Any must read french books Veeky Forums? Looking to practice my french

Any must read french books Veeky Forums? Looking to practice my french.

Other urls found in this thread:

la princesse de clèves

L'histoire de l'oeil

Les Misérables
Le Comte de Monte Cristo
All fantastic novels

But if your French ain't that good and you want to practice with something easier before moving on to quality lit you could try Amélie Nothomb, she's not great with a capital G but her books are funny and easy to read and not exactly trash 'roman de gare' either.

Or you could tell us what you like so that we could give you more specific advice

Im looking for something that makes me question what i read. Something philosophical or a good fiction that does this

Le Petit Prince est facile

ignore all posts (especially the first one) but mine and read voyage au bout de la nuit from louis-ferdiand céline.

I'd argue the language would be too confusing for someone who doesn't master French but otherwise it's good advice

There's also the obvious L'Etranger, de Camus.

Sartre's Nausea is a good struggle-but-huge-payoff read and Camus is of course the first serious book you should go for.

Avoid poetry at first; you can skip words or use sparknotes to spot check difficult parts of a novel, with poetry you need to know every single word.

>Amélie Nothomb
>not exactly trash

Too hard

Bonjour OP! You could read this shit , or slog through Zola and Dumas , but why? When you can read a ~100 page novella that is the earliest "subversive" novel in the French tradition? It's great, and it's even weitten in modern french.

La Princesse de Clèves is fantastic and readily available in English speaking markets due to its popularity as an educational text. Ignore the hater, it's probably just Nicolas Sarkozy in disguise.

That's funny, I was assuming whoever keeps posting about it was a beyond-dedicated Sarkozy hater from back then

Ok, alright, I like reading one of her novellas once in a while, it's better than YA or shit like Yann Moix , Marc Levy and what-have-you, let me have that guilty pleasure

Did Sarkozy shit on La Fayette? I somehow missed that episode.

To add to the thread topic, why not trying a play? That's an easy way to get into a language

Some recs :
Huis Clos, Sartre (short, somewhat philosophical)

Antigone, Jean Anouilh

Any Molière

>Did Sarkozy shit on La Fayette?

I also legitimately like the book

>Sartre's Nausea is a good struggle-but-huge-payoff read
>Nausea is a good struggle-but-huge-payoff read
>Nausea is a good
Absolutely disgusting.

To be fair though, it's just one book, it's not enough of a proof that Sarkozy is a philistine or anything although I'm inclined to think so

Read Exupéry, might still be difficult for you, but easier than most, and he's also a geat author.

Sarkozy doesn't like it but the reason it came up is he thought it shouldn't be on the civil service test which I think is fair point.

personally i love the idea of a bunch of FEMEN whores reading

La Belle Dame Sans Merci


>"A sadist or an idiot, up to you, included questions about 'La Princesse de Cleves' in an exam for people applying for public sector jobs," he said,
Yea, it sounds like the Vilain Nabot is right on that one