mouth orgasms!

>le mouth orgasm xddd

Throw away whatever the fuck that is, roast up some Big Jim peppers, then simmer them with some pork.

What abomination is this?

Or just use detergent if you don't have coriander it tastes exactly the same

Does anybody have the Veeky Forums chili jpg.?

I could really need it for the weekend, please someone post it here

Thanks in advance

Nobeans is only acceptable when it's going on a hot dog.

no idea why it's that color but here's a few tips and a chili recipe you can play with to suit your taste. ( I fucking love vegan chili )

5 tsp chili powder
1 tsp cumin

1 can each black beans, pinto beans, red kidney beans. Rinse and drain them for later.

1 large can diced tomatoes

1/2 cup broccoli cut bite size

1/2-1 cup cauliflower cut bite size

1/4 cup corn

1/2 a medium to large onion

about 4 garlic cloves, you can do it to taste

Start off by sauteing onion in olive oil until it goes translucent and starts to caramelize.

Add garlic and spices and stir frequently until fragrant (1-2 minutes)

Add beans and whole can of tomatoes juice included, add vegetables, I use about 1 tsp of salt for everything and throw in a bay leaf.

Bring to a simmer and cover. Let it cook for 1-2 hours on low. The liquid will look insufficient at first but as the vegetables cook down they will release their moisture.

Enjoy days worth of dark chili that taste like regular chili.

>a bottle of beer
That sounds disgusting, but is this really a legitimate beer ingredient or trick?

>I could really need it for the weekend

No you don't, it's a shit recipe.

Beer is an awesome ingredient in Chili.

As long as it's not American "beer" it's alright.

>................................in chili

fucking kill yourself.

Literally vomit