Dear Christians

I hope Veeky Forums is serious enough to handle a discussion like this. What is your defense for believing in God in today's scientifically dominated world?
>Inb4 teen
I see this every time the Bible is questioned
Book of hypocrisies; story doesn't even make sense; antagonist is the good guy the whole time; Jesus is pretty cool but misunderstood
Belief without reason; justification for nothing; faith can be placed in anything

Bump because I never see proper, non troll debates here

Disaster/suffering is not necessarily the same as evil

KJV says evil bub


>Belief without reason; justification for nothing; faith can be placed in anything

oh I thought you wanted to have a serious discussion

>quoting me
Okay but where is your rebuttal

Yes, the lord creates disaster

The lord created humans, who are corrupted. This corruption leads to evil. Therefore God created evil

Is there something that is difficult to understand about this?

Also, the existence of the scientific method and research in no way discounts the existence of God. These two things are not mutually exclusive. Science and religion are not rival football teams

Science does not disprove God. Science is simply observation of the material world; Christianity/mysticism surpasses "logical/materialistic" understanding and focuses on what is behind the scenes, so to speak. Science shows us what meets the eye, Christianity says "there is more than meets the eye."

>Book of hypocrisies; story doesn't even make sense; antagonist is the good guy the whole time; Jesus is pretty cool but misunderstood

this is an assertion without merit. Also, Jesus hates hypocrisy too.

I have faith because of the mystical experiences I've had. Not everyone has, and I respect those who believe who have not had those experiences, for I have seen God and I still sometimes doubt, though I have no reason to; while they have not seen and believe. Anyway. It gives people a sense of meaning in their lives. Why do you wish to destroy that, you who claims to hate destruction?

>God creates disaster

obviously. He even flooded the earth once. We can't hate Him for it, He made the earth, He invented reality, He is the foundation of existence, we owe ALL to God so how can we be angry?

That may be what you find in christianity, but it is certainly no the full extent of it. The bible is a set of instructions that people took very literally up until the point that science disproved them. Things like noah's arc not being possible.

>What is your defense for believing in God in today's scientifically dominated world?
Have you never read Dostoevsky? Have you ever heard of existentialism? Have you ever thought that you don't need to believe in what is rational, logical, and proven?
>Bible: Book of hypocrisies; story doesn't even make sense; antagonist is the good guy the whole time; Jesus is pretty cool but misunderstood
Have you read the bible? Do you understand the bible is not a single story? What authority do you have to say Jesus is misunderstood by the faithful? Not that I'm denying he is misunderstood, but not by everyone.
>Faith: Belief without reason; justification for nothing; faith can be placed in anything

And what's wrong with that?

>inb4 teen

But you honestly seem like a teenager

The bible wasn't taken so literally as it often has been in the last 100-200 years. You can thank American protestants for that

>antagonist is the good guy the whole time; Jesus is pretty cool but misunderstood
trash opinion
>Belief without reason; justification for nothing; faith can be placed in anything
Faith is better understood as confidence or trust. Faith in God is trusting in God, trusting that he will uphold his promises, trusting him even when he seems silent. An example would be you as a passenger on an aircraft having faith that the plane will land safety, given the statistics on plane crashes, the procedures they enforce, the training of the flight crew, etc. You can't say for certain it will land, but you have confidence, you have faith, based upon reason, that it will. Which is why you are willing to board the flight despite the uncertainty. You are taking an action even though you're not 100% sure of the outcome.

>“Faith, in the sense in which I am here using the word, is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods.”
C.S. Lewis

Can you believe I'm not even a Christian. I wish I was more certain in my unbelief, though. Or more certain in my belief, if I had it. I wish I just knew if it were true or not.

So he purposely made susceptable beings to wreak havoc on Earth. We were made in his image, what does that say about God? Also explain how Christianity fits in with modern science.

Christianity *assumes* what exists beyond sight; you have no third eye.
I'm sure he does
Tell us about these experiences. I don't wish to destroy happiness, I just like to understand the method of which you hold it.
I like that you don't immediately justify his actions as objectively good.

I see why this doesn't happen often, this is a lot to address

gode is real because you tip you're hate lol xd

>asking Christians their understanding of a Jewish text

It's a lost cause

The difference between the image and the real thing is the difference between 2d girls and 3d ones

Nobody is convinced as to the existence of God through arguments

Yeah, but that doesn't mean they change my mind.
Not all of it as a whole, but I understand it enough to discuss it. Jesus is misunderstood in the sense that people today use him as a ticket in to heaven and simply and apathetically apologize when they have an affair.
It's not a justification for a concrete, life defining belief

This. I'm amazed that people still hold these discussions. It's a fruitless pursuit for both sides.

>reason is good
>science is valid
>hasn't even read bible
>thinks 'evil' is an inherently bad trait

There is no 'problem of evil' because to say a being that is the arbiter of all creation is somehow 'evil' is a gigantic moral fallacy. If you claim to be reasonable, you cannot make this fallacy.

Hume made this same mistake, but at least it worked as an argument against Aquinas. That's the most it can be, by the way.

Of course God is the source of all these things, that's a necessary trait of omnipotence you dumb bastard. It's a gigantic jump in thinking to then say God is not benevolent because of this.
>science disproved them
No such thing. Science as a method is not designed to prove or disprove.

Fucking teenagers don't even understand their own ideology.
>Christianity *assumes* what exists beyond sight
So does your ideology mate, it's called an axiom and it's a presumption about metaphysics.
Because God can only be perceived through sensibility. These arguments are to get atheists to shut up.

>have you read the bible?
>not all of it as a whole
This is why people will never take militant atheists seriously, fucking lmao.

>science disproved the bible's instructions
how exactly?
>noah's arc not possible
with God all things are possible, He is omnipresent and controls the entire universe.
>inb4 but why doesn't God do miracles anymore
in the New Covenant, he manifests himself internally, to those who believe, and through the works of believers, to those who don't. existence itself is a miracle. there have been several prophets/mystics who have had spiritual gifts, quite recently

Christianity is based upon the oldest belief system ever, that is, Judaism, it has literally been around since the creation of the earth, prove me wrong on this. These are not assumptions, rather, careful introspection and spiritual revelation that happens over time. also, i avoid the term "third eye:" it makes me think of haight street hippies.

anyway, my mystical experience was when i was 18, hitch hiking across the states, a street preacher stopped me saying "hey man do i know you from the beginning of time?" to make a long story short (as i am quite tired of telling this story over and over again) he told me i have a prophetic vision, and that it would increase ten-fold. then he put olive oil on his hand, then touched my forehead and prayed in tongues, and i felt my soul regenerate, i fell on my knees and cried like a baby as i experienced God for the first time.

also, God is -the- objective good. everything separate from Him is empty, devoid of life and utterly "hevel."

>mfw all the fideists in this thread

Satan rebelled against tyranny, gave knowledge to man, and sheltered the disgraced.
I have reason to believe I'll survive the ride based on statistics.

>sheltered the disgraced
>I have reason to believe I'll survive the ride based on statistics.
Did you even read the rest of the post? REEEEE
If a Christian says to you "I have reason to believe that God will do what he says he would based on x y z" is that not the same?

>hasn't read the entire bible
>wants to debate the bible

Everybody just needs to have faith

yeah actually i agree, i've literally never seen someone change their mind in a "religious debate."

i am this guy:
>For to prove the existence of one who is present is the most shameless insult, since it is an attempt to make him ridiculous; but regrettably people haven’t the faintest idea of this and out of sheer seriousness see it as a pious undertaking…One proves [God’s] existence by worship—not proofs.


Perhaps I should word it better, "Christianity guesses what exists beyond sight".

I'm a passive Pantheist, I just felt curious today.

Don't know much about Judaism so you have that one.
Personal experiences are difficult to address, but I'll try anyways. I am somewhat a religious person, so I understand what you mean by experiencing God. And my view of Christianity as a whole is just one of the thousands of ways we attempt to understand the beauty of God, and because the messenger of this beauty was that of Christianity, this was where you sought refuge. I found the beauty of God in the universe, and I pretty much break down whenever I indulge in astronomical shit.
but-but he created evil

Hell, bb
Statistics aren't the same as a personal experience, bb


>Perhaps I should word it better, "Christianity guesses what exists beyond sight".
So does your ideology, a presumption is a guess.

>I want to debate christianity, come at me christards
>btw I've never read the bible

oops. i meant to say i am done replying

My mind has been changed because of them. Twice, actually: from Christian to atheist to Pantheist.

Clarify my ideology and the way it is a guess.

Every single person I have ever debated on scientific theories knew very little about them. I'm sure not every person that as commented knew everything about opposing scientific theories. Again, I do understand the Bible very well, I just haven't read it cover to cover.
>"The big bang wasn't two big atoms colliding and made the Earth?"
>"I ain't come from no monkey"
I have to explain what the fuck we're talking about each time. This is probably because I don't often seek debate but rather face people who blindly thrash out at opposing ideas.



>Clarify my ideology and the way it is a guess.

I already explained how an axiom is a guess.

I never said it was comfy

No, what is my ideology.

Shut your fucking mouth pleb. I bet you're not even in STEM. You've never read an actual paper or done any research in your life. Just fucking hang yourself you utter pseud. You fanboys are a continual source of embarrassment to people who actually practice science.


you should take a history class.

i'm not a christian but god theory seems more viable than anything else out there
>we're all one with god
>we're all one with the universe
>fish randomly turned into frogs who turned into blah blah blah and then turned into us
as it stands evolution theory seems the most reasonable alternative but even then it's fucking *tips fedora* bullshit
eastern mysticism seems even more retarded

Confused, bub? He said that the Bible didn't directly say evil, and I showed him that the original English version does say it.

Thank god. I'm sick of "le science!" faggots shitting up my profession's reputation with their autism. The world will be a better place without you in it.

>All matter is energy condensed
>The universe is one
>God is everything
>The universe is everything
>Fucking mudskippers, man. Living fish/frog mix

Yeah no problem, I've been thinking about it a lot more recently.

Oh my fucking God I didn't see that.

>give me a scientific answer for a theological question

Metaphysics isn't entirely scientific

The KJV isn't authoritative.
Evil can mean suffering instead of moral evil, and, such as in the book of Job, many times it does. But if you believe it means moral evil, can you show me two or three other verses that state the same?

Yes, faith can be placed in anything, but placing faith in something inherently unprovable is the most wise.

>The original English version

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>trying this hard
Answer these questions and turn your paper over so I know when you're finished
1. Did God create the universe?
2. Is God the ultimate, governing power in the universe?
3. If moral evil wasn't created by God, what is its origin and does this mean God is a byproduct of the universe?
4. If man created evil, is it not directly because God, in his omniscience, created them?
5. What is the square root of 144?

After this is answered I'm gone for the night