What happened before the Big Bang?

What happened before the Big Bang?

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It was the first happening.

I hate the notion that something was always there, but no matter how you look at it, it was.

Even if there is a deity, who created the deity? And so on.

The universe implies something existed without a cause.

any proofs?

you already know the answer

You are talking to the retards who started a war on birds who couldn't fly and lost.

So no. The simple concept of proofs eludes them.

God was jerking off. The big bang was him cumming.


Long ago, in a universe that no longer exists, there was an alien race of extremely intelligent sentient beings. They had answered many of life's mysteries, with the exception of one: where did all come from?

One of them wanted to answer this very question. His peers tried in vain to stop him. He devised a "time" machine, one which could theoretically allow him to travel back in time and discover the beginning of creation itself.

There was a problem, though: time travel to the past is impossible, as it goes against the very foundation of the universe. His device was a time machine, but not the one he intended to create.

As the Primagen traveled through the Netherscape, bits and pieces of different worlds were dragged along with his Lightship, like a magnet, until he reached what he thought was the beginning of time. When the Lightship came to a stop, matter all around him began collapsing and compressing, and he realized this was his chance to witness what no mortal eyes had ever seen: the birth of the universe, the beginning of time.

As the universe reached its final moments, the hole left by the Lightship in the Netherscape had yet to be closed, and matter dragged by many of the Lightship's power cores began bombarding it. The bombardment de-stabilized the Lightship, sending it towards the One Point, triggering what is known as the Big Bang.

Big Crunch is an interesting notion, and endless expansion/contraction cycle, but doesn't really answer the question of what caused it. Perhaps the very idea of causation doesn't apply here though?

If you go by String theory, two interesting approaches to the Big Bang are proposed:

The first suggests that our universe is the result of an already existing universe splitting

The other suggests our universe was created the merging of two existing universes.


Dat wall... 10/10

No idea about original question lol

If we are a simulation then nothing, chances of that, around 50%

The small bang, retard.

The Big Bog.


big bang is creationism disguised as science
universe is infinite in time and space
human brains are not, so don't expect to understand.

Read The Last Question by Asimov


Big Mass.

Gravity keeps the whole world pulsing. It will pull everything back together, compact it till it collapses and we have another Big Bang.

God decided to create us.

There was no time 'before' the Big Bang.

What was before god?

Considering that the universe seems to be expanding rapidly, that seems unlikely

To even question this is an exercise in futility

Its the same as asking to explain what it was like before you were born. You cant explain that which you did not exist for.

Its not worth asking the question, but its one we cant stop asking

There's theory that the previous universe was consumed by a supermassive black hole and all that energy being compressed was unstable and it exploded back out in the big bang continuing to form the known universe, I like this but it does present a lot of issues.

Chemical reaction to cause the explosion.

I knew I'd have a use for this spurdo one day, consider yourself enlightened, user.

Muslim Refugees' Sudden Appearance

The old collapsed in order to create the singularity that started the big bang, as gravity has no minimum distance and eventually will always win.



prove nobody beat the winner of the race

There was neither space nor time before the Big Bang.

The Jews did the big bang.

The beginning is the end. Literally.
Once the universe collapses everything starts over again. Like playing a movie and set vlc player to repeat.

another ever-expanding, multi-dimensional universe in which ours was born as a random quantum fluctuation

The Big Bang.....was not a fucking BANG.

It was a rapid expansion of space and time, sure, but not a bang, there was no outward pressure driving it's expansion. Dark energy, sure, but not pressure, as we know it.

No, they did 9/11. The Reptilians (space kikes) did the big bang.

>The Jews sold the Big Bang


You're mom was lonely and I was horny.

There could be another big bang happening right now far away.

Maybe dark energy and matter started initiated the big bang and the only thing stopping it from happening is kek

here is an idea
when we expect this to be simulation, we assume there is so much more outside of it we cant even think of. but what if it is a dream or thought?

a dream is everything of this world, + what we can imagine. what if the reality this one is based upon is much more dull and boring as this world already springs from the imagination of the beings in the upper reality. further more the reality above us could just be a dream or thought too, making the reality that reality is based upon even less vast and complex. this could go on until there are beings living in a 2D world imagining the 3rd dimenstion. which in turn was imagined by an enthity living in a 1 dimensional world dreaming of the 2nd dimension. now one dimensional would be a line, or a sequence of something being there or not, 0s or 1s, binary code. however what if that thought, of something being there, is imagined by an entithy living in complete nothingness (the source) imagining how it could be if there is something. This very first thought would have been what scientist call the big bang. that enthity dreams of something more, the 2nd dimension, that of the 3rd, those beings then think of different senses you could have until we reach this reality.

however it probably goes then the other way too. our dreams are also dreaming of more and more, imagining things we cant.

>asks for proof of big bang
>literally impossible to provide proof

>ask for proof of good
>literally impossible to provide proof

will you retards ever stop

the big crunch

It certainly wasn't big, since it supposedly started as an immensely dense point.
Don't be a smartass.

What's north of the North pole

The Jews wrote the big bang

If we had the proofs you were looking for it wouldn't be called a theory now would it.

But it was the size of the entire universe user. There isn't anything bigger to compare it to. You can call it the biggest bang if you want to

stop doing drugs retarded piece of shit.
>something as complex as universe is a thought

go fucking kill yourself and get off Veeky Forums, no you aren't smart as you seem, you probably never solved an equation in your life.

CPU is humanities biggest achievement and we spent billions into it, yet it can only simulate 10 neurons in real time. but someone made universe and the CPU it runs on, but thats just a thought right?

stop doing drugs, ty

Let's think about the universe as having a repeating cycle of collapses and expansions. If the big bang were the start, that is just completely counter to what science stands for. As of today, we have just little more than speculation of what existed/didn't exist before the big bang. As theory goes, all matter in the current universe started as a condensed ball. For whatever reason, the ball exploded and spread all known and unknown matter to the furthest reaches of the plane of existence.

Its my understanding that the universe will converge, because of gravity, again into that condensed ball. All matter has a gravitational energy which means that everything is going to become compacted. First in clumps, then in massive segments of the universe. From there, those segments will converge and this would just continue until all matter is in that ball I spoke about earlier. The counter to this is the explosive potential of atomic energy. Some would say that the explosive power of all the condensing would create enough energy to maintain a balance between that and the gravitational pull of matter. I'd say this is false. The potency of an explosion is subject to the chemical makeup of its components. In the case of stars, you need an explosion large enough to break through the force of gravity. That could be the case with the big bang as well.

All this is just trying to make sense of how a ball of all current matter could exist in the first place. If you're not religious, it didn't just appear there at a random point in time. I believe that the universe has cycles which start with a big bang and end with the period just before a big bang.

Cause and effect doesn't apply to God, he wouldn't be God if it did.

Let's not try to comprehend something we literally can't.

You must be speaking of the Big Crunch, right? Does make more sense than just saying it appeared out of nowhere.

>its my understanding that the universe will converge

Except current evidence suggests the opposite. The universe is expanding at and accelerating rate and non-local galaxies are escaping from each other's gravity. If this continues, distant galaxies will disappear as a space between grows more quickly than light can traverse it.

If there was anything that would stop this accelerating expansion then it should have started influencing the acceleration already. This doesn't appear to be the case

Can you give me a quick rundown?

Cause and effect doesn't apply to the beginning of the universe, it wouldn't be "the beginning" if it did.

Let's not try to comprehend something we literally can't.

>What happened before the Big Bang?

way i see it, either study and try to figure out or just hope all is revealed when you die

You can only investigate the universe. Something that happened before the universe can't be investigated, it's impossible to know.

The Big Bang isnt an explosion, its a sudden spatial temporal expansion caused by dark energy.



Infinities are not physically realizable, pleb

Your mom blew me

To begin understanding, you have to realise physical is a sensory illusion dictated by frequency we are a dense relitivly low frequency blob of 'mass' antheirfore can perceive and interact with other blobs of 'mass' that exist on a similar wavelength. Big bang was a massive anomaly in the void causing massive ripples to flow evermore from this point, now as something moves further from its source it becomes more distorted, allowing small scale unsustainable anomalous events causing ripples to flow back in the direction of the source, this begins to create more and more complex systems of ripples and will continue to do so at an ever expanding rate 1,2,4,8,16,32.... To infinitum.
The universe is not even a spec in the ininate expance of the void. No one can ever answer what caused the anomily, or how mass can exist, or even how existence can exist, and if you look too hard you will be driven mad or come to accept a higher power that 'exist' beyond causality, without having ever existed.

I honestly just think of the universe as someones lucid dream.

the small bang


This is an idea of smallest building block and it's features are:

-It can "appear/disappear" "randomly", because it's equal to "0" or "nothingness"
(quantum physics has anwsers i guess)

-It can interact with other building blocks (+,-,x?,÷?)

-It's relative (there is no 1 without -1), which is foundation, therefore everything is relative. [law of nature]

Now we add laws of nature, which are concepts, principles. This is what I would call "god", since it's existing as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

And finally, space+time+(other dimensions) which ignites/start/allows process->complexity

Now to anwser your question.
There is no before or after without time dimension, therefore big bang is start of time.

Is size relative too?

Can we really say the universe is expanding when we might really be shrinking?


This is an idea of smallest building block and it's features are:

-It can "appear/disappear" "randomly", because it's equal to "0" or "nothingness"
(quantum physics has anwsers i guess)

-It can interact with other building blocks (+,-,x?,÷?)

-It's relative (there is no 1 without -1), which is foundation, therefore everything is relative. [law of nature]

Now we add laws of nature, which are concepts, principles. This is what I would call "god", since it's existing as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

And finally, space+time+(other dimensions) which ignites/start/allows process->complexity

Now to anwser your question.
There is no before or after without time dimension and big bang is start of time among other things.

Times a comparative measure, more specifically the comparative measure of the flow of energy in every form. 1second of your life will always progress as such regardless of external factors, though increased velocity and momentum will accelerate you past the energy flowing your resting rate, giving the apearence of relativity, creating an illusion that time is both a dimension and linear. Where as in reality its just a difference in force/potential/momentum that produces the measurable difference know as time
Easy mistake to make

sry, had to edit something.

>Is size relative too?
(you know something is "big" only because there is something "small" and vice versa)
I believe absolutely everything is relative.
It's foundation, which "started" with "-1_1" but might be easly misunderstood.

>Can we really say the universe is expanding when we might really be shrinking?
Thats just "playing" with words. We know we are expanding because universe is "moving/acting" according to expanding definition.

How is it playing with words?

What definition of "expanding" are you using?

>"Expanding" [Physics](of the universe) undergo a continuous change whereby, according to theory based on observed red shifts, all the galaxies recede from one another.

I have minimum knowledge in physics, so i can only philosophize and make million mistakes, but i heard it defined as space-time, tho i understand it as change/difference.

if cause and effect does not apply to God then why does God become sad whenever I masturbate?


Implying the "Universe is cyclical" theory is lazy writing, even though it's one of the more logical explanations.

I prefer the Rick and Morty approach

You're sounding very certain there even was a big bang.
But if there was a big bang and you're the physical before spiritual type, then there was likely nothing; and this universe is merely the +/- of 0.
If there is spirit, then this is a top-level shared dream, a matrix for our conscious mind to imagine something other than darkness.