Hello Veeky Forums, I hope this kind of post is allowed. If not please let me know why

Hello Veeky Forums, I hope this kind of post is allowed. If not please let me know why.

I ask you guys: Present the two most impressive books you've read along with the two you would recommend as the best introduction to a novice, with each pair based within one of your two favorite two genres.

Science Fiction - Hyperion
Science Fiction (novice) - The Player of Games

Non-Fiction - The Elegant Universe (If that's too much: Fabric of the Cosmos covers the same topics but in a more digestible manner with clear anecdotal thought experiments)
Non-Fiction (novice) - A Short History of Nearly Everything

non fiction is not a genre

>non fiction is not a genre
I can see some validity to this point, but genre is a liberally used term if you follow the strict definition.
non-fiction is just an umbrella genre with many subsets.

You can take it a step further, is high-fantasy a genre while fantasy is not? No, one is just a subset of the other. They are both valid genres despite the difference in scope they represent.

but Brian Greene is a pop scientist who writes pop science books for the pop masses. No bueno

I actually really enjoyed the Elegant Universe. Even though it is a bit difficult to grasp at times, I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Would recommend/10

He's a professor at Columbia and has made big contributions to the mathematics of topology.

>Pop Science
You make it sound like it's a middle school text or another Richard Dawkins book.
Have you read the entire book? If not, fuck off.

>You make it sound like it's a middle school text or another Richard Dawkins book.

because that's essentially what it is. A load of fun sounding shit that'll impress the layman with no actual understanding that the "science" peddled in this book is just formalism passed off as fact.

Did you read the book user?
Greene is always alluding that it's strictly one of many competing theories. He goes on to explain what the theory is in the book and how its current form came to be.

Among all competing theories of unification, this is the one most widely thought plausible by the scientific community. No one said the theory itself was fact, but the book has plenty of info and explanations on actual facts that support the structure of the theory.

>A load of fun sounding shit that'll impress the layman
So let's make it boring and impress a few hundred people in the world who can understand the complex mathematics behind the subject?

The contrarianism is thick in this thread. Maybe autism. Can't tell.

FUCK YOU. You fucking faggot. You just have to come along and ruin the fun for everyone huh? You must be the life of the party you shit for brains sea cow. Fuck off back to your natural habitat how the fuck did you find your way to shore?

Heheh reddit

You do know that the art of making the higher echelons of knowledge comprehensible to the common man has been an admired for the past few centuries, right?

Not everyone has the knowledge or time (often years/decades) to properly understand a scientific theory, or a philosophy, for example. However, refuse to put it in terms that the layman can understand and you have a recipe for authority; specifically, its abuse.

>has been an admired for the past few centuries, right?

Coincides with when culture turned to shit. Funny that

Heheh autism fuck you faggot



my non-shitposter brother in law with a physics degree agrees. I'll ask him about it in curiosity and he will look awkward and say that without doing the math its all just unicorns and clouds in the sky.

Seriously, fuck off to reddit, plebeian scum. Reading your post is pure cringe and I'm honestly sad to see Hyperion in the company of the other dogshit.

>reddit, plebian scum

just when you think Veeky Forums can't get any more contrarian.
fuck off faggot, reading such substance-less angsty rage gave me a good chuckle.

>my opinions are the best b-but I won't say why! you pleb scum!
Fucking child.

You don't deserve any substance.
Any substance directed towards people who consider Ready Player One their favorite novel is throwing pearls before pigs. Rabble such as yourself should be shot.

>Ready Player One
>Can't even read
>Veeky Forums

Just stop posting you fucking retard. You're embarrassing yourself. Learn how to read words in a consistent manner before you spew such drivel. I could tell you weren't so bright, but fuck user you went beyond my expectations with your stupidity.

I think these two books are better than anything if you want to learn about physics (for the novice).

Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell (covers everything you should've learned in high school but also a good precursor to the next book)
The Road to Reality (covers everything in an undergraduate physics course including the calculus)

>has been an admired for the past few centuries, right?

>Coincides with when culture turned to shit. Funny that

My brain has a hard time comprehending someone so myopic and lost.

>I'll ask him about it in curiosity and he will look awkward and say that without doing the math its all just unicorns and clouds in the sky.

This is an entirely moot point, and has no relevance to the purpose of this novel or any like it.

Look at the way Feynman described and vocalized scientific phenomena in a way that allows a comprehensive understanding of the EFFECTS of physics.
Math is no doubt the underlying layer to all of physics, but an abstraction on top of that can still give some good insight. It would be like saying that circuit logic and design is dumb to study because it can all be broken down to the unadulterated math instead.

You can gain insight to the probabilistic nature of the quantum world without knowing the math involved. Abstraction is beautiful when done right.

Even ignoring that point, if you actually read Elegant Universe and take it seriously, you will learn a fucking ton of what's going on in a lot of modern physics (maybe a little less now that the book is aging in what is a very fast field).

Nothing wrong with articulating the subject to maximize the understanding of a phenomena while minimizing what is very complex math that is only utilized in laboratories.


I type fast user. Good catch though.
Book, whatever.

>rabble such as yourself should be shot

Your brother probably just enjoys applied physics, but theoretical and astrophysics is still valid.

post this on Veeky Forums and you will get laughed at.
It's pop-science m8

>post this on sci you will get laughed at
>post this on mu you will get laughed at
>post this on g you will get laughed at

Almost like were on Veeky Forums or something.

Stop using this meme