Is anyone on Veeky Forums exceptionally smart?Or know someone who is

Is anyone on Veeky Forums exceptionally smart?Or know someone who is.
Not your regular smart but the kind of smart where you just are blown away by their intelligence.You just know they are on a different level by just talking to them.

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

yes, I know a few people.


Probably not the answer you are looking for my, but I've seen that it's virtually impossible to lie or hide anything from my big brother. He always senses all kinds of things.

Autism works in weird ways, I guess.

Well (2 poeple actually), for starters they were in top 3 or 5 people in their universities.
They are extremely well read, follow what's going on in the world, real erudites. You can discuss virtually anything you want with them, they always listen and never pretend to be all-knowns.
They are sociable, not weirdos.
Also they have insane motivations an ambition, as I am slacking off, they are working towards their goals.

What real accomplishments do they have?

I wish I wasn't so intelligent. It makes my head hurt to talk to dumb people all the time.

Well, for starters they are top people in their fields, in school they went on (chemistry, biology) world olympiads and were medalists.

I think I'm exceptionally smart but I know I'm not.

I'd be very interested to see what they think of themselves in terms of their achievements and intellect. Also how they think and how they operate.

I have a friend of mine who adapts to anything that's given to him within a day or two. It's absolutely mind boggling how quickly he's able to absorb new concepts, that and he's got the patience to think on problems for weeks. I'm so jealous

I know that feeling,you are trying to find a way in they could possibly make a counter-argument and so you could reply back.

its a easy thing to learn it just takes time,you just have to simplify a concept to the point where it is easy to understand.

my dad taught me how nuclear fusion works when i was 10 but because i was interested in it i could create an animation in my head and so more easily understand it.

Well, I was talking about that with one of them. I mean, those kind of people have the same mindset as other (not super extra) smart people. At least in university she had always doubts about tests even though she would always ace them. Rationally she knew she would do good, but there was this irrational part you can't escape.
I think (as George Carlin sometime said), some people have a strong volition genetically, or something like that.
Those two people would work real hard, I mean, they always take the task they are doing really serious, in teams they expect the same from others.
I don't know what really drives them, but they seem to enjoy what they are doing. Also, there's this pressure, when you perform at top level, everyone expects no less.
But I don't know if there is a way to know the real motivation. It might be the feeling of success, fear of failure. Anyways, it doesn't really matter, because everyone has similar motivations, but very few have the same machinery to achieve it.

Yes, I know a couple of them. Actually, the two that come to mind were both attracted to Stanford and went to Stanford after I met them.

These people, from the outside, do not appear to be intimidated by anything.

If we were describe people's passion as a flame, most people's flame would be orange in color with a few nearing blue in color. These people definitely have white flames.

>tfw too smart for normies
>tfw too dumb for actual smart people


This is a feel with which I am quite familiar


There's a kid in my OSSM (yes I'm in HS but I assure you I'm 18) class that can literally do AP Calc problems in his head. To those who are in a masters program for Mathematics that may or may not be impressive, but it blows me away.

That's not impressive, m8

Could I get an example of something that would be? Just out of curiosity.

I really wonder if that kind of motivation can be learned. I think that it can, but it's probably hard as fuck.

Very interesting.

People skills, Patience, and Passion are words that anons would attribute to exceptionally smart people.

I would not describe very many Veeky Forums posters with those three words. Perhaps, the lurkers are the real brainiacs on Veeky Forums.

There's a guy in one of my grad level maths who's very smart. The prof was formulating some 3 lecture long proof of a major theorem. The prof gets a bit off track and gets stuck, and the guy just raises his hand with a little suggestion of how the proof may be completed. That kind of thing is pretty impressive, especially since the proof is obscure and not in the textbook, so the guy probably hasn't seen it before

>Is anyone on Veeky Forums exceptionally smart?Or know someone who is.
>Not your regular smart but the kind of smart where you just are blown away by their intelligence.You just know they are on a different level by just talking to them.

My Grandpa is super wise. My counselor is as well. My stepdad too. I hope.

My little brother isn't though. He keeps trying to hide stuff. Its cute.

Namefag pls go

I know this qualia

The people around me seem to treat me like I am a genius or something. For anecdotal evidence, I have been invited at the behest of a respected professor to become a visiting scholar at a top-three university for my field with no publication record. PhD students at this university have met me and told me to talk to their advisors because they felt I would be someone worth meeting and sharing ideas with.

Of course, there will be the posters responding to this with, "quit masturbating online, nobody likes you," et cetera. Regardless, I have been convinced by external social forces that I am intellectually extraordinary (in the sense of being beyond ordinary).

If you are curious what it feels like to be in this sort of station, it feels absolutely ordinary. What else am I to say? I had remarkably low self esteem until about a year ago, which is when things began snowballing for me. I'm quite certain that we all have equal potential, and finding intellectual, emotional, and social growth is initiated by a shift in how you view yourself. I was able to begin learning things that interested me when I was able to convince myself that I was capable of grasping the ideas.

When you start down the path of growth and see yourself flourishing, you start to appreciate the beauty in everything. Music, art, philosophy, mathematics, social movements, and disparity in general - these are all just aspects of a staggeringly complex and fascinating reality. This is the mindset that has allowed new connections to be formed in my own mind between very distant subjects. There is relevant analogy between all pieces of knowledge.

Reflecting on my childhood and past self, I think I would describe my change in consciousness as a translated feeling of waking up from deep slumber. You look back and wonder how you did not realize what you were failing to see. The point of my posting this is to encourage other people who feel unremarkable and ordinary. You all have control.

I like this meme

9/10 will copy paste

This, sort of.

In terms of how intelligence is distributed, I'm living on the big hump in the middle of the graph where most people end up. But I'm lucky enough to be friends with some really smart people.

I would describe them as funny and down to earth. They're modest and extremely patient, for the most part. They tend to get really bored when it comes to anything related pop culture and they hardly watch television. I notice that a few don't seem to have memory for movies at all. It's like their brains just immediately dump all the information after watching.

I would call them goal-oriented people. They tend to be obsessive about their interests, but I don't believe any of them are autistic, or at least on the extreme end of that spectrum.

There's some rule-breaking behavior with a few of them. One of them told me he took a test for psychopathy and scored high in some areas. He's a well-behaved psychopath if those scores are to believed, and he definitely has a sense of empathy. However, if there was a grisly accident with blood and viscera involved, I would imagine him acting very logically when others would be screaming. He's no robot, but his understanding of discomfort...well, he's really aware of them.

To sum the fuck up, it's really awesome to be friends with smart people and you learn a lot just observing them and their habits.

Haters gonna hate! Not like I didn't expect it. Have fun, user.

I would think, that you can do it just up to a point. Also, I think only internal (sort of subconscious) motivation works. For example, you think you need to get your shit together so you think - I'll study hard, do this do that, that won't work. You have to have this feeling, that something is so important, necessary for you, like searching for a toilet, when you have to drop some heat.
Also there are all sorts of characters, some are non-give-a-shitters, some are normal people, others are just mad.
As of increasing your volition, sort of training it might be done, but you would need to be some sort of superman to do it on your own.
There must be pressure put on you. Just the right amount, not to crumple you as paper, but to squeeze out all your juice.
Just be realistic, a lot of things can be done, but it will be harder than you think and it'll take much longer.

> The people around me seem to treat me like I am a genius or something. For anecdotal evidence, I have been invited at the behest of a respected professor to become a visiting scholar at a top-three university for my field with no publication record. PhD students at this university have met me and told me to talk to their advisors because they felt I would be someone worth meeting and sharing ideas with.

> Of course, there will be the posters responding to this with, "quit masturbating online, nobody likes you," et cetera. Regardless, I have been convinced by external social forces that I am intellectually extraordinary (in the sense of being beyond ordinary).

What the fuck dude, you told me the other day you were just a normal with who took his obsession really far, now you're saying you're a fucking genius. Make up you're fucking mind.

Have fun having what I'll never get to have.

Couple weeks into calculus 1 now, doing well, already past the chain rule and beyond. Quotient rule was a joke. Product rule remains my specialty.

I ask my professor his thoughts on quantum mechanics and partial derivatives. He's impressed i know about the subject. We converse after class for some time, sharing mathematical insights; i can keep up. He tells me of great things ahead like series and laplacians. I tell him i already read about series on wikipedia. He is yet again impressed at my enthusiasm. What a joy it is to have your professor visibly brighten when he learns of your talents.

And now I sit here wondering what it must be like to be a brainlet, unable to engage your professor as an intellectual peer.

All of the deep conversations you people must miss out on because you aren't able to overcome the intellectual IQ barrier that stands in the way of your academic success... it's so sad.

My professor and I know each other on first name basis now, but i call him Dr. out of respect.

And yet here you brainlets sit, probably havent even made eye contact with yours out of fear that they will gauge your brainlet IQ levels.

A true shame, but just know it is because i was born special that i am special. I can't help being a genius, nor can my professor.

Two of a kind is two flocks in a bush.

Yes I do know exceptionally smart people, sometimes i just envy them. But you know , not all are meant for greatness. Anyway if you're looking for exceptionally smart people on Veeky Forums, good luck with that. Most of them are here to brag about their IQ and how superior to everyone they are, sure there are those rare exceptions.

i can attest to this. decided I would dedicate my life to start learning about what interests me when i was like 16, stocks and roller coasters and physics and shit. one day I found people started treating me with a weird intellectual respect and my friends told me about how everyone talks behind my back about how im a genius. lol I don't think so but if just learning a lot about shit that is interesting makes you a genius then I'll hop on the ego train. dont feel like i have any sort of magical intellectual power that other people dont have- just a deep desire to get really rich. I found that deeply learning about one subject gives you a universal ability to learn other stuff with the same calibre of depth- you start to appreciate weird connections and patterns that you can see in completely unrelated subjects. I'm top of my class in chem at a liberal arts school, doing a 3/2 engineering program with an ivy. I honestly think learning an instrument is like a mental steroid injection for learning other things, started playing drums freshman year and now i can jam the fuck out, but ive always been good with rhythm and shit so maybe im just a g

My friend, you have missed the point: there is nothing predetermined about being a "genius" or whatever symbol society would like to attach to some people. I am a normal kid, I have my own problems and have made my own mistakes. I was not born with superior mental faculties like von Neumann or Terry Tao or any of those other rockstars, and yet through self reflection and curiosity I have managed to receive that odd label of "genius" by intellectuals I respect. The only reason I decided to post in this thread was to offer encouragement to those who, like you, believe they cannot have what I "have." We all "have it," and we are all just trying to wake up to it before we die. You can do it dude!

Ebin, how many big boy points did that maymay cost you?

you're just jelly homie, us g's dont care if you believe us or not, what matters is that we already know it on the inside


Most geniuses are made, not born.–Kruger_effect

You're probably just a terrible person with a lower than average IQ.

> there is nothing predetermined about being a "genius"
> I was not born with superior mental faculties like von Neumann or Terry Tao or any of those other rockstars

Explain this discrepancy.

I've never really met anybody who has given me this sort of impression. I tend to quickly differentiate myself among my peers in terms of performance, but I have a terrible memory, and I don't feel particularly intelligent myself.

I gravitate towards projects courses, and I generally get comments like, 'o wow! so cool! A+' from my professors and advisers, but I can't help but feel like they're just doing it because my ideas are actually dumb and they don't want me to feel bad.

he can't

Because there is a distinction, at least to me, between being a genius (somewhat with that spark, someone who efficiently and voluminously expresses the novelty they generate) and having the architecture to do things most can't. I think we all have the ability to be "genius," and a lot of it boils down to identifying your strengths and capitalizing on them. Von Neumann and Tao both had very evident strengths, but if it were not for their own motivation and the encouragement they received from their social neighborhoods, they would have likely flopped and fizzled. Look at all of these savants that get pushed and pushed and fail to amount to anything; they had the architecture to do great things but lacked the necessary spark. I think that the spark is the progenitor of a certain type of growth which allows one to achieve whatever they set their mind to. The trouble is finding the spark.

someone*, although I think it's clear what I meant there.

verified clear

Not really.
Above average, sure. Genius level? Not a single one (that I have talked to, maybe I did meet someone like that without realizing)

ITT: people think good grades = intelligence.

The friends that I was referring to did much more than that. They have motivation unlike anything most people will ever be able to muster, and they are intelligent as well.

Yeah this kid i grew up with that i used to play footabll with was very smart. He was doing calc 2 at age 15 and i was blown away by that because his english was bad and i think all his life he needed glasses but never used them. There were other kids that were "smart" but mosly knew trivial shit. Not sure what he does now though as we grew apart

No, I'm not. Everyone I know agrees I'm intelligent.

Oh. That is interesting. I knew someone that was 15 or 16 in my quantum physics class. He definitely is very smart and gifted, but he did not come to mind when I think of my exceptionally smart friends.