The fact is that the sky is an artificial projection. We have gone to space. The images are not fake...

The fact is that the sky is an artificial projection. We have gone to space. The images are not fake. Our governments are not aware of the Ringworld. However, it is the true structure of our world.

If we dig deep enough into the ground, we'll encounter the artificial vacuum of space, not a molten core, not China.

A species of ape was deposited here millions of years ago; over time, offshoots developed intelligence, agriculture, metallurgy, militaries, economies. This was expected by the aliens who put us here, who are still in contact with various groups on the ground, having gone into hiding on artificial constructs across the galaxy, like our Ringworld but in many cases larger (i.e. Dyson spheres, O'Neill cylinders, etc. to survive a holocaust being perpetrated by another faction of beings from beyond our habitat (we ourselves, being aliens, are also simply a faction of beings).

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The scientific 'community' will never admit it. We have to build a spaceship ourselves and go up to space, expose the alien plot.



That's how the aliens get away with it. You're probably an alien.

My dick is so big the inside of it contains millions and millions of stars

Bumping to get the word out

Argumentum universalis

From all the shitpost I've seen on this board, this is the only one that deserves a medal

Fascinating hypothesis. What testable predictions does it make over our current model?

I'm not making an argument, I'm making an accusation. "You are an alien" is a proposition whose truth-value is determined a posteriori; argumentation has no bearing on it.
If we go far enough into outer space in one direction, we will hit the projection screen. Failure of our space program to get to Mars will be all the proof we need.


We've sent probes to Mars, you twat.

We haven't gotten them back, have we?
Were there people on them who have been to Mars and can attest to its existence?
It's easy to fool spacecrafts' sensors for the aliens. They use tractor beams and anti-inertia rays to produce the illusion of automobility in our spacecraft. Those probes are either destroyed, with the aliens transmitting telemetry back on the frequencies our scientists and technicians are monitoring, or are on a 'soundstage' construct in space over the habitat zones of the Ring.
Every large body in the solar system was broken down and repurposed to create the Ring.

>tractor beams and anti-inertia rays


The comet Wild 2 and the asteroid 25143 Itokawa were visited by unmanned spacecraft, which returned samples to Earth.

You act like it's hard for the aliens to put samples on these spacecraft...

>We haven't gotten them back, have we?

We weren't expecting them back in our current model. Bit of a useless prediction if it doesn't give us anything new.

>We weren't expecting them back in our current model.
How very convenient!

So there's basically no way we can find out the "truth" as everything can and will be faked to make us believe otherwise? Then I don't give a shit. It's a pretty good idea to completely ignore any idea that have no actual connection to our reality. It's a brilliant way to completely waste your time. You should do the same thing.

Someday, the aliens will reveal the truth and convert the entire human race into an army to fight their universal war and end the alien Holocaust.
Until then, you'll just have to take my word for it.

So basically an alien Jesus. Believe what you want man, but you sound like a fucking nutjob to me and you probably are.

No, not like Jesus-more like Satan. The aliens have been deceiving us and plan to brainwash us and use drugs to turn us into an army of slaves.

Get help, for real.

Look, I don't want to believe it any more than you do. I came here hoping to find a good counterargument. All I've found are people who believe that beings capable of constructing a ring made of superstrong materials around a star would have the same technological limitations and knowledge of physics that our contemporary humans do.

Artist's impression

This is complete nonsense. Recast your words about aliens and God and Satan into something more conventional like Norse Mythology (which is basically what your idea is, Ragnarok), or better yet, as analytical psychology of archetypes. Then you will be able to actually say something.

I wasn't the one who mentioned Jesus initially-get it RIGHT, idiot!

I think you need to lay off the wire buddy, all that current is turning your brain into mush.



Bielefeld is my favourite Martian city

Olympia is lovely this time of year.


How about you prove that FE theory is correct, then?

bump, this is too important to let it slide

Posts like this piss me off.

aw he's mad

>implying a civ of beings powerful enough to build a ringworld would bother to buy one in order to wait several millions years fir humans to evolve from apes (why not directly use the apes, that are stronger than men, if you gonna brainwash anyways?) to build an army.

That seems like an atrocious loss of time and ressources. Don't tell me they wouldn't be able to directly build an army with the same ressources if they got so good technology. What would be the interest of humans?

I'm not saying you're wrong. That I don't know. I'm just finding hard to believe that a civilisation with such a retard warplan would have such high technology. That's caveman-level planning we're talking ofhere.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

If we lived on a ring world, Centripetal force and the Coriolis effect would have a noticeable impact that even amateurs could detect. Since the effects that one would expect from being on a ring world are absent, we can conclude we do not live on a ring world.

>So there's basically no way we can find out the "truth" as everything can and will be faked to make us believe otherwise? Then I don't give a shit. It's a pretty good idea to completely ignore any idea that have no actual connection to our reality.
And that is why personal experience is the ultimate, everything else is suspect of possible signal loss. All pointing to understanding consciousness and how it arises, grows, and creates. And remember, pic related. Eventually a transcendental truth is discovered.

They didn't lose anything, it's a long-term plan. Their megastructures are integral to their survival as the alien beings fighting them cannot leave naturally occurring habitats i.e planets, planetoids, moons, and stars. They have vastly different means of transportation. It was built for survival.
You will be enslaved by the aliens someday. It has direct bearing on you.

Wind currents are simulated by the entirely artificial megastructure engineered by superior intelligences. The system simulates life on planetoids to prepare us for war on natural planets. Coriolis, etc. must also be simulated.


Actually the aliens are benevolent lovers who will come down from on high and bring with them rad skateboards and fruit punch. Prove me wrong.

THEY will do it for me on the day of war

I'm sorry but they don't like those who try to break down their grand conspiracy before it is done. I get fruit punch, you get a butt plug filled with ants.

at least I won't die on the battlefields of a nameless rock millions of galaxies away from the origins of my species

All I heard was a place to live, health care and 3 meals a day.

the aliens told you that much about their plans?
