I forgot about home chicken in my fridge and it had started to smell.. not horrible or rotten, but noticeable

i forgot about home chicken in my fridge and it had started to smell.. not horrible or rotten, but noticeable

i washed it off (which took care of the smell) and put it in the freezer

i plan on taking it out of the freezer soon and soaking it in buttermilk and deep frying it

will i die?

Is food poisoning really worth the price of a chicken?

Don't worry about it, that chicken still looks good.

What your smelling is salmonella and other bacteria. I wouldn't not risk it user. Food poisoning is no joke.

Raw chicken is second only to raw fish in its likelihood to spoil in a way that will make you sick.

Bin that bird before it bins your life.

just dont. I got food poisoning a few weeks ago, most likely from mcdonalds though. Only lasted a a day but I was shitting liquid and puking every 30 minutes. I didnt even have time to flush the toilet after shitting so I would puke into my shit filled toilet. not worth the risk.

So many pussies in this thread. If you have a bitch stomach you might get sick but otherwise you should be good to go. A slight off smell is nothing. If its rancid that's another thing.

I wish Veeky Forums had flags so we could see you for the Indian you are.

>wouldn't not risk it

So it's good to go then? Nice.

Something's bound to kill you eventually. Why not shit yourself to death?

way to have no idea what you're talking about. Having a bitch stomach has nothing to do with food poisoning. Vast majority of bacteria responsible for food poisoning colonize and infiltrate the intestines. They have mechanisms to resist stomach acid. There are also spore forming bacteria and even if bacteria were killed during frying, toxins may still persist.

i am the op

i have this t-shirt


I wouldn't recommend it but then again I store meat for a maximum of 24 hours in the fridge before cooking it. Breast meat in particular will have a noticeable taste if it's bad.

You sound like a little bitch. Food poisoning is a meme for the weak.

feed it to someone else and wait a couple of hours and see if they died

Its a sign. Eat the chicken.

>home chicken
what is home chicken?

Thank you. I was wondering the same.

I'm Indian and I wouldn't go near raw chicken. Got food poisoning once from a restaurant and some bad luck and that was absolutely terrible. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Seriously OP, don't fucking eat that goddamn chicken. Food poisoning sucks.

I hope you choke on some listeria you fucking cunt.

This. You have to let it go OP. Just let it go.

The smell was from bacteria in the liquids on the surface. If you rinses and it smells okay, you should be fine.

If, however, you cook it and it tastes even a LITTLE off, toss that shit inmediately. I woulsnt even swallow what you put in your mouth - not that it'll kill you, but like...why would you?

>I got food poisoning a few weeks ago, most likely from mcdonalds

I find that hard to believe. It's not like they make the nuggets from scratch.