Please tell me how to find the truth about the hard problem of consciousness. I'm slowly going crazy

Please tell me how to find the truth about the hard problem of consciousness. I'm slowly going crazy.

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God hacked in consciousness and it's not a purely natural phenomenon

I can't even tell if she's shooped or not at this point.

read the soul hypothesis book

it's an unsolvable quandry because it doesn't make sense if you analyze the situation entirely.

formulations of a mathematical solution to consciousness posit that everything must be aware to some degree

if consciousness, in a dualism theory, is a supervenience experience your consciousness won't disappear once you are dead because it is made of a different substance than physical matter. Otherwise, if consciousness is an epiphenomenon and our consciousness is just a subproduct of our brain activity you would disappear once you are dead.

Kill yourself, if you experience something without any physical qualia you just discover that dualism is true.

If you just disappear and there is nothing left about "you", physicalism is true and consciousness is just a global functioning of our biological process of homeostasis.

Thank me later. ... or not.

Assuming that the brain is the substance of consciousness, what happens if we take two people, divide their brains up neuron by neuron, and then reconnect one subjects neural net to the other.
Do we get two new consciousnesses?

What went wrong?

well, that living... thing.. will need to sleep double of the time in order to clean their protein waste that is removed and cleaned by glia, oligodendrocytes neurons at night.

Memory, for example, depends on the path and the creation of new dendrites and spines around neurons and their connection with other neurons. In long term memory, serotonin binds with G-protein in the postsynaptic terminal, it develops a chemical reaction with cAMP and PKA protein, binding CRE with CREB in order to do a transcription/genetic expression within the nucleus, so it creates a new dendrite in that path where PKA can active the actin polymerization in the synaptic terminal to create a new dendrite which connects with another neuron to preserve that new memory you are creating.

So, moving neurons will change/delete your memories because they depend on your neuron/dendrite organization and their dendrites connection you do everyday, conditioning some paths over other paths. In other words: mixing both brains kill both Ego's. Without memories you can't be aware of yourself as it happen in Alzheimer disease.

therefore: you will not be able to mix both brain and conserve both consciousness because it depends on the structural organization. I will say it will create 1 consciousness but utterly ruined because you just messed up with their organization and it will receive information but I am not sure if you can mix both brains properly with all the Glia, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes etc in a proper connectivity with each other. If you achieve this goal it will create 1 consciousness because it depends in the structural organization (as I explained in the memory example).

please fuck off. normally I, like many others, just ignore your shit. but from time to time someone has to tell you guys, stop. this is not okay.


Oops I worded that wrong.
I meant to say, Person A's brain is divided up into neurons and Person B's brain is divided up into neurons.
We take half off Person's A brain's neurons and half off Person B's neurons, and then place the remaining half into the other subject.
So we get two brains with half A and half B.

how can you say this with a straight face? who the fuck are you? are you 15?

Hey OP et. al, I'm just dropping by to point out that you're a retard for subscribing to this pseudo-philosophical bullshit.

Being surprised that brains are conscious and inanimate objects aren't is just as dumb as asking why computers can load Veeky Forums but rocks can't. It's a fucking MACHINE and it's INTENDED TO DO THAT. There, I said it, and now kindly do pic related so you never post here again.

maybe you can do it connecting both corpus callosum, it is a white matter mass which is made of nerve fibers joining the two hemispheres. The midbrain and medullas is the real problem, because you will need to cut it to in half. and you just cannot do that. The midbrain is associated with sleep, wake, alertness, motor control, and temperature regulation, and there are central structures like the pineal body and some other nucleus, and almost all your senses (except olfactory) go through the thalamus to the cortex. sorry m8.


why. this is fun. aren't you having fun thinking about possibilities?

not like this, no. I have fun learning and thinking about possibilities based on that knowledge. not this. this is cancerous.

you are not even reading my answers. I'm giving examples and arguments with neuroscience. You are the cancer here for posting in a thread that you don't like. This is not /b/ you know?


>let's cut two brains and join them then we got half of each consciousness

There are several theories that try to solve the hard problem : global workspace model, information integration theory, dynamic core hypothesis, and recurrent feedback loops.

I am the one who is answering... not asking. Do you even read, m8? You are a waste of time I will start ignoring you.

>I'm not telling him to cut two brains and join them!
>I'm just telling how how to do it :^)

I appreciate your posts. I have absolutely thought that if I were to design a third hemisphere I would have the corpus callosum connect all three together.
I don't know how adaptable an adult brain would be to an additional hemisphere, but it would likely be fine

>add half a brain to a brain
>it would be fine, lol

The behavior of our brains (or any complex system) comes not from the neurons (interactants) and their "memories," but from how they interact together to form a structure where information is processed.
So, it depends, you could have 50% neurons from A and 50% of B's brain and organize (magic) them. The outcome could be 2 new consciousnessees, a replica of A and B, or a replica of anyone, depends on the structure you design.
P.S. (I know) I doubt design like this or structuring is possible without a crazy 3D printer or magic. Development is the way

>I KNOW this is all bullshit popsci, but I'm still going to discuss it!
you're just the worst of the bunch

There is a reason people use simulations, scenarios, and magic in their reasoning, it is to give humans an easy way to story their way threw complicated information

Why not? Humans can survive and behave well while missing lobes, hemispheres. Complex systems are very adaptable, it would be even more efficient if you added neurons and/or an emergent/designed structure to a child

>my play-pretend is scientific

Not math
Definitely not science
Threadly reminder

>thinks thought experiments aren't useful for scientific comprehension

>if consciousness, in a dualism theory, is a supervenience experience your consciousness won't disappear once you are dead because it is made of a different substance than physical matter. Otherwise, if consciousness is an epiphenomenon and our consciousness is just a subproduct of our brain activity you would disappear once you are dead.

A dualist view of the hard problem doesn't have to take this stance, which is retarded no matter what you call it. It's the equivilent of saying: "if you removed the battery from the flashlight, the light would still shine because it's not made of atoms." So if consciousness is not made of physical stuff (whether you define this as stuff that's actually physical but just not discovered, or something very different from physical, doesn't matter), that doesn't mean that it doesn't need physical stuff to come into existence (the physical interaction happening in your brain).

>mfw the ''''''''''''hard'''''''''''' ''''''''''''''problem'''''''''''''' of '''''''''''''''''''''conciousness'''''''''''''''''''''''


What the link between creation of axons and the fact that i can literally see my prof from 10 years ago in my brain ?

How can i see something that doesn't exist anymore ?

Imagination and memory are the two things the strangest that exist.

You just posted an image of Victor Hugo. How can that picture of Victor Hugo exist on your computer if he's dead? WoooOOooOoo so mysterious.

For fucks sake, just stop posting

It makes sense to me that the universe could also be conscious, it may be an enclosed complex system with many nodes (galaxies) and signals (gravity) from which behavior emerges

All living organisms are precious chemical machines that persist through time by eating and building new ones.
But they have no consciousness, they just process information in an incredibly organized fashion.
Humans are the same, except their brains are being constantly manipulated by the non-material beings we call souls.
A soul arranges certain neuronal connections to maintain memories, distinguish whats good or bad and interact with the physical world until its body dies.
Since our souls are strongly attached only to our brains, it's from there where they get their input from the body senses and process them in a different way our organisms do, apart from the physical world.
That's how we get consciousness. Being both physical and inmaterial we get to observe the physical world with perspective, unlike the other bio-organisms.

Consciousness is just a very organized and complex way of processing information. You are getting information at every second in every moment so of course it has to be complex, and being aware is basically consciousness, so therefore consciousness is the ability to process information of your surroundings, just in a very, very complex way.

Hey Veeky Forums, today I discovered the idiots over at /r/MandelaEffect/. It truly blows my mid how delusional these people are. So I thought we could have a thread talking about just how stupid their theories are.

Background: The idea is that sometimes things aren't the way you remember them, so clearly something has happened like a conspiracy to change a fact, or that you shifted between realities. They do not entertain the idea that human memory is both imperfect, and not fully understood.

An example of the effect is how a lot of people remembered Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 80's. Of course, this never happened, because he was released and lived a long life.

The part that really pisses me off is that they think they're above the typical conspiracy theorists. But they talk just like them.

Here is a link to get things going:

legit thought i was on Veeky Forums for a second

whoops, meant to make a new thread, kek. I'll try again tomorrow

>hard problem of consciousness
Doesn't exist. We are all robots,
it just is that what a robot can do, is hugely underestimated.

how did you manage this

How do you think?

not having Veeky Forums x?

n.e. way mandela effect is dumb and its a cool new meme for the kids which is why they dont treat it like a proper conspiracy thee oh ree and chuck it in th bin

figure out how the neuron works in exact detail down to the atomic level.

then thats it.

1. We don't know for sure, yet, and that's OK.

2. Dennett's book is pretty good but not a complete answer.

3. My personal opinion is that a lot of the specialness of consciousness will turn out to be illusion designed to make us think our lives and feelings matter and to act on those feelings. Like the way people feel they have a direct perception of the presence of God. Or the way pseudo-philosopher William Lane Craig claims to directly experience the passage of absolute time thus disproving the theory of relativity.

Consciousness doesn't exist. Free will is an illusion, you are receiving a significant and nearly incomprehensible amount of external stimuli constantly.

Further it is soluble. At some point we will, I believe, be able to point to a configuration of neurons and say: that is why you say that you experience the greenness of green or whatever qualia / free will / consciousness; that fully explains it.

Some like Chalmers will claim that, even though we can show that people saying they have such subjective experiences is only due to atoms, there is still a problem that is not causally related to your behavior, because of infallible introspection.

But the problem is that we know introspection is unreliable and there is not a shred of evidence that anything goes on in the brain that cannot be accounted for by leptons and quarks.

You can't empirically validate intersubjectivity.

You can't disprove solipsism, either, which is the reason it exists - it's a joke philosophy intended to teach the lesson that some things are fundamentally not provable or disprovable (falsifiable).

I'm an empiricist because it requires the fewest number of axioms to be taken "on faith"; namely, the unfalsifiable belief that the universe I observe corresponds to an objective reality. That's what I find comforting. You might be better off just joining a religion, though.

>t. constantly suicidal schizophrenic

Also, in my arrogant opinion, formal logic problems definitely belong on Veeky Forums. Veeky Forums will just meme philosophy shit at them.

>le spooks

This is all I can see now, sorry

She grew up. Grade A loli but age ruined it