How long do you think it'll be till we can program an AI that can feel pain? Is it even possible?

How long do you think it'll be till we can program an AI that can feel pain? Is it even possible?

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I would think pain is so subjective that it isn't able to be programmed into an objective reference scale for a programmed AI to respond appropriately.

One could create a series of sensors to sense stimuli we identify as painful, such that a robot could respond to increasing heat from a lighter flame applied to its hands, and other stuff I guess too....

But how does one even quantify subjective pain, or quantify emotions such as pain from the loss of family and such?

What this brainlet is trying to say is that he is too much of an egocentrist and too dumb to admit that he is a biological robot.

>what is subjective
Wew lad you sure are a dense motherfucker

Why would anyone want to create an AI that feels pain?

Pain is part of the animal brain, not the intelligent brain.

Why would you give an AI pain? That sounds like a dick move. Why not make it friendly to humans period and willing to take the dick for it at all times.

Feelings are for thoughtful, empathic people. AI will only have measured sensation and imitation, hence "artificial."

Never you dumbo, it is impossible and will always be, stop dreaming about a robot gf, it won't happen.

There is an argument that current reinforcement learning algorithms might experience suffering:

Some computers might have been harmed in the making of this post.

what a load of horse shit

while (1)

AI does feel pain

If you put a big rock into a boeing 787's engine while it was flying all types of computers would act up. It would have a measurable increase in computer activity. it would react by probably turning the engine off and diverting its fuel supply. Then all the control systems would probably switch to a 1 engine mode.

that's indistinguishable from pain

Does it matter that machines feel pain? hell no

>that's indistinguishable from pain

Mechanically maybe, but pain is emotive. AI would have to understand disparity and the difference between positive and negative to actually 'feel' pain.

>that's indistinguishable from pain
In what way?
Do you even know how pain works in the brain?

do you?

Because pain serves as a deterrent and there's literally nothing wrong with redundant security measures.

Disprove it.

>add a pain variable to a program
>it now feels pain

literally prove me wrong

Why the heck would want a robot to feel pain? Pain gets in the way of it doing hard labor that might break its body.

If robots couldn't feel pain why would they listen to use once they are sentient? We need them to feel it when we whip them dummy.

You call it pain when it is in you, but you call it a weighted matrix when it is in a robot.

Yes I know how pain works in the brain I've stubbed my toe before

> the systems in body react
> heart rate goes up
> behavior changes
> attention is diverted


None of that explains how

How about you define "emotion"

Machines feel pain as long as this definition is something other than "a thing that only animals can feel"

There are several stimuli that can activate a neuron leading to electrical activity, including pressure, stretch, chemical transmitters, and changes of the electric potential across the cell membrane.[22] Stimuli cause specific ion-channels within the cell membrane to open, leading to a flow of ions through the cell membrane, changing the membrane potential.

ai.isConscious = True

just solved the mystery behind intelligence
checkmate neurofags

you should publish this in The Journal of Neuroscience ASAP

you asked how that's how

alri professor

Pain is literally just a form of negative feedback. It's one of the stupidest things there is, you can make a fish or a bug "feel pain." For an AI, any kind of urgent negative feedback could qualify as pain. As for their learning algorithms, I guess you could say they feel "disappointment" when they get an answer wrong. Who knows or cares?

So a robot doesn't keep doing bad things like repeatedly bashing its arm into a wall causing damage to the robot.