Is this really as good as everyone says it is, or is it overhyped/overrated?

Is this really as good as everyone says it is, or is it overhyped/overrated?

I never got around to reading it, which my gf was quite surprised by, saying that it is an 'essential' piece of literature

what's the deal here

Other urls found in this thread:éry

It's basically absurdism for kids
Not saying that pejoratively, I think it's probably the best book written specifically for children; you might find it simplistic now but it's just so culturally impactful that it'll be worth reading nonetheless

Only women and numales read shit like this.

Real men read Schopenhauer's 'On Women' and analytical philosophy and facts, not fiction based on muh feels

Wanna know how I can tell you've never read it?

Is as deep as a children's book can get.

You can read it by yourself. I don't remember the number of pages but I'm pretty sure it won't take you more than 20 mins. It's simple and has some curious messages, the one with the rose being the more recognised.

some good parts and some really good parts

also some not so good parts

when he travels to the planets and meets with the adults is a definite plus, particularly the geographer

if you feel at all impacted by not having read it, you can read it in 30 mins so its sort of pointless to discuss it with someone who hasn't read it...

One of the best things a children can read. I read it again last month after many years and I loved it.
Unless you're a complete idiot, it's a short enjoyable book.
Nothing new unless you're retarded, but still beautiful.

What is a good age to read this? I want to buy it for my wife's son .

the conversation about the rose with the geographer (essentially when they discuss recording "eternal" vs "ephemeral" things) is worth the length alone

if its not weird, you could probably read it to him as young as like 4 or 5?

he could read it on his own a couple years after that probably

its basically Invisible Cities the kid version

so i guess if you like calvino, read it to your kid

What's your favorite English translation? I like the Alan Wakeman version.éry

Why am I just now starting to see this everywhere, though? I've never even heard of it until the past few months.

Le Petit Prince is just basic bitch existentialism. Can be out in the same category as The Giving Tree (which I think teaches children a terrible, damaging message). Gives normies the pretense of seeing beyond appearance while remaining a shadow on the wall.

Give it a read of you want to vitiate your hatred of plebs and their shallow understanding.

An animated adaptation just came out on Netflix recently, so some nostalgia probably has something to do with it.

It tells you the truth about women. :(

My roommate brought me to read the book. It's really nice to practices a new language, because it's kinda deep and yet still easy to understand and it available in almost all languages. Just ordered it in portugues.

Overrated as fuuuuck

>The Giving Tree teaches children a bad message

Extrapolate, please.

I heard its great for learning to read French

>I've never even heard of it until the past few months.
It's literally and unironically one of the most famous books in the world.

no m8 nooooo read it over and over until u understand the symbols

I'm teaching myself French, and I use it as a tool.

You sound like such a mongoloid