Stop eating fried, baked, grilled, or smoked food. Microwave, boil, or steam your food

Stop eating fried, baked, grilled, or smoked food. Microwave, boil, or steam your food.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued final guidance on how food manufacturers, processors, growers and operators can reduce levels of acrylamide--a chemical that the International Agency for Research on Cancer considers to be a human carcinogen--in food. The U.S. National Toxicology Program also believes acrylamide to be linked to cancer.

Acrylamide is developed when starchy foods like grains and potatoes are cooked to high temperatures, usually via baking, frying or roasting. Most acrylamide research has centered around food products such as french fries and potato chips, but the FDA’s guidance does also acknowledge breakfast cereals, cookies, crackers and toasted bread. Coffee is also a common source of acrylamide.

The FDA urges consumers to enjoy a healthy, balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, poultry, eggs, nuts, beans, and fish. The agency advises against foods that contain fats, trans fats, added sugars, salt and cholesterol.

The European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain has published its scientific opinion on acrylamide--a chemical that naturally forms in starchy food products during every-day high-temperature cooking--found in food, reconfirming previous evaluations that its presence in food does in fact increase consumer risk of cancer.

The panel’s findings are based on results from animal studies. Tests show that exposure to acrylamide was both genotoxic and carcinogenic, ultimately causing damage to DNA and triggering cancerous cells.

This sounds like a perfect way to prepare meals for myself to eat while I watch a large black man fuck my wife!

how do I eat poultry and beans if heating up food makes it cancerous

obviously: chicken rare

So instead of not interrupting while obese people are dying out early to save on old age social security, govt thinks now they'd rather some of us are fit and work harder to harvest more taxes. If this succeeds the profit would be the same, but the $$$ will grow stronger. Noice, fuck yuan and their sad country.

tfw while I believe all this, I can't stop eating the way I eat, not even including a bit of raw food into my diet.

>The panel’s findings are based on results from animal studies
So not necessarily harmful.

I never wanted to get any enjoyment out of my life anyways right

I thought Trump was supposed to save us from this sort of bullshit?

>make your life incredibly boring
>so you can live longer
>with an incredibly boring life

No thanks cuck get off my board

Hahahahahahaha FUCK no

He cut their funding but this research was probably started forever ago and is also international.


I'm out; see you in hell.

Same. See you in the cancer ward.

u guys didnt know coffee was bad for you?

its highly acidic and has the acrylamide

I'm not going to stop cooking my fucking food because it might cause cancer. Sunlight causes cancer but people don't hide inside, don't be a pussy.

Microwaving food is awful for you.

Dont be a faggy waggy

I'm confused, we've baked, grilled, and smoked food for millennia and now we're banning it?

I'm very left leaning and pro-regulation but this sounds like a load of bunk

But coffee has anticarcinogenic properties!

Way ahead of you OP.

microwave is not bad for you

it doesnt add anything to the food it just makes the water molecules evaporate

microwaves are found outside in the atmosphere its not really bad

its similar to boiling if you use water in the microwave with your food

microwave is actually quite healthy for heating food

the problem with microwave is its only good for boiling water

it will ruin any texture your food might have had

it really sucks at cooking food unless you use water or you make popcorn or something

its going to make ur food mushy

not really

yes it does
it ruins texture

a conventional oven makes things crispy a microwave oven will just make it disgusting

microwave only good for certain things

na bro it doesnt

have you ever heated up a pizza in the microwave the 2nd day

it is horrendous compared to fresh out the oven pizza

thats what im talking about

a microwave frozen pizza is like wet bread compared to if you throw it in the toaster oven

not really dude trust me i have a microwave

you are accustomed to eating shit
thats why

go eat your microwave tendies

dont get mad bro youre probably just not using the microwave right

STOP ENJOYING LIFE! enjoy food the way a ametuer cook with zero skills eats!

yeah uhh nope

go try it for yourself u fkin tard

go put some frozen chicken tendies in the microwave and they will be wet and soggy and squishy and soft

and if you put them in the oven they will be crispy as tendies should be

check fucking mate

u cant cook ur a tendy autist

i like the microwave too . i just admit it has its faults

damn dude why are you so mad maybe you just need a better microwave

naaah dude microwave is the best way to cook even the biggest gourmets say it

my microwave is fucking stainless steel LG from south korea

fuck u.

this shit works

and i use it for certain applications

I'm just annoying you so that you post more korean chicks

stainless steel? come on bro everyone knows you cant put metal in the microwave

TL;DR version - if you eat food, you are going to die.

>Coffee is also a common source of made up meme substance.




no it said fried food was worse for you


which is what you made it say

>no it said fried food was worse for you
wow, what an amazing scientific breakthrough. i had no idea that dunking food in a vat of oil could have adverse health benefits!

>Microwave, boil, or steam your food.
may aswell just start consuming only soylent because you obviously fucking hate food/taste/ your life anyway if this is the only way you're going to cook

adverse health effects*
it's too late
post still retarded

you should cook that way most of the time

steamed vegetables is good .. it doesnt mean you hate your life

But steaming veggies gets rid of a lot of vitamins!

raw is better but steaming is the best way if you want to cook them

if they can't come up with a decent cancer cure in the next 30-50 years they should seriously just cancel science

Nobody cares

Stir frying is worst right?

1. Fuck off. Fried, baked, smoked and grilled food is tasty.
2. We will adapt to it if it's an issue. PROBLEM FUCKING SOLVED M8

>As of 2014 it is still not clear whether dietary acrylamide consumption affects people's risk of developing cancer. Experimental results that are based on feeding acrylamide to animals might not be applicable to humans.
>Food industry workers exposed to double amount of acrylamide than average do not exhibit higher cancer rates

People are gonna get cancer because they don't destroy toxins by baking, frying and grilling.
Acrylamide in humans doesn't convert to glycidamine (which is the cancer causing shit) in high rates like it does in animals.

Prevention would be a cure. You can choose to not get cancer or eat hamburger.
I know what you choose, but don't blame science for that.

>u cant cook ur a tendy autist
>says the autist handing out cooking advice for tendies
really turns the tenderloins