Literary Confessions Thread

Literary Confessions Thread

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I don't think erotic romance books are trashy at all

any reccs?

The first chapter to Brave New World sucks. I don't think I'm going to finish reading it.

I don't know if I'm too stupid or if my attention span lacks body, but I cannot read Karenina for more than thirty minutes without having at least one aneurysm.

Same thing with Karamazov. These Russians sure do like hefty prose.

I never even learned to read

I only read books that I know are good

I think James Joyce is a meme-tier hack who only got popular because people didn't -- and still don't -- understand the difference between complicated prose and good writing.

have you read Dubliners?


Karenina is shit. It's only good before she dies.

Not really a confession. Lolita is nice.

James Joyce is legitimately a talented prose stylist but he needs to get his head out of his wife's ass and learn about restraint

I would prefer it if you hadn't done that, friend.

She kills herself by jumping in front of a train which parallels vronsky's heroism when the first meet

Come at me fag

Tolstoy is inferior to Dostoevsky. The man cannot write anything even slightly dramatic.

>secretly wants to read the nerdiest D & D and sword and socrcery stuff but is already a too much of a nerd and it would activate untold magnitudes of neckbeard and autism.

My virginity would be retroactively reinstated if I pushed it.

Most of what I read is to make myself seem clever but I'm too embarrassed to tell people what I'm reading so it's all for nought.

Joke's on you, I won't remember this.

Jokes on you that means you're retarded

also could get into this

I stopped reading the Trial because the wall of text put me off.

I don't really read anymore.

The last time I regularly did was 5 years ago, when I was trying to impress my neighbor's daughter by reading to her in English. She had never read or heard 'formal language' in English before then so it worked.

have you read Portrait?

I love To Aru Majutsu no Index.
The characters and WW3 is unironically one of the best things i have ever read.
But I am too embarrassed to ever talk about it since it looks pretty anime.

I'm reading nothing but Veeky Forums top 100

Is there anyone who's read the entire Summa Theologica?

Mrs. Dalloway > To the Lighthouse

I own the entire Summa Theologica. But I would at least like to read the Bible first

>I stopped reading The Last Days of Socrates because Plato is actually boring

>I still haven't read my 2 volumes of Schopenhauer's Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung because of the preface in which Schopenhauer demands a good understanding of Kant alongside his own dissertation piece. I took a detour with Nietzsche and realized that Kant (and by extension, metaphysics) are a complete waste of time that started with Plato's 2000+ year old wild goose chase in which we must assume that our senses provide an inaccurate/untrustworthy testimony of the world

>I've barely read any of Joyce because his refusal to tow the grammatical line strikes me as endlessly infantile

>I still haven't read Confederacy of Dunces. I have loads of books that I haven't even opened, and probably never will

>I'm probably a pseudo-intellectual thanks to all the Veeky Forums memes, but I am reading more and I'm definitely more intelligent than most of the plebs whom I encounter

>Same thing with Karamazov

I love brothers Karamazov and Russian literature in general because of how it relates to this movie which is like the greatest movie on Russian history ever made:

Virginia Woolf is my favorite author.

Mine also. That's not a rare sentiment here at all.

The unabridged Les Miserables is the only book I've read cover to cover. I've stopped halfway on books 250 pages in length. Dunno why.

i refuse to read any novels from before about 1880

i just can't stand that old prose style

I've read ~30 books this year so far

25 of them were audiobooks


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is one of my favorite books, I know it's pretty plebby but it's really funny and I personally connect to all the drug references.

I didn't read 1984 till a month ago.

Otherwise my favorite writers are Woolf and Borges.

I take that back, I can't connect to the mescaline referances. I think that's something that's been phased out.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas rocks. proud 2 b a pleb

I say I love reading because some books are fucking fantastic, but most books (including classics) don't hold my attention and are just boring to me. I hate it, but I can't help it.

I sometimes leave books unfinished for months.
My obsession with having a pretty shelf is becoming unhealthy.
I buy too many books.

Veeky Forums's favorite memes - Gravity's Rainbow, Infinite Jest, Ulysses, Blood Meridian - are all excellent, worthwhile books. They get spammed here so often that they can't possibly live up to the hype, and most of the derision you see stems from this failure to meet expectations (along with a healthy dose of contrarianism).

In reality, if you read only Veeky Forums memes, you would be pretty well read compared to the average reader, let alone the average person who probably reads next to nothing.

My favorite novel is Gravity's Rainbow.

I don't get blood meridian

She was 12 btw

the audiobook is on YouTube

IJ is for garbage men who eat garbage and live in the garbage yard and root about in its large piles of filth

I doubt you've read it.

What don't you get about it?

Like you can't parse the text itself or you're having trouble putting the thematic elements of the work together?

If it's the latter read some of the gnostic crit about the work. It's really interesting and where the whole 'The Judge is the demiurge who forged the world against the greater godhead' chatter comes from.

Link please? Sounds like just what I need.

I doubt you're not a garbage man.

No shitting, kerlock

I think the originator of the line of thought was Leo Daugherty.

I had to go to my university's library to find the essay. But there are similar things and responses to it online, just search for Gnosticism and Blood Meridian.

Are you me?

White Noise was nowhere near as good as the hype led me to believe. All style, no substance (hyperbole).

He should just write poetry.

I should clarify that I did like the book overall. I don't mean to say it was terrible when I say it disappointed. His prose is good, but its not good enough in want of substance. So much of the book is empty. He has the occasional insight, and neat observation, and it can be funny at times too. Some parts are absolutely brilliant, but I think this is a high-school tier book; it's good, but you need to read it when you're young. I liked Delillo's falling man much better actually.

One of the best parts was when Jack was telling his dad about what Murray said to him and he replied "What is he, a Jew?" Made me bust a gut laughing.

Dune is my favorite book
I also really like pleb sci fi like 'lectric sheep, 1984, f451, and necromancer.


Falling Man was on german school curriculum a few years ago. But I agree with you on White Noise, also I get angry just thinking that I've finished it. The characters were barely human, fake, synthetic stand-ins for the half cooked themes and ideas the narrative is centered about. The barn episode is so on the nose it's almost embarassing. Why not write an essay on simulacra instead of a boring ass novel??


I used to hate Shakespeare when I was younger

Dune was good right up until the baby girl showed up towards the end. It was like Game of Thrones in space, but with a more in-depth exploration of the underlying economic structure.

Neuromancer is patrish sci-fi. I'd even say Snowcrash and The Diamond Age are patrish at this point given how influential they were among early internet users and how prevalent the internet has become now.

I think men are disgusting. I think our best and brightest should be pumped for their semen and slaughtered. Erase all old media -- get rid of the idea and notion of masculinity. Start again.

We are too emotionally limited to be people.

Hi Valerie.

I hope my purchase of this book will take my Science fiction/fantasy addict mom by surprise.

The bookstore owner and I thought it was a book about Autism.

Huh. In my opinion it was the only good chapter of the book. U best jump ship

I don't like Dostoyevsky

I love murder mystery books, im like a vored housewife with these things. They dont even have to be that good and most are the same plots, charatcers, and themes (but some are different)
they can all be bargin bin/ NY times best seller shelf books and Ill still buy them. Ttheyre my guilty pleasure

i'm still having trouble deciphering the trial

every one does that

A pseudo-intellectual like yourself is above a plebeian yes. But you are still below an intellectual and even more inferior to a patrician

>decipher the trial

Stephen King is one of my favorite authors.

This was me in middle school, before I really got into literature. It was like an addiction: I didn't care how bad they were, I just needed more.

I've only read fantasy for the past three years

Kekkèd with intensity

Dropped 1984 halfway through because it's completely redundant when its themes are so prevalent nowadays

Read P&V daddy

I only finished High School.

You're all sorts of wrong

>I cant make heads or tails of it; therefore no one can.

Is 9/11 the logical conclusion to the 20th century or the tone setter of the 21st century? Both is too easy of an answer unless you have a good argument

but how do you know it's good if you haven't read it ? seriously, i want to learn your technique.

On a related note:

It's not pleb to appreciate one of the last works of honest and serious journalism.

>a good argument
Time conceived as a place where 9/11 can come to presence at all must be linear and therefore every event relates to the events that precede and follow it by definition. This isn't hard.

DADOES and Neuromancer aren't pleb r-right?

I just go to Veeky Forums and find books haven't been disappointed yet

I am an unabashed naval gazing mental masturbator and indulge in copious amounts of literature relating to analytic metaphysics. fucking fight me continental shite hacks

I will never erase all the horrible gaps in my reading

i'm reading Dune and really trying to enjoy it, but fuck even The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was better.

Neuromancer is fucking brilliant

reading's gay
and so am I
that's why I read
check my quads


I've started Paradise Lost like five times. Each time I've been completely enthralled by it, but I've never progressed past the end of the first book.

I don't understand what's wrong with me.

the fucking madman


The Waves made me cry for 200 pages.

I have the same problem with Notes From Underground. I really enjoyed Crime and Punishment, but I find Notes From Underground to be supremely frustrating. It's the P&V translation, too.

i was disappointed by pale fire

You and the rest of Veeky Forums

A lot of these are hardly confessions.

Here's mine: I'm a man and I cry at the end of most books. If someone's around me I'll do my best to stop it and/or hide the tears, but if not I just let them go.

I fully teared up while reading The Hollow Men in public, so I know how you feel.


I just want a Jewish mistress who will let me read to her and worship her feet.