
>last 5 books you read

And then other anons try to decipher which kind of person you are.

The Waves
To The Lighthouse
Wuthering Heights
Swann's Way

Didn't someone point out in a previous thread that this is pointless? That is unless people give an indication of whether they liked the book or not. I'd sooner guess what kind of person someone is by the next five books they want to read.

24. Just Kids (Patti Smith memoir), On Writing (Stephen King memoir), A Moveable Feast (Hemingway memoir), Fifteen Dogs (Andre Alexis), The Girl Who Was Saturday Night (Heather O'Neill).

Bonus: currently reading IJ

Wait- it just occurred to me that's wrong because the sort of books a person is willing to pick up in the first place could be telling. Sorry OP.


The Ego and It's Own
Infinite Jest
Mein Kampf
The God Delusion
Bottom's Dream



Starting with the most recent
>The Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt
>Fear and Trembling by Kierkegaard
>The World as Will and Representation by Ol' Schopey
>Selected Works 1943-1978 by Onorato Damen
>Essays on the Materialist Conception of History by Antonio Labriola

>On Writing

That seems interesting. How'd you like it?

>the iliad
>notes from the underground
>walden & civil disobedience


Brave New World
The Fountainhead
The Sound and the Fury

>half of Crime and Punishment
>The Lawless Roads
>The Power and The Glory
>Histories, Herodotus
>The Odyssey




>Agape Agape, Gaddis
I read this to get a taste of Gaddis's style before jumping into one of his doorstoppers, but I don't think it gave a great first impression. I'm giving Gaddis the BOTD and will probably still attempt one of his more well-known works.
>Huckleberry Finn, Twain
Loved it. One of the comfiest books I've ever read, and Huck is probably the most charming and endearing narrator I can think of.
>Infinite Jest, Wallace
Yes, I actually read it. Yes, it was actually good.
>Factotum, Bukowski
"He's a pretty good read, but who would wanna be such an asshole?"
>Stoner, Williams
It's true, this is a damn near perfect novel.


Notre-Dame de Paris
Moby Dick
Le Suicide
Surveiller et punir
Malaise dans la civilisation

I am gonna assume you just kicked off a dystopian phase going off 1984 and BNW being in your last 5 books read


The Flying Troutmen
Breakfast of Champions
Child 44
Paddy Clarke, ha ha ha
Tuesdays with Morrie

Hoped it'd be a little more technical but it was a pretty great (and light) read. The tl;dr from the book is "work hard, write a lot" with some colourful anecdotes about King's childhood, big literary breaks, and drug use. Honestly never read anything from his oeuvre (usually stick to the classics) but he seems like a pretty cool guy and I'll probably read Carrie as a post-IJ vacation.




>Swan Lake
>Dwarf Nose
>Saint George and the Dragon
>The School for Cats
>The Sleeping Beauty

ignoring kid books
>A Terrace in Rome Pascal Quignard
>Prose Edda
>Pybrac by Pierre Louys
>The Professor Is In: The Essential Guide To Turning Your Ph.D. Into a Job
>Pride and Prejudice


I'm really just trying to educate myself on classics.


White Noise
Madame Bovary
Native Son
Teddy Roosevelt's autobiography
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe

replace Wuthering Heights with Pride and Prejudice and that was me over the summer

Thanks, user. I'll definitely check this out. Maybe it will rekindle my dream to become a writer.


>Dostoy - Notes/Double

yfw this is now a Veeky Forums horoscope thread

Cuentos Completos 2, Julio Cortázar.
El Túnel, Ernesto Sabato.
L'Étranger, Albert Camus.
For Whom the Bells Toll, Ernest Hemingway.
Norwegian Wood, Haruki Murakami.

If that's your goal, definitely read Just Kids! Way more entertaining, literary, and inspiring. (I had no idea who Patti Smith was before reading it.)

American Gods
Ready player one
Do androids dream of electric sheep
The Lions of Al-Rassan


>The Tragedy of Great Power Politics
>The Evolution of Cooperation
>After Hegemony
>Thinkers of the New Left
>After Virtue

You are probably homosexual, you dirty Frenchman.


1) Hamlet for the umpteenth time.

2) The Two Noble Kinsmen

3) Charles Bukowski, King of the Underground: From Obscurity to Literary Icon

4) Biographies of Rabelais, Shakespeare, Marlowe

5) The Brothers Karamazov


>Daisy Miller
>The Romance of Tristan & Iseult
>Epic of Gilgamesh
>Exquisite Corpse
>Fear & Trembling


Why don't the ages surprise me..

Man's Fate
The Thief's Journal
Journey to the End of the Night
The Easter Parade

>Dead Souls
>The Power of Myth

>French culture == high culture


The Fall
Animal Farm
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Crime and Punishment
The Unbearable Lightness of Being

By the way, any recommendations are welcomed

you seem like a smart dude who wants to get into real literature.


>Lolita (not joking)
>The fundation
>The aleph
>On the will in nature

Finding yourself.

Read Brothers K

>Portrait of an Artist
>The Everlasting Man
>Titus Andronicus
>Taming of the Shrew

The Immortality is my favorite Milan's book.


The Book of the City of Ladies
The Present and the Past
The Penguin Book of Sick Verse
The King's English
Some Tame Gazelle

Don't rush into Brothers Karamazov and instead continue to read a variety of writers. Read a version of Robinson Crusoe without the irregular printing style and spellings of the 18th century to see an example of an early novel. Bear in mind that most of the great Russian writers were influenced by the great English and French writers. The Red and The Black by Stendhal is a well-paced, psychological novel that a fan of Dostoevsky would appreciate.

Why would you joke? It's a wonderful book.

Am I right in guessing that you've read most of Shakespeare's plays? I'm in the middle of The Two Noble Kinsmen, the only play by him I haven't read. I feel like going back to some of the big tragedies soon after. A performance of Hamlet at Stratford-upon-Avon this past summer got me hooked again.

why would they

>Mrs. Dalloway
>Crime and Punishment
>Invisible Cities
>The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea
>To the Lighthouse


Lolita (reread)
Leningrad: the 900 days
Kissinger's on China
A Voyage to Arcturus
The Flight to Lucifer

Nope. I've only read six, but I'm making my way through them all right now. Any suggestions on order?


Currently reading the bible and moby dick, last books read were polybius histories, epic of gilgamesh, and some cicero

The Foundation
The Stranger
Ham on Rye
The Sociological Imagination
Second Stage Lensman


The Odyssey
Fragments of Sappho
Hell's Angels
The Iliad
Ham on Rye

>the road
>nine stories
>atlas shrugged
>a collection of short stories by Kafka
>the bad girl


Well, half the time the book is mentioned here is whit meme intentions so...

Wonderful indeed my friend. One of the best readings i've had this year. Planning on getting more into nabokov also, any suggestions?

Just finished stoner 10 minutes ago and nearly cried at the end. Also huck finn is maximum comfy, I just wanna live on a raft. Also I'm halfway through IJ. Are we friends now?


This is Veeky Forums dude. Even on an "intelligent" board like Veeky Forums it's still going to be teenagers and young 20s.


that's not how you spell pedantic

I'll be your friend :3
Wanna build a raft and get into some hi jinx together?

>Why don't the ages surprise me..
Because this is the median population, oldfags are almost all gone. Veeky Forums is mainstream. Fucking pepe is on Fox news.


>The Possibility of An Island
>The Idiot
>Capitalism & Schizophrenia
>Critique of Pure Reason

was embarrassed to like Ham on Rye

Thank you, will try to find The Red and The Black and progressively get into Dostoyevski

Will read it, I liked The Unbearable Lightness of Being

you take pride in your tumblr's aesthetic, you're also probably a good person to date but after several months your emotional needs become tiresome.

You're pretty chill, enjoy your life even though you don't always feel like you do, and comfortable with the idea of commitment to another person

you think you're much more intelligent than you actually are and you feel frustration but you're unaware of the source

You're sad and seek refuge in knowledge because being an intelligent person makes you feel good about yourself but not good enough to not be sad

You're going through something, mentally. An agnostic-atheist, perhaps.

You are confident in yourself and yet constantly question the validity of your own opinion about yourself. You also have a hard time empathizing people's feelings, even if you understand them.

You are also sad and seeking refuge in intellectualism. You're considering that maybe the warmth that intelligence doesn't provide you may be found in seeking God.

You're genuinely chill, and although you aren't really fulfilled as a human, you aren't worried about it. Likes Modest Mouse, obvs. Has a reddit account.

you're reconsidering art school

unjustifiably smug, slightly misanthropic

goal-oriented femanon having a difficult time with adulthood but not with life in general

puberty was not kind to you

you feel a vague kernel of potential in your gut, you believe that you have it in your to rise above your peers. One day that kernel will go off like black powder and people will see. You're also p sad.

you eat beans with like everything

you're posing as a Redditor. Here's your (you)

you're identifying with the things I've said of other people, but think yourself above them.

actual redditor

you have a genuine interest in philosophy and literature, but little else

books don't effect your social standing, but you think they do

That goes double for you, hipster teen

relatively new to Veeky Forums but you find ot exciting. You hope not to come off as pretentious

also reddit

you have an eye for the aesthetic. you're also white.

I liked it. You had to wade through some of the more cringe parts to get to the good stuff, though.


>goal-oriented femanon having a difficult time with adulthood but not with life in general

Thanks user, that's entirely accurate. I would've thought you knew me.

I'm More of an agnostic-theist, and if there is something I'm going through, mentally, is the growing feeling that I need to abandon society and live like Thoreau did

>The trial
>No longer human


>Too Loud a Solitude
>Conversation in the Cathedral
>Digging Up Mother

That is why the quotes are there, also, even in our worst, when the competition are a board dedicated to being politically incorrect, a board about video games, a board about anime, a shit tonne of porn boards and a board dedicated to NEET culture, yea, we are in the more intelligent bracket

>unjustifiably smug
actually, crippling inferiority complex

>slightly misanthropic
cant argue that one


>The Murders in the Rue Morgue
>Mio, My Son
>Heart of Darkness
>The Call of Cthulhu (I've been reading his works chronologically)
>The Man With the Twisted Lip

I also read some Kafka shorts this summer, I especially enjoyed The Metamorphosis. Also read The Road, it was good too.
If I had to guess something about you, it'd be that you're slowly giving up.

I don't know about those last couple books but I liked the foundation series immensely



>The Glass Menagerie
>Civilization and Its Discontents
>The Secret Agent
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>Homage to Catalonia

1. Jesus son
2. End zone
3. Great jones street
4. Melancholy of resistance
5. Steps by jerzy k

if this were a facebook post i would like it or something probably, unironically

I wouldn't want you anywhere near my little sister, user.

>Jesus' Son

Pseud worskshop core but I still loved it.

>You are also sad and seeking refuge in intellectualism. You're considering that maybe the warmth that intelligence doesn't provide you may be found in seeking God.

27yo cis fucking white man.

Dubliners (re-read)
The Melancholy of Resistance
Blood Meridian
Runaway Horses

Apart from Japanese lit which I have a deep interest in, I'm kind of embarrassed how obviously Veeky Forums influenced my list is.

Currently reading a Japanese short story collection not in translation because I'm a galactic weeb, clearly.

someone decipher me already


>Blood Meridian
>Prior Analytics
>Quantum Non-Locality and Relativity: Metaphysical Intimations of Modern Physics

Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling
Camus - The Plague
Souseki - Kokoro
Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations

Age is 24


In no particular order:

>Richard III
>The Merchant of Venice
>Bhagavad Gita
>Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
>Asterios Polyp

Currently reading: Antony and Cleopatra


The Republic, Metaphysics, Nichomachean Ethics, The Catcher in the Rye, Politics


no particular order

Old Man and the Sea
Animal Farm
No Longer Human
AA Big Book first 164

Kosinski - The Painted Bird
Boll - The Clown
Lagerkvist - Barabbas
Bellow - Seize the Day
Pearl Poet - Collected Works (Middle English)

>Notes From Underground
>Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
>Crime and Punishment
>Roadside Picnic
>The Gambler


The Ego and His Own
The Day of the Locust
The Executioner's Song
Tao Te Ching

What were your thoughts/feelings on Fear and Trembling? Just picked it up today, and am curious to hear a first person account on it.


El divan del Tamarit - Federico Garcia Lorca
Poeta en Nueva York - Federico Garcia Lorca
Romancero Gitano - Federico Garcia Lorca
Poema del cante jondo - Federico Garcia Lorca
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka

You are a social outcast, who is on the verge of retreating to nature away from all the noise.

You are young, and starting to realize that the world does not have the answers for your questions.

A romantic,a poet in formation. You will write a poetic masterpiece, but will be always unhappy as your idea of love will never be fulfilled.

I'm also 24, and reading the plague. Coincidentally, I'm planning on reading meditations after. I must find some type of meaning throughout this pile of shit that is currently my life, or at least learn to accept it for what it is.

If you continue reading Dostoevsky, you will become a priest by age 35.


The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Time Out of Joint by Philip K Dick
Ubik by Philip K Dick
Every Song Ever by Ben Ratliff

What are you doing

>AA Big Book first 164

Wtf. I'm 22, in rehab, and have also been assigned the first 164 pages of the BB. Strange. Are you also in In or Outpatient treatment my friend?

>Moby Dick
>A Handmaids Tale
>Epic of Gilgamesh
>Marauders of Gor
>A Game of Thrones

It looks like you're just getting into reading, which also could mean that you don't have a strong passion or sense of identity and therefore feel the need to validate yourself, through intellectual means, in order to achieve self-satisfiion of sorts (in a not necessarily negative way (self-satisfaction is key for contentment)).

>Quantum Non-Locality...

How is it? My friend explained the bare bones of Bell's Theorem to me the other day, as well as the potential implications of the lack of hidden variables in QM (non-determinism and all that jazz) and it got me interested in the subject. Looking for a relatively accessible but thorough and in depth book on the topic.

Your the type of person who didn't receive enough attention as a child—and you don't know who you are.

Galactic weeb.

Was Underworld worth the time?

Has 4 year old child because that's the only reason I can imagine for a 22 year old would read SkyLark.

Didn't read all of your replies, but I'm assuming you're a slightly jaundiced cat owner with a superiorityinferiority complex with a name that starts with A. But then again who isn't.

You killed your son.

Canción De Tumba - Julian Herbert
Justine - Lawrence Durrell
Hölderlin selected poems
Sculpting in Time - Andrei Tarkovsky
November - Flaubert

You're trying to find meaning in your life, you've lost your path and it's been hard to try to feel motivated again. Also amazing taste
Recently discovered russian lit and find everything Dostoievsky wrote eerily relatable
American and finally started getting into serious literature
You're deeply troubled about your feelings and thoughs
Going through an existential crisis and trying to find enlightenment from different sources
Don't know what to major yet
You have a handful of friends but feel alone most of the time
Your ideal for love is not conventional and have a hard time relating with people in general. Also a kissless virgin
Life's not going the way you expect it as a teenager
You have a vivid imagination and love epic tales because of the lore and amazing setting you recreate in your mind