The dangerous "greenhouse gas" carbon dioxide makes up 96% of Mars' atmosphere

So why is it so fucking cold?

Other urls found in this thread:

because you touch yourself at night

It's too far from the sun

>0.6% of Earth's sea-level pressure

Earth is like a normal greenhouse that gets a good amount of shade and is fully enclosed, with a small glass window. Mars is like a greenhouse that is in the shade and is just a frame made of glass. Glass traps infrared heat but not when it's just a thin frame that doesn't enclose the area that's supposed to be the greenhouse and doesn't get much sunlight to trap anyway. So the percentage of "glass" or CO2 is irrelevant.

Mars has an extremely thin atmosphere. Less than 1% of what Earth has. 96% of a small number is a small number.

426ppm is a small number too

Ok, so Mars' atmosphere is 1% of what Earth's is, right? Earth has .426% co2 in the atmosphere right now. Mars has 96% co2 in its atmosphere.
So by your numbers (1% Earth's atmosphere, at 96% would work out to the equivalent of .96 ppm co2 on Earth) Mars has twice as much co2 floating around than Earth, regardless of pressure.
So again, why is it so fucking cold?

Mars isn't even twice as far away from the Sun as the Earth is...

Because there's almost no atmosphere to hold heat.

Relative to what?

Planetary Geophysics are super complicated. Scientists can't even give a good explanation as to why mars has such a spotty magnetic field.

Because it doesn't have much of an atmosphere due to having no magnetic field.

I meant 960 ppm co2 equivalent, sorry

It still has more than twice as much co2 than Earth has in its atmosphere.

Yeah, and that much being almost the entire atmosphere means that heat can escape easily, regardless of how good CO2 is at reflecting heat. What exactly is so hard to understand about this? If you want to see the greenhouse effect, look at Venus.

Haw does Venus matter? Oh well I'll humour you. It's atmosphere is also 96% co2. It's also 90 times denser than Earth's atmosphere. So that would work out to roughly a 960,000ppm co2 atmosphere on Earth. So how does all that matter again?
So let me get this straight co2 in the atmosphere will only cause "global warming" if the atmosphere is at a certain pressure? Co2 doesn't trap heat otherwise? First I've heard of that? Do you have any scientific journals to possibly back that statement up?
Sounds like deflection to me.

Wow, you're dumb. First of all, CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas. Second, the percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere does not matter. It's the raw amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere that matter, more specifically, their radiative forcing over a unit of area of the planet's cross-section. Mars is cold because it gets less solar radiation than earth and has less much less radiative forcing per square meter. Venus is hotter because it gets more solar radiation and has much more radiative forcing per square meter. Both support the greenhouse effect.

I'm dumb, nice. You forgot to tell me to go back to . Is this how you win debates? It's not a very effective way, and reflects poorly on you.

Here I'll post a video from a Dr. I'm sure he's dumb too.



intensity of light also falls off as the square of the distance. The amount of radiation incoming is significantly smaller.

He answered with a response borne out by theory, you're the one who strawmanned it as a complete dismissal, as opposed to the refutation that it was. Granted, he insulted you, but the core of his argument was not an ad-hominem or a sterotype. Anyways, I'm glad you got to troll Veeky Forums, it must fill you with loads of holiday joy.

I'm not trolling I'm actually curious. It amazes me that when someone even dares approach this topic, they're scorned, insulted and brow beat. It says a lot about scientists in general these days. Galileo was a nonsensical fraud in his day. 97% of "scientists (at least) were against him. How did that turn out?
All I can say is Spock would not be impressed with Veeky Forums.

You're not curious, you're just shitposting and then pretending to be insulted when someone calls you out for shitposting. Now go back to your ghetto

Thank you for proving my point, again...

1. Mars is further from the sun and the radiation density is to the square so the density hitting Mars is (149.6 / 227.9) ^2 = 0.43 of that of the earth.

2. Density of Mars atmpsphere is 0.6% of earth's.

3. Proportion CO2 is 96% Mars and 0.04% earth. Not 0.4% you dolt.

Multiply these out

relative radiation * rel thickness * relative proportions
0.43 * 0.6/100 * 96/0.4 = 61%.

However CO2 accounts for only about 5-20% of the greenhouse effect. Whereas in Mars it is the whole effect. So divide by another factor of 5-40 and end up with 1.5%-12% or less.

On earth changes in CO2 tend to be amplified especially by H2O as the CO2 makes the air warmer and drives more H2O into the air.

>0.43 * 0.6/100 * 96/0.4 = 61%.

Apologies - correction

0.43 * 0.6/100 * 96/0.04 = 610%.

Divide by 5-20 and you still have a problem

Still a mystery.

and that H2O turns into clouds that reflect the solar rays....

No worries, we all make mistakes sometimes. I wouldn't call you a dolt because of it though. That would be fucking rude!

What exactly was your point again? Are you espousing creationism, flat earth, or climate denial? I have trouble keeping track since all you shitposters post the same shit.


irrelevant and immaterial, fgt pls

Because water vapor is the strongest greenhouse gas you fucking retard.

Clouds are condensed water, not vapor.

OP, just stop shitting up Veeky Forums with your climate change threads already.


99% of almost nothing is still almost nothing

Humanity puts out more tonnes of CO2 in a single year that the entire atmosphere of Mars has.

coz there's not much of it you fuckin homo

>that video


>hey climate change isn't real, just listen to these scienticians who are the only 3 people we could find who would agree with me

I'd like to smash Bolt's head with a hammer

No magnetic field=significantly smaller pressure=significant loss of energy