How fast does the solar wind blow away Mar's atmosphere? I was thinking, if we ever got serious about terraforming Mars...

How fast does the solar wind blow away Mar's atmosphere? I was thinking, if we ever got serious about terraforming Mars, we could build a fleet of automated space blimps that collect air from Venus, and then release it on Mars. We'd seed Mars with extreme earth plants that can survive on Mars so that by the time Mars has a thick enough atmosphere for humans to survive in, the plants will have created enough oxygen for us to breathe.

Also, would midgets be less effected by the miniscule gravity on Mars? Obviously they'll weigh the same % less than a bigger person, but I mean since lower gravity apparently fucks with our bone mass and all that, maybe lighter people would be less effected in the first place.

you're a fucking retard
kill yourself

>serious about terraforming
I like that Genesis missile Captain Picard could just fire at any planet he wished to magically 'terraform' but that just goes to show you the directors and TV people don't have a clue how one would really go about doing it.

I think for one thing you need a molten core out gassing for a billion years maybe? Perhaps just setting a planetary core made of hydrocarbons on fire, like those coal mine fires, may be the ticket? Of course you would need to haul a lot of oxygen tanks down there with your Bic lighter.

It's amazing how many retards ignore the molten core and stable axis. They're essential if you plan of living outside a dome.

Just to clarify... you know that's a picture of Venus, right?

OP sounds like a retard, but if we did indeed terraform Mars, and gave it a breathable atmosphere, it would erode and degrade over time, but not in a manner that isn't unmanageable. The real issue is the solar radiation and the lack of substantial gravity on Mars, and how those will effect how humans can survive on the surface. You just can't, without protection, survive there. There won't be blooming fields of flowers and grasslands and gigantic oceans on Mars, it's just not conceivable due to the extreme differences in the geology of Mars compared to Earth. The best we could do is live in underground cities / domed cities with protection from the harmful radiation. You also have to have soils capable of growing crops there as well, I don't know enough about martian soils though.

Mars will never have a magnetic field, it's simply dead geologically. That doesn't mean we shouldn't colonize it, if anything it's a good backup site to establish a small colony so that if an extinction level event occurs on Earth, humanity can ride out the storm until Earth is habitable again, but Mars would require outside resources, I doubt a colony there could ever be truly self-sufficient.

Better option is to stop terraforming Earth, and get it back on track, reduce human population globally and curtail our alterations to the climate as soon as possible. Earth is the only planet humans can truly thrive on in the solar system.

You fucking moron, grow up. Your idea is just as possible as you not being an undergrad and you are a whole damn undergrad pissbaby. Just comprehend the size of things. Planet is quite a big pile of rocks way bigger than your silly space blimeys. You would have to bring like a fuckton of them and also add to this the whole space travel thing. It would have taken ages just as other but less expensive methods. Proofs are left as an excersise for a reader :^) Maybe you will learn something while looking for them, highschooler. Cheers, bro.

Why do men get so pissed off about the littlest shit? Seriously, it's only on male dominated sites like Veeky Forums that people practically want to kill you just because you asked the wrong question.

"I doubt a colony there could ever be truly self-sufficient."-you

I think that it would entirely depend on whether we could grow food, and find fuel. There's probably Uranium there somewhere, definitely solar, lots of water.
The ground should make a decent medium if sterile, to accept Earth bacteria. If there's some kind of dormant bacteria or microbes in that soil, that plan might not work so well.
The thing is we need to try, exploration is a deep seeded human trait that shouldn't be ignored. It's led to many of the advancement we enjoy today. Further exploration will lead to the enjoyment of your children and grandchildren.
1/10th of the worlds combined military budgets, would be enough to establish a small colony on Mars. Out of one years budgets.
It's disgusting that we're so far behind, our priorities are pretty fucked.
btw feed the world #1 priority, That one should be easy. The top 100 richest people in the world could solve that one all by themselves. Mars#2

the atmosphere is already stripped for the most part, putting it back on a seismically inactive planet without a van allen belt/molten core would just be wasteful.

Nothing will teraform mars until you are able to kickstart the planet again by getting the core molten. The only way i could think to do that is towing it into the orbit of nearby jupiter with your fancy futuristic technology so that tidal forces do the work for you.

>we need to just reduce the population of earth
lol, atheist liberals always reach this conclusion and it's never them that needs dying. Not to mention that reaching your goal would be after a nuclear war event that would technically be a teraforming event you said needed to stop.

It took several billion years for the solar wind to strip the martian atmosphere, and it still hasn't done it completely

Its a slow process

One does not simply move atmosphere from one planet to another

nah women do that too, as a matter of fact, women are much more needlesly mean.


>not laying a global superconductor network and generating yr own mag field

>it would erode and degrade over time, but not in a manner that isn't unmanageable
But would we be able to replenish it at a rate fast enough to actually achieve a survivable pressure?

>feed the world
>population of Africa quadruples in 40 years

That doesn't matter. Africa is catching up to the "developed" world fast despite the setbacks. When living standards equalize so will the population growth. Not helping is a crime and wasting funds for useless things should be treated as one.

Fix the Earth. You have no right to pollute other worlds with it's problems.

Mars already has tons of CO2. It has another atmosphere at least just locked up in the South pole.

>if I pile up enough shit eventually it will reach a critical mass and turn into diamond