Study Habbits

Post study habits that have worked / not worked for you.

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Stay at school.

I cannot work at home, too many distractions
no self control.
-Veeky Forums

Staying at school is what actually works for me.

Just stayed up all night cramming for an exam.
In between I
- Masturbated furiously
- Smoked
- Ate things
- shitposted on Veeky Forums
It's fucking awful. I'm going to my exam in 2 hours completely brain fried.
Don't cram niggas.


what kind of exam are you going to?

That online course "learning how to learn" is pretty good.

An introductory course to biological dynamics.

You poor fool.

U: the desire to complete the task
E: the expectation of success
V: the value of completion
I: the immediacy of task
D: the personal sensitivity to delay

U = E x V / I x D

Step 1: Is it math? no? forget about it

Step 2: Become frustrated at your own inability to understand coherent sheaves

Step 3: Contemplate suicidal contemplation

Plan ahead. I usually spend the week before the exams redoing exercises or finals from previous years, either solo or with friends.

I revise everything the day before the exam 'til I have to leave home to take the exam. Hasn't failed me yet.

prostate exam

I think this is a compelling model. I've thought about how this applies to the things I procrastinate on and it seems pretty accurate, sometimes even enlightening. Whether or not it's complete bullshit is yet to be seen.

The ideology I started using when I got to college is stop studying just for the test, but to study to actually understand the information. For example if I'm given a formula I try to rationalize that formula and what it actually means before I start to apply it. Surprisingly, it turns out you do better on tests when you actually understand the information than when you cram for a test to immediately forget about it when it's over.

> I try to rationalize that formula

You're making him proud.

/r/ cheese user


Actual study method that works best for me, for a big class:
- Draft synthesis myself
- Sum-up every idea using the Feynman method
- Reexplain everything on a white board following the plan of the course material (if you don't have it make one).

Rule of thumb:
- Memorization in the morning
- Reading and less demanding tasks in the afternoon.

But also Fuck yeah that one...

>- Sum-up every idea using the Feynman method
You meant Scott "Conman" Young's method. Fuck that guy. Using Feynman's name like that.

Really you just need to reach the point where studying is the most interesting thing you could possibly do.

Like, whatever you're studying, find some side of it that's genuinely fascinating. If you can't find anything, you're not looking hard enough

>Use modafinil

You can literally re-arrange the letters in any way you want to.

What's that, user

same, I just enclose myself in a library with no laptop of my own, just books and notes.
luckily I'm not addicted to cellphone shit.

reading text books while lying on my bed did not work for me.

This has to be the most retarded thing I've ever read.

some days i study better than others. there's no real pattern to it.

1. used to procrastinate and wait till the last few days to study, obviously retarded so I stopped and keep up with classes

2. Studying off the book is a waste of time if the class is lecture based, unless the professor says something in the book won't be in lecture but on the exam. If I don't get something I just go to office hours.

3. do all the fucking problems the professor assigns, supplemental or not

4. always ALWAYS study off practice/previous exams professor posts up

take notes while reading

sounds distracting but i'm easily bored and it gives me structure + makes stuff easier to memorize

>what hasn't worked
taking notes on your laptop
not going to lectures
jerking off to traps

what if you can't take good notes?

How the fuck can you not take good notes? Just write down everything you hear that seems important. It's not complicated.

If the prof says something might be on the exam, you bet your fucking ass it's going to be on the exam.