What's your guys' opinions on Dune...

What's your guys' opinions on Dune? I know it's hella entry level but it's stayed a favorite of mine for years because of the sandworm scenes alone

I firmly enjoyed the first three prequel books his son Brian did, and would recommend them to anyone wanting to read the whole series.

I felt it was at its strongest up until duke Leto died

Are they actually worth getting or are you just memeing? I've heard nothing but bad things regarding Brian's work but the ones about the houses sounds alright.

I liked the entire series. read them in my last year of highschool. loved when the atomic blast went off and Paul was ordering people around. epic.

Finished reading it this summer, some bits you really have to keep pushing through but pretty good all in all. Lots of worldbuilding which I'm a sucker for. Bought the sequel soon after I finished and hoping to read it soon. 8/10 solid read


Where should someone start? So many books in the series. Are the Brian Herbert novels worth starting or should I just dive into the original?

god you are fucking stupid. just read the 5 or 6 frank did. that's it.

So rude. Was just asking, fuckface. Don't have to be a dick about it!

UMADBRO? Did I hurt your fingers by asking someone to respond? I'm so sorry.

why is this guy so triggered?

Lol just start with book 1 phaggot.
Oh, and the second book is actually the best one in the series.

Started reading it, but lost interested not even 100 pages in. But I was young and more interested in cringeworthy action novels, so I ought to give it a try again now, though I have to finish The Dark Tower first.


im a #betamissile now

Thematically rich and stylistically poor. I think they hold up better than LOTR did though.

Probably trolling, but those books are the least offensive of the shit he wrote. Still fanfic tier and completely outside the scope of Dune as an intellectual project in every way, but the stories aren't awful slaps in the face to everything Dune stood for like the Butlerian Jihad books and the 'sequels'

Dune books come in twos. The first two books are one story. The second two books are one story, the third two books are an unfinished story because he died before finishing the series.

I recommend 1-4 to anyone who is interested in sci-fi/fantasy with 1 and 4 being the best works in the series. 4 is probably the most extreme book in terms of how rich its themes are and how poor its style can be at times and isn't really for everyone. 1 is probably the most solid work in the series.

As for BH/KJA books, only if you like pulp sci-fi because that's what they essentially are. They're like JJ Abrams star wars. There are similarities on an aesthetic level but thematically they retain none of the soul of Frank's six books.

Really good idea and plot.

Terrible writing.

>book series
>where should I start
I hope you go blind so you never get to find out

Was Dune based on a real life event or situation like LOTR ?

No, I'm quite serious. While they might not be nearly as 'deep' as Frank's work, they do wonders to characterize some of the characters that have rather minor roles in Dune. Such as the Baron, Leto, Dr. Kynes, ect.

The Dune vidya that Westwood made are also pretty cool, if you're into RTS games.

Finished God Emperor recently and enjoyed it more then Messiah or Children. Is there any reason to read Heretics or is it absolute shit?


Heretics and Chapterhouse are about the Bene Gesserit and their conflicts with the Fish Speakers, now Honored Matres. They're alright, I guess.

go back to r/books with your retardation, no spoilers were posted here. That aside, you can't spoil a good book because good books don't rely on shock value and trite plot twists. The second someone whines about spoilers I immediately know what kind of reader they are and what kinds of writers they read.

The basis of Dune was 'what if a bunch of sandniggers controlled the resource that the entire world needs to function'

So basically it was a story of the OPEC oil embargo. Of course the embargo came later but it was indeed the vast oil reserves of Arabia being discovered which inspired Herbert to write Dune. He just thought it was interesting that our advanced technological society was now dependent on fuel from a bunch of camel fuckers one generation removed from nomadic modes of life.

Books 5 and 6 are fine, the reason people don't tend to recommend them is because 6 ends on a total cliffhanger which is never going to be resolved. If that doesn't bother you, by all means read them. But we all know that if God Emperor didn't exist there'd never be a reason to read Children.

Am I the only one who enjoyed the Butlerian Jihad? The characters were really memorable...

Yes you are, no they weren't.

You pretentious dickhead.

You plebeian fucktard.

I found it enjoyable, though I wasn't entirely sold on the backstory behind the Bene Gesserit.


I picked up Dune again last year. It was good. Not great, but certainly good. One can see why it's the best selling sci-fi book of all time.

The thing that stood out to me is that Herbert really didn't loredump on people. He purposefully starts small and scales up from there. The first chapter consists of a boy, his mother, and a witch in one room of a castle. He always makes sure to tease the reader with more, hinting at the larger world around the current scene, and promising that he'll show the reader this larger world in time.

THAT was masterfully done, and well worth studying by anyone who is interested in writing.

It's crap.

The problem I have with Dune is same I have with most sci-fi books, it's that they're extremely convoluted. They throw too much at the read too fast and it becomes a job just to keep up. I can remember every character and side plot while reading the Count of Monte Cristo without issue so I think the problem is with the writing.