Do you guys consider Fish a meat or fish it's own thing?

Is poultry a meat or its own thing?

Poultry is considered a meat.

Is game a meat or its own thing?

Meat is muscle tissue. Fish have muscle tissue. If you eat the muscle tissue of fish, you are eating meat.

how does one classify an unfertilized egg

no i dont want mercury poisoning.

>Is it in the animal kingdom?
..Yes? It's meat then.

Depends on the context.
In a menu separating meats and fish (they do that here, idk if it's a local thing), or beef/pork/poultry/fish/"sea fruits" like in Chinese restaurants ; then it's not a meat.
If you mean as flesh from an animal, then yes. (Muscle or not, offal is delicious.)

Not meat - no muscle tissue

The thing is that fish aren't animals, they're fish

>Jew meat

>phylum chordata, kingdom animalia
>not animals

Well what are they, then? Fungi?

i consider fish and chicken as vegetables. Here we eat red meat three times a day.

a thousand times this.


Meat is flesh of an animal

Fish are animals

Therefore fish is meat

"A fish is any member of a group of animals that consist of all gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digit"

I'd say, when it comes to ethical reasoning, eating fish and poultry is alright, but eating pork and beef is not alright. Fish and birds are stupid animals who dont deserve it better. In fact they would eat us anytime and they did in the past. Pigs and cows are friendly and mammals like us. They deserve our compassion.

Fish isn't meat, if you say otherwise you should be shot on the street like the fucking degenerate you are.

It's its own thing.

if you don't think fish is meat you are either brain damaged, or use it as an excuse to still eat meat when under dietary restrictions like lent or vegetarianism.

Funnily enough in terms of meat and dairy separation for the sake of Kosher laws, poultry is meat and fish is not.

what kind of animal is a fish?

Is beaver meat fish or meat? I know in the middle ages it was a fish, you could eat it on Fridays.

Sea meat. Dumb ass

I consider the flesh or organs of any animal a type of meat.

Neat trivia!

I wonder if this means you could eat whale on Fridays? You know, if you were an explorer and wanted to stay on your religious P's and Q's to avoid becoming some Middle Ages Jonah.