If there are dog breeds and other mamilian species that are statistically more violent and dangerous then why is that...

if there are dog breeds and other mamilian species that are statistically more violent and dangerous then why is that not present in humans as well

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Because any statistic gets overriden by culture it has so little to do with race it is hilarious

There are but liberal academia shuts down every mention if the notion

Pitbull's are very popular among black people




Not that user, but it's true that academics, in general, can't handle the truth in this regard. Yesterday, a classmate of mine mentioned that African Americans are at higher risk for heart disease due to their genetics, and the 'professor' responded by quickly blurting out, "RACE IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT!" My classmate tried to explain that this cardiovascular anomaly has been well researched and is accepted by most medical doctors, but the prof wouldn't budge. It is intellectual dishonesty.


Okay, you want citations. Should we compile a list of anthropologists and geneticists whose careers have been damaged because they spoke the truth?


> expecting scientific discussion in non-science fields like biology

it was thought XYY humans were more violent though I'm not sure where that theory's at now

>Really stimulates your neurons

I will put out a disclaimer, however; I don't say these things in a hateful way, but I wish to be truthful. Sometimes the truth hurts. That being said, we shouldn't actively discriminate against these individuals, but this info could put an end to a lot of societal uproar going on right now.

there's also the importance of racial similarity in bone marrow transplants


feel free to ask your doctor if he thinks race is a social construct

Fascinating, user.

Race is a social construct you uneducated fuck because the divides are needless and often not even caused by genetics. Of course two Europeans on average are more genetically similar than two members of different races.

There are huge genetic differences between different African ethnicities yet we just call them black. We had people treat slavs as a completely different category than western European people etc.

Statistics explain trends, they don't explain the phenomena itself. AKA you're misinterpreting it.

What is your justification for culture not coming from race instead of vice versa ?

>citing a brainlet who had to steal data from a women

Because like everything else involving humans it's not so simple.

Blacks are more likely to commit domestic violence and gang warfare but Whites have committed more international wars. Meanwhile Asians are extremely passive aggressive, Indians commit higher amounts of rape within their country and the middle east cause religous terriosim via bombings and crude punishment towards women.

All of these acts classify as violence and/ or is considered dangerous.

With dogs all you get is a gradient of aggression. You don't have dogs committing suicide bombings on other dogs for their god or start global wars with other dogs in a distant country because of muh trade disputes.

dogs were bred artificially for those traits

well.. blacks.

Shut up liberal faggot. This is the Trumpenreich now.

>Whites have committed more international wars.

That's a a funny way to spell Jews