Tfw too intelligent to get a degree because being smart has no effect on your actions and studying is determined by...

>tfw too intelligent to get a degree because being smart has no effect on your actions and studying is determined by brain chemistry

congratilations to not obeying schooling system, what about job?

Your actions are a mix of culture, raising and environment.

Still, you can't predict your future behavior with that data. So it's no excuse.

Studying its not about being smart but about developing a good study method. Use your brain to investigate, develop and improve your own method. I don't consider myself very smart but following my own method got me to the first place of my generation

>>Being smart means knowing that hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.

You're not "too intelligent" to get a degree. Just apathetic or ignorant.

>too intelligent to get a job because motivation is determined by brain chemistry

Knowing that hard work beats talent =/= being able to work. It's all down to dopamine in your brain

tfw to intelligent to pass exams

tfw to intelligent too intelligent

>tfw too intelligent to go to exams

I don't know if I am like this.

I am basically a genius but I don't give a flying fuck about doing anything other than video games.
I wish society would just fucking look at how smart people are, rather than the piece of paper they spent money to get that says they are 'smart' because they answered some questions on a test.

When I was in high school I was friends with the valedictorian and he told me that his entire day basically consisted of school and homework. He would hang out with his GF for the couple hours he didn't do work.
This made me feel like a piece of shit because I saw for myself that being recognized meant torturing yourself and fitting into what the school and people around you expect. I thought that was what being successful meant.
Then I pondered it further and I decided that I actually don't give a fuck about what society wants, I care about myself and I want to live my life on my own terms.

Now it's somewhat amusing looking back at it:
I think my calculus teacher hated me because I never did the homework and didn't give a fuck about the assignments. She loved my friend. The AP test came along and I got a 4 by slacking off and playing video games. My friend got a 5 by working his ass off all the time and being a teacher's pet.
Is that 1 point worth it? I don't think so.

This has got to be bait right?

>I am basically a genius
You're not

>tfw to intellignet to be intelligent

>video games
Pick one

>do calculus 24/7
>have an enjoyable life

pick 1(uno)

>tfw to intelligent too score high on my IQ test

The whole point of working hard when you're young is so you can have the easy life when you're older, and to protect you from poverty or misfortune.

PROTIP: You can still do math and productive things for 12 hours of the day and play vidya for the other 2-4 depending on how much sleep you need

This thread is shit.

Have you ever once considered some people enjoy doing math or science like you enjoy playing video games??

Jesus the delusion is unreal, I don't even think you realize how common your sentiment is either.

Getting a 4 on ap calc exam and not studying is fucking nothing. Now if you hadn't even gone to class, nor opened a book, then it'd be fucking something.

The fact is there is no evidence you are a genius.

Even if you've tested high on IQ tests(145+), it could just mean youre on the spectrum.

Genius is not just having naturally high adaptive intelligence. Being genius entails getting to a point in a field where you create or solve something that few others could ever hope to.

Being genius is special. Protip, you have yet to prove anything, and it just makes you look like a pretentious asshole.

>The whole point of working hard when you're young is so you can have the easy life when you're older
You can do something you like that you actually enjoy and have a good life all the time.

>There are autists that actually live like this
I'm honestly surprised. You unsarcastically do math for 12 hours of your day.

>develop a semi-mathematical optimized routine for an online vidya game after having studied control theory
>be in a team and it's a bunch of nerds so they follow your shit
>win against technically much better teams but with suboptimal routine
>they accuse of cheating but are proven wrong
>get the t-shirt and merchandize (no money, unfortunately)
>quit gaming because it is a waste of time
>resume studies

Dude there are people who weld for 12 hours a day, literally 12 hours a day staring at a little molten puddle.

Doing math by comparison is pretty enjoyable

>implying being intelligent makes you smart

I have a 4.0 at a quality uni in my state and play vidya every day and have a qt3.14 gf.
Youre not as smart as you think you are if you cant manage these various aspects of your life effectively.
true, people who bust their ass to get the grade live a different life, more stressful for sure. But dont deride their effort just because you dont care to give any yourself. Its just a projection of your insecurities that you dislike hard workers.

But user its not like I'm doing badly.
Im half a point off from 4 and that is on minimal effort.

Its not even that I can't manage stuff, I literally don't even have the effort to care to manage it.

me to XD

im a genius and get 140 on many online QI tests

itrs just i find it to boreing to do shcoolwork and stuff so i play video games insteasd because it allows me to express my unique creative mind

ifind after a liot of practice i can do anything for instence i never used tro do good on IQ tests until io practiced them alot and now i can do any QI test before ive seen ti and do ok but on second and thrid attempts i do amazing like 130+

i like to think in special and my IQ alllows me tio do amazing things which i think school is not one of them so i dont bother and im jsut to smart but very lazy

im vewry veyr lazy so the problem ius i cant bring myself to try or do scholwork becvause whats the piont im already know i smart because i score so higb on QI tests

itrs the curse of being very smart but lezy XD:);^)

hahaha well good for you dude

lel XDDD relateble bro

me score QI of 143 and i aply to mensa program but i fail becuz apperantly cheeting is not allowed

i play videojuegos and mak fun of othr play3ers because they cant solve simple trigonomometry problems

schol is jew trik to steal money, just read fourchan threads on /sci and you become not brainlet

trus me