How did he understand human nature so profoundly? I'm reading him for the first time (crime and punishment)

How did he understand human nature so profoundly? I'm reading him for the first time (crime and punishment).

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Diary

What is human nature exactly?

the grundespook

orthodox christianity

>there is no prior essence before existence, biology means nothing

He had young radical ideas when he was younger and thought he knew better, and then he was humbled, grew up, learned how the world actually works, and consequently became a more socially/politically conservative person over time. His experience of younger and older life then informed his greatest works. The above life-arc is an extremely common one among reasonably intelligent adults, provided that their lives are not destroyed in the interim.

Even my old far-leftist college professor once bitterly lamented in-class (and much to my personal pleasure) that it is true that adults tend to become more conservative as they age.

>can't disprove solipsism
>starts talking about "biology"

Are you conversing with your self or a phantom?

>Are you conversing
I can't be sure.

Next time you cross the street try not to avoid the metal things with wheels. Come back and tell us what happens.

His characters never resonated with me.

Does that mean I'm an autist?

>Old people want shit to remain as it were in their youth/adulthood.

No shit.

most of the leftists i know are lifelong ones.
i wish i could regress back to the center. i seem to be becoming more entrenched in my PoV as time passes however.

this world moves too fast to really settle into a dosty novel. i enjoyed notes from the underground but can't find the time to invest into his longer works.

>as people amass wealth and property, they tend to become more inclined to maintaining the status quo

No shit.

regressing back into the center is easy when you realize that most of the idealism in leftist ideology has no fundamental philosophical basis apart from an arbitrary aesthetic vision of what ought to be. There's no fundamental reason for why things ought to be this way. In the absence of that, one is left with no choice but to follow what is dictated by pragmatism to forward what is desired and that can only happen without letting any spook or leftist or rightist ideology restrict you.

you clearly know nothing about dostoevsky's life.

Anyone find nabokov's critique of dosto interesting?
He calls dosto "cheap, vulgar, clumsy and sensationalist" here in this interview:

Some authors you just won't like, it's ok.

he hated everyone except little girls

It's generally a lot easier to do what dosto did and abandon any form of this-world Utopianism. I'm not that old (19) but I find myself growing more politically alienated by the day. People seem to think that suffering in life could be ended, which I just cant convince myself of.

yeah i get where you're at senpai. I was 19 a few years back and found myself feeling alienated from politics more and more. Every day the newspaper in my country carried terrible news of terrible things happening. I figured there's no point being idealistic when it brings disappointment. That and also, I figured its better to first fix my own personal life before bothering with the world which always seems to be out to get its own.

We do live in one of the most peaceful eras in history and things ARE getting better. month by month. year by year. but there will always be conflict as long as resources are finite and there are 2 people alive.

in this whole charade of conflict, struggle and grind of the world, i found that i'd rather try to make the most of my own life rather than spend it squirming in some idealistic vision. in the few decades of life i have here, the world will not run out of problems to solve so instead of going through with them and bothering with them, I'd rather let everyone else be the activists while I try to work for myself.

I was talking about the people that the user mentioned

How about you disenchanted teenagers stop whining and start working towards this "unattainable" utopia.

Dumbfag here, what's his name?

There's a little triangle that lets you search on Google the image op posted

how do i use Veeky Forums

Press the meme button

I know, about that, i'm phonefag

I dunno mang, making 2030 eur/month (after taxes) as a fucking dishwasher, while getting free education and healthcare is nothing to "kek" at.

Then again it must be all the leftist propaganda that clouds my mind.

>implying dostoevsky has something to do with american conservaitsm

all the major fans of dostoevsky were anti-marxists (i.e. anti-soviet) christian lefties.

the nerve of his grumble is how le old russian baskets of deplorables adopted foreign ideas to justify hostility towards existent society; likes of Trotsky and Lenin were rather outsiders to the european social-democrat movement

I. Am too ;)
What does this mean
Please don't use commue currency

2279.08 USD or 601.34 Quarter Pounders with Cheese

Does Denmark have a high debt?

Anarchist here
Dosto is the wiener of my hot dog

Not really.

You guys don't have the significant minority populations or the military

A big country like USA or Russia or Brazil has a lot peasants and uneducated population to control, which countries like Denmark don't, so it's unfair to compare them economically, really.

Yes, we don't have much minorities (~10 are with non-Danish ancestry), but we threat them like equals. No one wants to integrate in a society that pushes you away. Our politicians and media are not interested in cultivating an "us vs. them" worldview.

When black people in America protest against police brutality, white Americans are quick to point out that black commit more violent crimes than whites, as if that "aha!" moment was a solution (therefore all discussions must end and blacks should shut up). We would see blacks committing more crimes as the beginning of a discussion. We would ask why and try to help them.

This definitely helped. Being set up for execution then spared at the last minute probably did too.

This thread was full of people whining that the "suffering of live" cannot be ended. Fair enough, it is hard to compare Denmark to USA or any other large country, but just because USA is further away from being a utopia than Denmark, does not mean it can't one day happen.

It sure won't, if idealists spend their time pouting in a chinese cartoon image board.

>it's a guy from an old world rich monocultural country thinks he has it all figured out episode

try applying that model to a third world country with several conflicting ethnicities, high crime rate and no reserves at all, you cuckold

You guys are probably headed for a demographic collapse a la Japan anyway

why didnt they kill him?

The Czar wanted to make a point of looking magnanimous.

Dostoevsky was never "conservative" in a proper sense, he continued to be at odds with the "establishment". His attempt to start a political magazine in later years was shut down because of his ideas, and in The Idiot he expresses very anti-death penalty sentiments which had to be dressed up to avoid censorship (for instance, it is commented that Russia, unlike the West, doesn't have the death penalty, when she obviously did at the time, but Dostoevsky inserts that comment to ensure The Idiot didn't get censured for criticism of the state).

Dostoevsky rather just turned completely to religion as the solution to all social ills. This set him against all unchristian policies of the upper class and the state, but it also set him against all modernist thought which sought a secular, earthly solution to mankind's ills.

I don't like Dostoyevsky, but Nabokov was in no place to criticize anyone else's writing.

>I dunno mang, making 2030 eur/month (after taxes) as a fucking dishwasher, while getting free education and healthcare is nothing to "kek" at.
Too bad all your women are degenerate whores so there's really no reason to have money or to even live in such a society.

Anyone worth anything is at least bisexual

I find Nabokov's books interesting, bu his critique quips are just just cheap, vulgar, clumsy and sensationalist.

Dostoevsky had a difficult life. He saw some shit. He was at various points of his life impoverished, in jail, addicted to gambling, a revolutionary, facing execution, and may have killed a man in self-defense while in prison. He was at one point a radical atheist and anti-establishment type and at another time a devout Christian and Tsarist apologist.

The variety of his experiences with suffering and trial informed his writing extensively. Many of his characters reflect some attitude or belief he was debating with himself and arguing out on the page.

A complex, complicated man produces complex, complicated novels.

Dostoevsky, and Tarkovsky in particular, transcended politics. As Tarkovksy said in his interviews, just like Dostoevsky he didn't care about Slavophilism, Petrinism, Communism, and so on because art and spirituality are a lot more important than any of those.

Dostoevsky obvsously closely followed the Slavophilic thought. I recommend one to look at this:'s_Diary

He was obssessed with the return of Constantinople, the defeat of Turks, wuth "Eastern question" and all that stuff. The only poetry he wrote he dedicated to the Crimean war.

>meme soviet cinematographer casually compares himself to an actual writer
how humble and decent of him

i've come to the conclusion over the years that what's moral is frequently also what's most pragmatic. the trouble is that people get caught up in short term gains and aren't bothered by the eventual fallout of their policies/actions/whatever.

super black-and-white thinking there you guys, if you ever become cereal activists you'll realize that working towards a better future is therapeutic and definitely worth it. rejecting utopianism/=rejecting hope.

I think he actually compared himself to Solzetnythzyn, I don't know, my memory doesn't serve well. But still, Tarkovsky too would love the return of Constatinople. It's just he didn't mind living in an atheist shithole as long as he's able to create spiritual propaganda for everyone. He believed that only suffering and faith can save humanity.

>meme soviet cinematographer
He's actually the greatest director ever though. Who's your favorite director, by the way?

He was being accused of being a slavophille by the filthy westerners so he used a more well known russian figure to compare himself too to make them understand.
Read his biography on the side. It will provide a lot of valuable insight to which some posts in this thread allude.

Sure, having sexually liberated women is terrible. All of this consequence free sex is such a burden.

On a side note, when did internet become populated with sheltered nerds who jerk off to shemale anal rape videos, yet who demonizing people having sex in real life?