Be me taking Real Analysis

>be me taking Real Analysis
>"how to determine when you are allowed to switch limits" the course

Literally when am I going to use this?

when some crap artist russian professor of yours has you doing integrals all day long in complex analysis next year.


this, get ready for analysis 2 where you learn when you can switch limit and integral sign, and limit and summation sign

good times

Oh, boy... sure sounds like fun...

I should've figured pure mathematics was a meme. When do I get to the mind-blowing stuff everyone always raves about?

Then you get to take measure theory and learn a bunch more theorems about switching limits and integrals.

Lol, my complex prof was russian too. Cool guy. Had about 30 empty coffee cups in his office

You? Never.

You pretty much use that any time you use calculus or do any kind of calculus problem.

Many analysis proofs require a high level of rigour, critical thinking, and determination. Developing these skills will undoubtedly be useful in the future. Besides, isn't it nice to prove things for yourself instead of just believing them to be true?

>>be me taking Real Analysis
>>"supremum and infimum, with some point set topology" the course

What kind of uni do you go to?

How can empty cups have coffee in them, you fuckin' dipshit?

Polite sage.

That sounds alot like mine was, but I also go to a crappy uni, so I'd figure OP had the better course.

That's essentially what analysis is.

Formulating when you can switch limits. You goddamn ignorant nigger.

idk man, mine is top 15. We basically did babby rudin

Not everyone does Calculus with proofs.

I learned Real Analysis to calculate functions via computation on matrices. Numerical Analysis was more about algorithms and approximation.


This, I don't know what OP's on about

I feel just straight studying Numerical Analysis with a book like Hamming's is far more useful to most students, including mathematicians who aren't going to be working in real analysis.

If it is a mug for coffee (not necessarily containing coffee) it is a coffee mug.

lol get memed XD

Read the preface of Tao's analysis book.
It's a bunch of examples to motivate the study of analysis over calculus

I did, but it's literally "You'll get to learn when it's okay to switch integrals and limits and summation signs, oh boy!"

>"You'll get to learn when it's okay to switch integrals and limits and summation signs, oh boy!"

But that is really important and interesting. If you do not know than then how could you properly work through problems that will require you to compute tricky limits, integrals and sums? Like... in all fields of mathematics?

oh you were serious?
well, analysis is exactly that, but that implies much more. keep reading, the topology of R^n is interesting

In analysis? Never ever ever never.

see that troll pi thread?

>mind blowing stuff
What did he mean by this?

>When do I get to the mind-blowing stuff everyone always raves about?
You need real analysis for this, nerd. Analysis and linear algebra serve as an introduction to actual higher math. Give it another year.

You mean switching limits and integrals?

My Real Analysis course included:

Metric spaces
Topological Spaces
Measure Theory
Lebesgue Integration
[math]L^p [/math] spaces