Do you think it is possible for a human to breed with another non-hominid primate?

Do you think it is possible for a human to breed with another non-hominid primate?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck you

Eat a fat dick


Brazil is filled with them.

Science is not a place for racism you fuck

Storm cuck

Yeah, your mom did it. You're the product.

What does my prompt have to do with racism?

Have we come to the point where talking about taxonomy is evil and waycis when you talk about greater apes but not all other forms of life?

Race mixing is the future.

Yeah. Just look at these low IQ "stormcuck" screaming SJWtards

You forgot to quit the ", stormcuck.

ur pc is cucked sjwcuck


>muh racist islamophibic xenophobism

Yeah. Just look at this loq IQ "SJWtard" screaming stormcuck

See, I can be a 13 year old too!

Not an argument.
Where is the superior ashkenazi jew graphic?
Did you miss that class, stormcuck?

no amount of shitposting will change the fact that you are the dumbest mouthbreathing thing on this planet ;)

Not an argument.
No amount of repetitions will make that true.
You have been conned stormcuck.

So Ashkenazis have higher IQs but blacks don't have lower IQs? Really made me think Shlomo

Strawcucks won't save you from the doom, stormcuck. Keep deluding yourself. >>>/8gag/

if you're not trolling, please kill yourself my man

So, is this thing actually possible or not?

You wish we would be trolling, stormcucks.

Go back to the shithole you came from.

>be a cuck
>call others cuck

this graph looks doctored
why is the white distribution high tail so weird looking?
there are more people with IQ of 145 than 140?

also black distribution isn't normal
also, their average is no longer 85

At least you noticed what you are doing.

Now go. >>>/8gag/

kill yourself brainlet

>2 buzzwords
Not an argument.

Mad groids detected.

You appear to be ass-mad, user. Would a superior Jewish IQ negate the fact that other races have inferior IQ's?

A single graph is definitely not an argument, especially out of context of the methods involved.

I mean he could have easily taken 10 black people from africa who dont speak a bit of english and compare them to 10 PhD white professors. The context is needed to make any sort of broad determination about a single and poorly labeled graph.

The research has been debunked hundreds of times over the decades, and no matter how many times it gets posted correlation is definitely not causation. And it has been specifically shown to be the case that race does not affect IQ.

But please go ahead and post your cherry-picked 3 decade old, thoroughly refuted data.

Overviews the research which has readily shown the graph results to be dubious at the least.

Veeky Forums please start just hiding these threads, geez

me: for context

The graph is definitely not doctored. The different sizes of bell curves represent the larger population of whites as compared to blacks in the US. The data is from a book called "The Bell Curve" and is not taken serious by any academic field or scientist.

>and is not taken serious by any academic field or scientist.

for the reasons i described. I mean it is a fact that every person who breaths air eventually dies, but that doesnt mean that air kills people.

This is a large amount of the logic applied in this thread. The book is mildly more nuanced but suffers from a large number of other broad assumptions, logical fallacies, and cherry picking.

Me again--

Although, to be fair, I could of swore I saw a thread a week or two ago about some black dude who got a Ph D. in math and became a professional football player. So these kinds of things aren't necessarily definitive, but then again, that instance could just be an outlier.