Just finished Ulysses and gosh that was a ride

Just finished Ulysses and gosh that was a ride

Pick what I read next Veeky Forums

Choices are: The Brothers Karamazov, JR, or War and Peace



fight me

Read Ulysses again

Don Quixote

Yeah, no

seconding karamazov


You're not going to be interested in reading any of that save maybe JR after Ulysses. Continue to the Wake.

right? Ulysses is a Scottish book not a Finnish one

Okay guy, but clearly you know I meant that I finished my first read through

sorry bout that, should have said g*sh

J R. didn't even read the choices after that

Out of those, it's got to be The Brothers Karamazov.

Have you read Gravity's Rainbow though? People who like Ulysses should read it. Pynchon's proses are incredible in a way that's different from Joyce, which is good because Joyce's prose are pretty much the best and anything that doesn't take a sharp turn from what Joyce's proses are is going to seem like a let down.

Plus you don't even get to read Dostoevsky's or Tolstoy's actual prose but instead Constance Garnett's, Louise and Aylmer Maude's (best for W&P) or Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky's.

вы дoлжны пpoчитaть вoйнy и миp нo тoлькo пo-pyccкий

I picked up Gravity's Rainbow a little while ago. I plan to read it soon, but I want a buffer boon between Ulysses and GR. Not for any good reason besides just wanting one

J R desu
or Finnegans Wake if you're up for it

You should reread the various parts of Ulysses you found especially beautiful as well as the parts you found especially difficult to comprehend

Then maybe check out some secondary literature. James Joyce's Ulysses: Critical Essays is a great book that compiles 18 critical responses each corresponding to one section of the text sequenced in the order that they appear in the work itself. Each essay has tons of references if you find yourself wanting a jumping off point to dive deeper into particular aspects or parts of the work.

I wouldn't call JR a "break", but it's amazing. Enjoy.

>you aren't going to be interested in function after seeing form.

>he read Ulysses before War and Peace

God. Gosh makes me think of 13 year old girls being annoying.

Read Ulysses 19 more items then pick up Bottom's Dream.

Tel detected.

Women are much more annoying