Brocolli tastes so disgusting to me even if its not overcooked

Brocolli tastes so disgusting to me even if its not overcooked

Is there any way to make it tasty?

Ever had it oven roasted? I used to hate it until I tried it that way. Toss it with olive oil, soy sauce and black pepper and roast until the edges get a little charred, it's great

Yes. Grow/develop the taste buds of a healthy adult human.

Or just cover it in ranch dressing you fatty.

>shut up mom I'm talking to my friends
>and I hate broccoli unless you drizzle it with olive oil, roast it and then melt cheddar cheese on top

This. /thread

This sounds great. I roast broccoli all the time but have never thought to use soy sauce.

This is me but with carrots

Stir fry.

broccoli is delicious raw you manchild

that being said, fry it up with garlic salt and pepper, drizzle olive oil on it and shred fresh paremasan on it for god tier shit

>the edges get a little charred
What is cancer

I'm a fiend for anything salty, if you like it with soy sauce then definitely try some Maggi on it too

I'm here for a good time not a long time

The bushy top of broccoli florets make them retain a lot of flavor. Just make a dish with broccoli and a good sauce. Stir fry had been mentioned.


it's pretty good with just some simple olive oil and kosher salt.

Make sure you dont use shitty frozen broccoli.

If you really want it to taste better, adding butter or sweet chilli sauce (not both one or the other) might help.


add a fuckload of cheese


>sweet chilli sauce
Will vouch for this.

A) Cut into florets, lightly oiled, and sprinkled with pic related

B) Cut into florets and stir-fried with pineapple and soy sauce.

If you don't enjoy it roasted, its unlikely you will ever enjoy broccoli. No shame, plenty of other great veggies to enjoy. I'm currently on a chard kick