Okay, now the CIA's documents on "psychoenergetics" experiments are available online

Okay, now the CIA's documents on "psychoenergetics" experiments are available online.
>CIA tested Uri Geller on telepathy. They drew pictures, he drew some pictures too. Some of them are surprisingly accurate.
Now, this is clearly bullshit. I did not find any flaws in methodology. The fact lead to only one possible conclusion, that he was really good friends with some guys doing the experiments. On one instance, before doing experiments he asked if the pictures were drawn by a scientist who he "did not like". CIA told him - no (they lied), he failed to produce any relevant pictures.
What I predict now is a real shitstorm from telepathy believers from around the world: I told you so. What is worse, that the flaws in the experiment can only be speculated, the paper is quite conscise with a lot of positive arguments toward telepathy.
The document:

Other urls found in this thread:


So I call you, fellow people of science, to get a crack on this case.
Maybe there are some later documents, revealing the flaws here.

Whatever, just found out, that the 2 researchers, running the experiments were pseudo-tards (Russell Targ and Harold E. Puthoff).

bump to spread the word

tfw you just want a little transparency and they give you this nonsense

Well, yeah if you're a nerd who has never been in love or experimented with psychedelics, of course you'd passionately believe that telepathy must not be possible.

You should watch An Honest Liar, anhonestliar.com/wp/ .

Uri Geller pretty much laughs at everyone for being religious and gullible while he's in his giant mansion.

I think in this documentary they go over a plan to fool some scientists using magic tricks. Scientists are human. They can be fooled too.

>believe results are bullshit for personal reasons that have little to do with the experiment
>can't find any methodological flaw
>"therefore the ONLY possible conclusion is that there was some conspiracy to falsify these results!"
I don't know if telepathy is real or not, but this is retarded logic. You're looking for a reason to claim the results as false from the get-go and have to resort to speculation when you can't find one in the actual paper. You even admit it's speculation, which shows me you're either deep into the doublethink or just no longer care.

>Scientists are human. They can be fooled too.
Except for climate scientists of course.

Congratulations, you just described the average professional skeptic.

Who has the financial means and motive to propagate false propaganda about climate change? Hmm...

Those dirty grad students working for poverty level wages! I knew I couldn't trust them!

There is a connected consciousness that I wouldn't call telepathy but I've only ever experienced it while under the influence of lysergicacid dithalymede d-9. So since these are self experiments, and I was hallucinating, I understand your skeptsism

Listen you little bitch, the paper was written as if the telepathy worked. Why did CIA end this research if it worked so well? If telepathy is real why James Randi prize still stands? Anyways, the few next posts give you the sources on that bullshit.
>troll / made me reply

>Why did CIA end this research if it worked so well?
Don't know, probably the funding was cut anyways for strategic reasons. Same shit happens all the time in all types of research
>If telepathy is real why James Randi prize still stands?
Randi prize doesn't fucking matter in the first place, it's isn't a serious scientific study but a shame show for freaks. Also, getting in the contest requires to sign a contract who basically says that Randi foundation can mop the floor with your image in order to boost their objetives. Oh, and the contest requires a pre screening with absurdly high cut offs, cut offs that in formal research are inexistent.
5/10 Made me reply

>not even trying anymore / troll

>stop disagreeing with me ;_;
And that's why I don't take skeptics seriously anymore.

a hypothesis: both subjects in the study are motivated to draw/imagine similar things because of barely-conscious inspirational cues like a glanced-at image on a magazine cover in the waiting room or a song on the radio

There is a summary paper that analyses the methodology and finds it flawed. The flaw were the people. Of course, in op's paper they conveniently omit the tests with 100 drawn objects in envelopes, which are sealed, shuffled and one by one given to Uri Geller. He scores impressive 0/100.
I think what this situation shows is how "efficiently" tax payer money are spent.

More reason to defund them.

the problem with top secret government research is there's no peer review

maybe someone could try to replicate this experiment now that it's out in the public

>the problem with top secret government research is there's no peer review
good point.
Anyways, there were many instances of similar experiments, which all, as expected gave negative result.

>So I call you, fellow people of science, to get a crack on this case.

So, lots of funding didn't work, so you are going to try to trick a bunch of autists on a mongolian basketweaving website to do your job for you, for free.... so you can have more money to give to morons, so they can have more moron kids, and perpetuate the stupidity of your civilization?

Actually, now that I think about it, that would be a great long term tactic to use against an enemy nation.... trick them into destroying their intelligent people, so eventually they will fall for literally anything.

Hang on Guys... i'm going to pitch this one to DARPA.

>Hang on Guys... i'm going to pitch this one to DARPA.

Maybe we could use propaganda and psyops on an enemy population to get them to accept attacking and isolating their intelligent people from the gene pool, dumbing down the population over a few generations.

>Maybe we could use propaganda and psyops on an enemy population to get them to accept attacking and isolating their intelligent people from the gene pool, dumbing down the population over a few generations.

Also, simultaniously, using paralell psyops to boost the reproductive sucess of the absolute DUMBEST members of their population, to speed along the process.

>Also, simultaniously, using paralell psyops to boost the reproductive sucess of the absolute DUMBEST members of their population, to speed along the process.

We would have to clandestinely take over the target nations educational and media institutions though... in order to get the platforms for the "Process"

>We would have to clandestinely take over the target nations educational and media institutions though... in order to get the platforms for the "Process"

Then again, we would probably have to remain vigilant to make sure no one tries to use my new technique against us.

>Then again, we would probably have to remain vigilant to make sure no one tries to use my new technique against us.

Yeah, I tried to submit this proposal to DARPA, but it looks like that feature on their website isn't working.....


Uri Geller can bend spoons with his intent. I don't know how that works but watch him do it, it's clear there is no strength or trickery involved.

And Skeptard Pisstroll, go fuck yourself you worthless cunt.

>believing in Uri Geller
>in the year of our lord numbered two thousand, ten, and seven
here why don't you watch this faggot wizard

I've seen people bend spoons.

Uri geller it's not the best test subject they had.

Randi is a sad and desperate indivividual who doesn't come up with anything realistic to refute Geller's abilities in the 5:36 minutes that I watched. Three minutes in and Geller has remote viewed a drawing, bent a key, and bent a spoon. Randi is clutching at straws, it's laughable. His only suggestion for spoon bending is that the spoons were weakened beforehand. I once attended a public talk by a different psychic, not Geller, who was known for bending spoons. The talk had the byline, 'bring your own spoon!' I watched as the speaker bent a spoon, and around the audience of about 100-150 people around a dozen people bent spoons. The woman sitting right next to me did. Did these people all pre-prepare their spoons so they could pretend they were bending them?

Some psychic phenomena are real. Randi is a sad delusional throwback to a bygone mechanistic era wasting his time trying to debunk people who actually know a little bit more than he does about how the universe really is.