One week before election

>one week before election
>Pynchon's name appears in the new York times in an open letter with people from the literary community denouncing trump and supporting Hillary

Would this undo his life's work and his legacy?

Personally, I think yes.

It would seriously make me question him and whether he's trolling us but it wouldn't affect his literary works in my opinion.

Trump has no discernible talent.

Trump wants to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on Climae Change effective immediately. And lift almost everything off the EPA

I, along with the entire scientific community, and most people with an IQ over 105, believe this is a very bad call. This is a bad idea, ultimately disqualifying for the presidency.

the (((scientific))) (((community)))

Stephen Hawking is not a Jew. He, and 100+ others, signed a letter basically amounting to if you want acid rain and LA-tier smog in the future expanding with temperatures rising and the ice caps melting faster, ocean acidity increasing causing algae bloom and oceanic hypoxia, by all means follow through with the environmental logic of Trump. That the EPA, the little power it has, is "bad for business".

You can't blame this on the Jews when Trump is already allying himself stronf with Israel's PM


It would not be the first time Pynchon has lent his name to a political agenda (Rushdie's Fatwa, Vietnam Tax protests) and I wouldn't hold it against him in the slightest. Trump is a fucking menace and you contrarian, pseudo-subaltern pricks know it.

Not that I'm anti-environmentalist, but the EPA is literally run by the companies it's supposed to legislate. The Paris Agreement and anything to do with the EPA is basically hot air because of this.

If you want anything real to be done, that's the problem you have to solve first. Trump's antienvironmentalism is, like everything else he does, a populist position, the scientific communities reaction to it aside.

Trump wants to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital when even the global community doesn't, strongly allying with Israel.

That's the problem. But this is all we have. And Trump wants to roll back it even further. And it isn't to help the environment. It's for oil companies, chemical companies, it's saying, fuck it lets just get rid of everything. Not for the world's sake, but for capital.

It's a bad idea, we are already barreling towards an uncertain climactic future, this will make it worse

yeah opposing the most unpopular major party nominee in history would be unacceptable

Posts like this are made by people with 115 IQs. Just smart enough to think they are better than others, too dumb to have any insight or logical policy preferences

that's the problem with progressives in general

((( (((you))) )))

When Trump is willing to go above and beyond to defend Israel harder than we already even are.

Why the fuck aren't you getting upset at your candidate for doing that if you oppose Israeli power? He's in the hands of AIPAC more than anyone.

Gotta love it when some fuckwit whose sole argument is ad hominem tries to discount someone else's argument on the basis of their intelligence. You dumb as shit, bud.

>Posts like this are made by people with 115 IQs. Just smart enough to think they are better than others, too dumb to have any insight or logical policy preferences

How the fuck did you get me being "superior" from that? I'm saying the scientific community is saying, this is a bad idea with large ramifications.

You say social science and social policy is less important than cold hard scientific fact, but when it's inconvenient to your social agenda, you disregard it.

If we just disregard what they say as "meaningless progressive policy pushers" for doing bare minimum, what the fuck, how are we even supposed to confront these questions?

((( ((( (((you))) ))) )))

this is 100% true
the 110-120 IQ population is the biggest problem in our society tbqh

((( ((( (((you))) ))) )))

>rubs hands in the distance

you're really stupid but I'm not going to explain why because I don't care
I """support""" Hillary btw

>>this is 100% true
>the 110-120 IQ population is the biggest problem in our society tbqh

No it's not.. People who label everything as "the biggest problem in our society" are currently the biggest problem in our society. Outrage clickbait nonsense


t. sub-100 brainlet

I'm not interested in arguing

Except nothing he said was wrong.

The point of the matter is experts on the subject believe the Paris Agreement is the bare minimum between the US and China to slow down our carbon emissions, especially China.

Withdraw, it all collapses. This isn't a good idea, IQ has nothing to do with what I said. I'm citing academic, and scientific consensus why, and how, that could negatively impact our world.

you're like the cave people in Republic

Nice argument dipshit. This cult of personality won't last forever.

I don't support Trump lad

Do you just get triggered as fuck whenever someone mentions climactic change

You're wasting your time. This guy is either trolling you or is too stupid to be spoken with.

no it's happening I don't deny that

can guarantee I'm smarter than both of you runts combined

h-heh.. roaches

I think he would vote for Jill Stein.

If I ever find out where you live I will hunt you down, kill you, and solve some max-difficulty sudoku on your corpse.

Reported for death threats

I hear this all the time and it's not wrong. But to say to observe that a dam is leaking and faulty doesn't imply that we should get rid of the dam. Everyone that isn't a half brain libertarian can see this.

Why are you guys taking the bait?

you are unfit to even be my plaything
a vile little rhizome lower than the dirt on the sole of my boot

>Gotta love it when some fuckwit whose sole argument is ad hominem tries to discount someone else's argument on the basis of their intelligence. You dumb as shit, bud.

we're getting recursive here


I wouldn't know, I don't follow politics.

Wrong. I addressed the substance of argument, which was ad hominem. The fact that he is a fuckwit is ancillary.

Pynchon is very leftist. You'd know this if you picked up one of his books.

Maybe in your small peabrain he is.

This, as an opponent to the climate change cult with an IQ of 127, it is clear that they really are filthy swindlers and swine

He could easily be a libertarian or a classic liberal and not a leftie. There's no suggestion of socialist or communist beliefs in his writings.

It would actually, but not for the reasons you want it to.

>all these alt-right fags who think theyre smart because they go against a left-wing society
>all these alt-right fags who think that calling you a jew is a good argument


People talking right/left or Trump are missing the point. Engaging at all with today's political insanity is disqualifying for a serious writer

>Would this undo his life's work and his legacy?
Yes. Hamsun and Heidegger supporting Hitler is one thing but supporting Clinton is certainly going to ruin a writer's legacy forever.