What is mass?

What is mass?

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Higgs boson

Energy divided by the square of the speed of light.

It is the physical property of an object to resist acceleration when there is an external force applied to it. It also determines its mutual gravitational attraction to other bodies of mass. Look up Mass-Energy for more information on the relativistic concept of mass.

Your mum


A measure of the amount of matter in a system.

Lord's supper

Whats matter is a more interesting question

If you ask me, it doesn't really matter

i dont get this mindfuck

1kg is 1kg on earth
1kg is 1kg on the moon
1kg is 2.2lb on earth
1kg is ~.38 lb on the moon

No one does, it just is.

pounds are a measure of weight
grams are a measure of mass

i dont know what lb means, but you need to understand force and mass are not the same thing.

It's because of the metric and imperial systems.

(I believe imperial is the one America uses, correct me if I'm wrong.)

I forget how it works, but there are 4 fundamental measurements. These being time, length, mass, and weight.

In America it's seconds, inches, pounds, and slugs, respectively.

In Europe it's seconds, meters, kilograms, and newtons, respectively.

So in America pounds is a measurement of mass (which I don't really get), and slugs is a measurement of weight.

That may be wrong, but it's something along those lines that explains why that is.

>what the fuck are units

A measure of how "hard" it is to get something to accelerate.

A madeup measurement which does not inherently exist.

dude i already explained it.
mass is not equal to force.
that means, mass is everywhere the same. on moon and mars.
but what you measure is the force acting. that is impacted by the gravitational constant and how far you are from a mass and how big this mass is. mass attracts mass.
this means, on the moon this force is lower, because the moon has less mass.
this means that you measure less "weight" sorry i dont know american definitions so idc.
but the mass is everywhere the same.
Did i really need to explain this ? this is Veeky Forums....
i thought F=m*a would suffice.

but see 10N is the same force on the earth and moon

my example still stands true

maybe this whole "you weigh less on the moon" meme was started so amerifats can feel better about themselves

what the fuck?
look at F=m*a
a is smaller on the moon.
m is the same.
if a is smaller, then F is smaller, too.
i call school dropoff or underage.

if you want to have a Force of 10 Newton on the moon, you need to have a higher mass.

ok maybe i was rude sorry, for me these are obvious, cause i study physics.

just meming m8


Mass is a concept, imagined in an attempt to understand who we are, how we came to be and how we can be.

I think there is more than a direct correlation between mass and energy. I think they are two ways of looking at the same thing (as an unstoppable force and an unmovable object are the same, particle and wave, matter and energy).

Weight is another way to see mass, except it's the mass as it's affected by some degree of gravity, esp above or below 1g. It seems the c^2 merely stabilizes the value of an object such that it can be interpreted without specifying the gravity in which the measurement is applicable.

I have to wonder about guys whose theories and answers are based on insane (irrational) numbers. This should be a sign we need a new math and lots of science, math and other nerdy guys need serious therapy.

>the physical property of an object to resist acceleration
that's inertia, pleb

mass determines inertia, double pleb

Mass is a measurement of inertia

For some reason, we use "pounds" as both a unit of mass and force. So like 1lb of mass weighs 1lb on Earth. Which property it's referring to is generally clear from the context.

no a slug is a unit of mass in imperial my guy

no, mass is an inherent quantity, no "measure"
why are you memeing this hard.


inb4 you mean the rest of the world instead of europe.

baby don't hurt me

"schwere"-heaviness and "trägheit"-inertia are the same, as einstein already explained over 100 years ago, so theres more to it.
mass is a property of the higgs field.

nah, thats not completely right.

That is a very interesting question. One I doubt we'll ever answer.

Heh… not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It’s not bad. A good first attempt. It’s plenty dank… I can tell it’s got some thought behind it… lots of quotable material… But memeing isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You’re skilled… that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - they’re out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme. And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it’s “tryhard,” or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don’t just mean the one you just lost :). It’s a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don’t get all mopey on me. You’ve got skill. You’ve got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards…

The mass of an object does not change depending on gravity. But the weight of that object will change depending on gravity.

A scale measures weight, not mass, so a 1kg object on a scale will show a wrong kg measurement outside of earth's relatively homogeneous surface gravity unless you adjust its calibration to account for a different level of gravity.

Mass is just the resistance "particles" encounter when interacting with other fields, which slow them down and give them mass. Ergo, photons are massless, while electrons have mass and so are part of matter.

>photons are massless
you didnt really just say that, did you ?

copy pasta that doesnt fit in.
His memeing was shit.

you didnt really just say that, did you ?

that's the point friendo :^)

Weight = m*g

Weight is defined as mass times acceleration due to gravity. And is a useful tool we use to compare things. Mass is a measurement of how much matter there is. 5kg of iron on the moon is 5kg of iron on earth, but the force (F = m*a) it exerts due to gravity on earth is different on the moon because acceleration due to gravity on earth is different than acceleration due to gravity on the moon.

you know that whotons would have no mass as a particle, but the energy stored in the changing electromagnetic field gives them mass. they have mass because they move at the speed of light. you cant find light without mass, because it is moving. therefore THEORETICALLY zero.

As stated, the particle is massless. What's confusing?

it is not massless. it would be massless if it would stand still, which it NEVER does. ergo the particle doesnt exist without mass and your statement "photons are massless" is wrong.

I don't even know what you're trying to say. Just read that article and leave me alone.

i liek u

you dont understand ?
read this

thanks frien