Fingerprints of the CREATOR

Veeky Forums

List known fundamental laws and formulas that our world is/might be built on.

e.g. Fibonacci number, golden ratio, fractal geometry, E=mc2 and so on.

Other urls found in this thread:

O.p = f.g√t

G constant is probably the first line of the code

>G constant
You just humiliated yourself by bumping my thread

Any thoughts on what could be the coding language/tool?

Computers are running on 1s and 0s, that would be too limited for a universe?

Spacetime is a 4 dimesnional pseudo-riemannian manifold equipped with a torsion-free metric compatable connection.

im interested to see what /x/ comes up with


formulas like e=mc2 are probably secondary, golden ratio is more or less fundamental.

Am I right?

Kek, is nobody going to mention F=dp/dt? I mean we all like showing off, but let's be honest you start with the basic stuff and move up. Golden ratio, fractals are all consequences of classical physics anyway, so you needn't code it in specifically lol

Laws of Newton
Laws of thermodynamics
Light speed
Charge of the electron
Plank's constant
Boltzmann constant
Uncertainty principle
Other constants defined by the standard model

Is this proof of God?

There's reason to believe constants are not necessarily constant. The fine structure constant for example may have very well been different a couple of billion years aog.

I agree.

Who's to say that speed of light was constant? Is there any evidence to justify the constant?

Well yeah e=mc^2 is a human convolution, whereas φ is just a pre-existing pattern found literally everywhere.

One could argue that e=mc^2 is a pattern as well. However this is simply a heuristic used to illustrate the natural correlation between energy and mass.

Many physicists have been conjecturing that there are deeper things going on. By this I mean interaction by particles/dimensions/universes which are intangible to us. This is often the first stepping stone used when explaining the fine tuning of universal constants.

I for one enjoy entertaining these ideas but am not fully convinced. Would love to hear some other theories about it.


Does this means there is a ultimate creator? Sweet.

Hume pls


If only we could find god in one simple equation...

wanna see something crazy:

reality runs ternary

Do you know any other similar patterns to φ or fractal geometry?

pseduoscientific drivel

You are welcome to share some 'true' science here.