What even is a number?

What even is a number?

your mom

A quantitative definition with inherent properties

>Draw a line
>On your line, place a dot. This is your point of origin, or '0'
>Next, draw a second dot on your line that is to the right of the origin.
>The distance between your two dots is the unit length, or '1'
>Mark another dot one unit length to the right of your previous dot
> Repeat
Congratulations, you now have a number line.

to answer your question, all evens are numbers.

Anything that can be added and multiplied.

notice how your model of a number line does not address the OP's question of what a number /is/. You've just done an arbitrary geometric thing.

I prefer a number circle, beginning and ending with positive and negative infinities at the top and having zero at the lowest point. Then extending from the start and end points with different magnitudes of infinities extincting along could be thought of as the y axis. Then along the circumference of the circle you extend out the z axis with the imaginary portion of the number line to form a number cylinder.

I like to ask myself what number occupies the farthest points on the x axus, clearly it could be +/- ∞/2 but ∞/2 should belong at the top with ∞ then I start bashing my head with my palm and saying to myself stupid stupid stupid stupid so I give up thinking what lies on diffrent portions of the number cylinder and start wondering what could go inside it. And that's when I imagine the number cylinder as dense filled with other dimensional numberings, capped off the top like a mushroom head and I start fingering my anus as my thought experiment number dick fucks me over and over and over. Boomb bommb two fingers, four fingers I lika I lika, just them mom opens the door I roll to the floor behind my bed to hide my shame, everybody walks the dinosaur.

a set containing all previous numbers

Are matrices numbers?

I'm not too sure but if you add up all of them you get -1/12

A quantitative value that shows how many instances of something there is.

Define "how many."


A miserable pile of secrets

What about even functions?

Aye those are ordinals, but that does not describe what a cardinal is.

but there is a bijection between finite ordinals and finite cardinals

a natural number is an abstract representation of a quantity

What does -i of something look like?

>What even is a number?

specific amount.

numbers are just social constructs
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The last bits of the Human Mind flaking off into irrelevance.

>back to now that was uncalled for user. please save the back to /pol/ meme for when it's relevant.