Tfw your kid's school makes you sign a permission slip so he can read Fahrenheit 451

>tfw your kid's school makes you sign a permission slip so he can read Fahrenheit 451

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>not home schooling your kid

>This book was challenged because of it's theme of the illegality and censorship of books

i wonder what ray bradbury would say about this twist

Your kid's teacher gets your kid to write a permission slip as an exercise and a lesson in censorship.

Did you not even read it? Though it was easier to trust your knee-jerk reaction?

probably a scheme to get the kids excited

>tfw Dad took away your copy of 1984 because Winston fantasizes about raping and murdering a woman a few pages in

Give it back Dad

Yeah fuck you dad

Veeky Forumsentist here.. is this irony?

Ballantine used to sell an expurgated edition of the book to schools.

lurk longer

Bastards. In Florida a book about a girl who fought against the Taliban's trying to ban education... got banned.

What? Fucking why? I read the book from my school library when I was 12.

I'm sure it's available in the library. I remember there being all sorts of "subversive" shit in my library in jr high. The problem is that if they ASSIGN almost ANY even slightly controversial book for kids to read and don't send out notes like this then there is always the chance that one or two retarded parents are going to make a big stink, potentially at the expense of the educator's jobs.

Florida is full of illiterates, so no surprise there.

Fuck off Florida is great you're just a fag.

>Giving your kid a dog's name.

the important thing to realize is that teachers are not special or virtuous, or even have any understanding of what they are teaching. we are truly in a hell dimension.

Honestly this is a great quote.

Florida is America's trashcan.

It doesn't seem like any of you understood the homework.

Teacher tells class that they will be reading Fahrenheit 451. Groans of annoyance but then teacher tells them it is a banned book, excitement! Gives out press clippings so they can read up about why a school district challenged it and then gets them to write a permission slip to their parents explaining why others think it is controversial.

They will then proceed to read the book and discuss censorship including issues such as gaining permission to read works.

Too long; didn't read

Well, it's more of a bitch's name.

I think this is being hopeful.

And more likely they just said that you'll need a permission slip to participate, the fear of looking like an outcast that cannot join in the usual activities plays on teenage fears brilliantly.

The irony being the author claims it is actually about society being numbed by passive experience and not censorship.

Ray Bradbury is dead tho

I don't quite understand what is being conveyed by this picture or this thread. Is the typewritten slip supposed to indicate that the parent did not think that this was the point of the exercise and was trying to be clever and sarcastic? Is the thread mocking this, that, what? What level of irony are we proceeding on here?

The true irony being it is actually about both.

How the hell does this kid know the word 'dystopian"? I said it once at a Uni Seminar and got blank looks as to what the word means

>is a father
>browses Veeky Forums

Poor kid

I don't even see how you could think it's about censorship

There's the book burning, but the rest of the fucking book is about how degenerate, apathetic and detached from reality and history society became. The books are just a device to make it more convenient to explore those themes, not the main point

Why are christfags the worst?

Because book burning is much more central to the film as it is more visual. Anyway you don't censor a medium by completely destroying it but the story is taken as a parable about censorship because in reality censorship is selective and not total. A slippery slope argument.

>take poorly educated middle class
>add religious dogma ("opiate of the masses") since birth
>Result: an anti-intellectual group who think it's their God-given right to dominate all forms of culture
Fortunately it's mostly an American problem, and there are some Veeky Forums Catholics and such to counterbalance the yokels