Is CIA retarded?

Wtf the fuck is this shit? Did CIA go completely crazy? Remote viewing and brain matter interaction? What the god damn fuck? Here's link:

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honeypot links brah with social engineering

/pol/ is going to jail ayy, NSA must be jelly as fuck

Nice try CIA man but I'm not stupid enough to believe in some conspiracy theory and click a random publicly hosted link on a trusted government website.

I don't believe cia unironically uses this retarded font

I worked for someone important from the cia. He was ex-cia. He was a cool guy. They are friendly. Do not be afraid...

CIA is baller as. Doing research on actual untapped areas of science. Putting their hands straight in to a puddle of crude oil hoping for treasure.

>inb4 "rational" ""skeptics"" and ""debunkers"" come link James Randi's wiki page

hur dur why didnt the CIA collect the 1m dollars xD!!!

more like central brainlet agency lmao #rekt

Dr. Pavel?

Hurr Durr
>No evidence

I ain't clicking
That shit nigga
read this
Its all bunk. A waste of time and money which probably got pushed by a couple of retards and the fear of soviets.

hay guise, fun experiment: plant mic on vocal cord muscles of babby, transmit audio signal to computer by radio. there will be covariation between thoughts and vocal muscles as thinking is "silent speaking". so then record thoughts. now let's systematically feed the thoughts back. let's bet on when baby will have first mental event or any other mental abnormalities that will arise.

hahaha wow, can't decide if this would be mostly exciting or horrifying. no real biological family would probably ever accept that but if you plant an orphan into a family and pay foster parents handsomely to help out with the experiment maybe it could work.

The Soviets investigated psi phenomena, and then boasted about the breakthrus they'd made. This caused the CIA to waste millions trying to "catch up", to the great amusement of the KGB. Eventually the CIA realized psi is woowoo and dropped the programs, but not before they'd hit on MKULTRA methods of brainwashing.

schizophrenia or depression i would guess.

or maybe if you start the feedback loop when baby is small enough maybe they never learn to expect to have any personal thoughts at all. now that would be real interesting how it would affect emotions, intelligence and perception.

yeah, and plant super-gene babies in other countries and then when they grow up and make the "right" decisions they get to come to us, perpetuating the image of us being the awesome guys and the illusion of freedom and "class travel", fulfilling the illusions the whole political spectrum :D

Imagine if they'd been successful.

>people are scared to view a PDF publicly hosted on a .gov site
Am I missing something? What's illegal about that?

Damn. The name made me think they built a stargate.

>all of those rational (((skeptic))) sources at the bottom

Here read this article on global warming from all of these government scientist who rely on government grants to study it.

The CIA admits no further research needs to be done into the "proof" of the anomaly, more research should be done into the "how". Mind you this is coming from the contract manager and not anyone working on the project with a bias to keep it around.

I am sorry your life is so mundane and you are so vested in your mechanistic materialist model.

This is a terrifying prospect and makes me scared for potential nanobot application on both babies and grown adults.

>he doesn't remember MK ultra



mk ultra evry day boi

420 snoopidy dogh

The people running the show believe in everything. A good reason is that they can afford to, the next good reason is because most of it is true.

>he subvocalizes


yeah and rigging elections in other countries, assassinating government leaders and starting wars.

like he said, baller as fuck