If we define disease independently of statistics just as a condition where one experiences greater difficulty or less...

if we define disease independently of statistics just as a condition where one experiences greater difficulty or less ability then sexual desire is by definition a dis-ease. it is a nuisance, vulnerability, impediment to emotional and behavioral control, and leads to riskier behavior. now one could say but what about the survival of the species? well that is an issue independent of disease, disease is about the condition that effects the individual.


I disagree with your definition of disease. For example, a madman who chops up children for food may be helping himself because he cant eat anywhere else, but he is clearly inflicted with a disease of the mind.

if children are his only means of survival and he is able to go through with it he is better of than those who can't, they are the diseased.

No, the madman also has the option of eating acorns but chooses to eat children because he prefers it and they are slightly more filling.

well considering his behavior puts him at risk of getting killed for what he is doing since it's not a lifeboat problem it is a disease by my definition.

>leads to riskier behavior
You can't come to that conclusion without the help of statistics

>where one experiences greater difficulty or less ability then sexual desire is by definition a dis-ease. it is a nuisance, vulnerability, impediment to emotional and behavioral control
But that definition makes every human action, anything we feel, humans, or life in general, a dis-ease

>You can't come to that conclusion without the help of statistics
of course, i was referring to specifically others having the condition. the definition of disease is typically:
>a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning and is typically manifested by distinguishing signs and symptoms
keyword here being normal, but something that is normal may still be detrimental.

>But that definition makes every human action, anything we feel, humans, or life in general, a dis-ease
no, there are things we do that enable us and make our lives easier. example: automation.

i should redo this:
if we define disease independently of normalcy just as a condition where one experiences greater difficulty or less ability then sexual desire is by definition a dis-ease. it is a nuisance, vulnerability, impediment to emotional and behavioral control, and leads to riskier behavior. now one could say but what about the survival of the species? well that is an issue independent of disease, disease is about the condition that effects the individual.

>no, there are things we do that enable us and make our lives easier. example: automation.
Hm, but similar points can be applied to sexual desire depending on what you mean by making life easier
Makes life easier in the sense that we don't have to work so hard and can be relaxed more, or enjoy ourselves more, then after sex you feel relaxed and accomplished, and sex itself is a way of enjoying life

Or you could say sex leads to children, and they can provide you when you get older and will make life easier

No. The madman has the option of eating children or arons but chooses children. He's insane and diseased in the mind.

>then after sex you feel relaxed and accomplished, and sex itself is a way of enjoying life
we only feel that way because we are relieving an urge, if we didn't have this urge it wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

"Pregnancy is a disease." – OP, 2017.

But isn't everything we do relieving an urge

yeah but unlike hunger we dont need sex to survive as individuals. the only reason people who have sex without stds are healthier is because their urge is more readily relieved and are thus in a better state of mind. but without that urge they would be in a better state of mind by default.

is this what virgins believe?

But then inventing automation for example isn't a need to survive as individuals either
People who study and research also do it to relieve their urges no?

not a virgin desu.

>But then inventing automation for example isn't a need to survive as individuals either
but it makes us survive better. just as a lack of sex drive would because we could dedicate more focus onto our individual survival instead of relieving this urge which puts us as risk of getting stds, etc.

>survive better
In what sense? You mean individually feeling better overall or surviving for a longer time?

survival means staying alive so the latter. but it'd be both without the urge since there would be no urge to relieve so we'd feel better by default and have more time to focus on our individual survival.

>have more time to focus on our individual survival
In the past or from now on?
I'm guessing that we are already dismissing the survival of the species part

have you ever tried fasting for a long period of time? or simply eating on a caloric deficit for a week? it heavily suppresses your sex drive.
sex urges aren't detrimental to our survival. Even more so if you think of a historical context where children have to work and pensions do not exist, children are what sustains old people's retirement.

Affects, the fucking word is affects, for fuck's sake.