What do you guys think about solipsism and derealization/depersonalization?

What do you guys think about solipsism and derealization/depersonalization?

Only autists are solipsists.

It's bollocks or mental illness.

Solipsism is the antithesis of human existence.

How so?

I've had problems with derealization in the past due to an anxiety disorder and I remember that studying philosophy, particularly solipsism made me freak out.

Anyways your question doesn't really make sense since DR/DP are symptoms of an mental health issue and solipsism is a philosophical idea.

Solipsism is anti-autism.

I can trigger derealization/personalization/whatever you call that feeling of the world not being real and being truly aware of your own existence, at will - without using any drugs. Shit's pretty freaky, I don't know if anyone else can do it. I haven't experimented with it too much because I feel that it will break my mind.

Depersonalization is something I've experienced, but I never really got how an intelligent person could seriously be a solipsist. If you really were coming up with everything in the universe, wouldn't you somehow be aware of the massive -literally Godlike- amount of knowledge and brainpower you'd need to create such a convincing and internally consistent model? I guess you could always say "that's just a part of your consciousness that is hidden from you" but at that point you're adding a layer of complexity to the theory which makes it seem implausible compared to the alternative, which is that you are one person among many.

Solipsism has to be intended in the sense that your reality is created by your brain, and you will never ever have an objective view on things. You can't escape it.

It's not "le only me exists huehue"

>Solipsism has to be intended in the sense that your reality is created by your brain, and you will never ever have an objective view on things. You can't escape it.
I get that, what I'm saying is that reality is way too complex for it to be created by your brain, unless the majority of your brain is completely hidden from you and alien to you, (and in that case, can you really even say it's a part of you in any meaningful sense?)

We perceive reality as it is practical to perceive, not as it actually is

I think it's not related to science or math.

Granted. And I should add that I am not a strict materialist. But solipsism -or strong solipsism at least- is too extreme in my view. And I think by saying reality is not always as we perceive, I think you'd have to accept that strong solipsism is extreme.

I think that is something you should ask

I smoked a lot of weed in my teens and became derealized.
It never went away, I just got used to it

I have severe OCD (anxiety), and both solipsism and derealization were troubling topics for me to deal with. The former was difficult to grapple with existentially, but in terms of general mood I was fine because it wasn't a pertinent threat to my livelihood, I guess you could say. The latter and anything resembling it is particularly fucking hellish because it feels like you're going to die, yet you also fear death is not the ultimate end and you're to suffer more in the afterlife.

This has been going on since I was about 14 and hasn't quit since. I'm 18 now and NEET because I've yet to resolve my issues on my own and don't want to resort to kike crutches (I have numerous times and nothing's worked). I feel 2017 is either the year I get it back together or just end myself. There's nothing particularly wrong with me except being trapped in my mind.

One of the doorways to Spirituality, not as prevalent as Nihilism, but probably easier to walk through.

You are depressed. Get help.
>tfw your brain is predisposed to never being depressed
feels good man

That's as effective as saying you're predisposed to never being blind.


This. It's literally the most trivial metaphysical/epistemological position one can take. If anything autism is materialist and dialectical. You've got to consider the balance between a person's systematizing and empathizing tendencies, a bias to the former favors materialism and to the latter, idealism.

If dubs nothing exists except my thoughts

run for 30 minutes every morning.

Already do.

I don't think.