What do you think of this sandwich, Veeky Forums?

What do you think of this sandwich, Veeky Forums?

Looks pretty shitty

Looks good to me...

is that raw meat?
ehh.. who cares. would eat.

no onion, no mustard and covered in semen


Damn, son your skin's paler than that white bread. Ever think of crawling out of your basement for some sunlight?

Not wild about the sandwich because I don't have the jaws of a python.

Looks a little bland. I'd prefer to see some other vegetable than just iceberg and underripened tomatoes, some red onion at least, if not some roasted pepper, cucumber or grilled zucchini, etc. Also that roast beef is a little rarer than I like for luncheon meat.

You lifted this image from roadfood.com
Post OC or fuck off.


heavy on the lettuce/tomato but pretty good

what is the sauce?

Mayo. I asked for oil and vinegar too but if it's there I can't taste it.

What would be a good sandwich then?

confirmed for never having beef other than mommy's overcooked rump roast

One without unripe tasteless tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, and shitty bread.

Iceberg is perfect for sandwiches. It provides crunch and therefore textural contrast. Romaine or arugula would be wasted.

I get what you're saying but i prefer the crunchy component to actually have flavor too. Gimme some pickled veg or something, there's all types of crunchy shit that has taste. Romaine has crunch too idk what you're talking about

pickles in a sandwich with salty meats would be too much salt overall.

Theres all types of pickles senpai they dont all have to be super salty plus roast beef isnt even that salty. You can also get some nice textural contrast as well if you dont use that shit bread like in ops pic

Get the Don Vito next time. The roast beef tastes like unwet vulva. Trust me, I've had both within the same two hours, no meme.

>Not ordering the Pepe.

Shut up. Here's a real sandwich.


Step aside faggots, patrician tier incoming.

What do you think of this sandwich, Veeky Forums?

american elementary school lunchroom tier

Take special care to the fact it is heated up though. That brings a new dimension to it.

so God Tier?

Looks like my ex girlfriend.