What do the mathematicians of Veeky Forums think about philosophy?

What do the mathematicians of Veeky Forums think about philosophy?

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it's pretty alright as long as it's only used to discuss math
people who try to apply philosophy to real life always fail in some respect

If I came from an aristocratic family inheriting millions of dollars I'd major in Philosophy and Maths and spend my life thinking about things.

Instead I major in CS and Maths in order to secure some shekels

Philosophy about truth and logic is the foundation of mathematics. Something I've spent a lot of time on to understand proofs in first order propositional/predicate syntax and other works (Tarski, Godel, Russel, etc.). There are some papers that I believe should be required reading for everyone on this planet.

There is a lot of bad information to sort through, although I don't fault the field itself as memes plagues our branches as well.

philosophy is top tier comfy

I think there's no way people can shirk off the setting of thinking that the pioneers before them operated in.

This image is a bit extreme, as philosophy can fairly be subjected to criticism, but not so far as to leave it behind.

My favorite Einstein quote is below. I plan on changing pic related someday to reflect this quote, because I think it reflects better on what science has become today and why.
Super underrated.

>“Philosophy is like a mother who gave birth to and endowed all the other sciences. Therefore, one should not scorn her in her nakedness and poverty, but should hope, rather, that part of her Don Quixote ideal will live on in her children so that they do not sink into philistinism.”

Get fucked everyone who criticizes just for the sake of criticism and doesn't put anything forth, sour grapes, etc.

How is it that prominent thinkers don't see how annoying and pretentious scientism as a whole is? Clearly being well versed in strict natural sciences and mathematics is important but why do so many seem to act like every other facet of reality, mainly socio interactions and the implications of existence itself, are unimportant in comparison?

It just seems so single minded. I feel like I'm clearly retarded compared to everyone in this pic but I can see the scope of thought and understanding it takes to possess the ideas present on the right and absent on the left.

Again, I'm clearly retarded as I mixed up left and right but you get the point

Well what should relieve you a little is that scientists who are adults now did not grow up under the influence of scientism as it is today.
They grew up in the 60s-80s when it was still seemingly commonplace to have been exposed to it. The researchers making headway would likely not speak out against people like Tyson because they are popularizing it so well.

The issue is that the 20/30 something's that are just finishing PhDs did grow up in the reddit/bill Nye/Tyson era, and so will be influenced.

My guess is that there will be a sect of the "original line" of scientific thinkers that find some bright minds and make sure they know philosophy isn't all bullshit. There they will pass on the legacy while 75% of next gen mainstream scientists will disregard it.

The next generation of research will progress either way, but I'd be willing to bet the big breakthroughs get done by people who appreciate it, as the pioneers before them did.

Of course that's speculation, I may just not have had as much exposure to actual researchers, but my guess is scientism has take a majority of young minds hostage.

Just make sure you're a cut above the fucking rest, because it's people who realize it's important that will go on to discover great things. So be better than them.

What people called "philosophers" do often means discussing the same things over and over without any results. Without some standard or evidence of correctness there can be no progress.

There needs to be a better word for thinking deeply about general questions, because it's very important for math and science alike. If you understand what the symbols mean, it becomes much easier to answer whatever question you're working on. Probably 80% of math is so baroque and formalistic as to be useless, people don't even understand what they are talking about.

I think it's a source of many interesting perspectives and is a great resource for making up what to do with ones life.
If you mean the uni major, then I think they have great chicks.


There should be a group of philosophers that bite the bullet and spend their careers trying to condense and organize mainstream logic and other shit so its at least digestible.

>but user that's already a thing, just audit college lectures or read a book

As far ad I'm aware, no modern day English speaking philosopher has made a coherent, reproducible set of books that set out to do philosophy as layman as possible without giving up majority of meaning

>why do so many seem to act like every other facet of reality, mainly socio interactions and the implications of existence itself, are unimportant in comparison?
because they are bad at it/their excistence sucks so they prefer not to think about it.


I love both math and philosophy. You can have interests in more than one field...

that notebook looks beautiful where can I find it

Militant scientism supporter spotted

Butthurt fag defected


Pretty cool. Reading through the western canon as a pet project to my maths program.

>The next generation of research will progress either way, but I'd be willing to bet the big breakthroughs get done by people who appreciate it, as the pioneers before them did.

This is why philosophy doesn't die. People who really strive for anything know how to appreciate something, and who can't appreciate that somebody has taken the liberty to write down his confusion or belief?

Some parts are good (e.g. logic, ethics, etc.) while others are completely retarded and needs to be destroyed (most of continental philosophy)

>As far ad I'm aware, no modern day English speaking philosopher has made a coherent, reproducible set of books that set out to do philosophy as layman as possible without giving up majority of meaning
How fucking stupid are you, bud?

But Bertrand Russell did just that.

Marxism is pseudoscience
Dialectical materialism is simply beyond retarded, it's the equivalent of scientology.

Yeah but user most modern commits (such as myself) don't subscribe to the ideology for any rational basis; the main appeal is murdering rich people and taking their money.

We know, this is why we treat you like the edgy maladjustment you are in truth.

>Waaahhh life didn't work out for me, so I'm going to force my agenda on everyone to compensate! MURDER AND VIOLENT REOVLUTION LMAO XD

>mathematicians of Veeky Forums

I think there's one (that I know of) mathematician here. And he barely posts here.

I am a 4th semester pure math student, and I find philosophy breddy noice. But trust me when I say most mathematicians couldn't give two shits about the stuff that philosophers do. And if there is something of interest for them (in philosophy of course), they'll do it themselves, and they'll do it fucking good boiiiiiii

it's math that has been ruined with emotions

Philosophy is a retarded subject and most people who like talking about philosophy are smug, have a low IQ and like asking what they think are deep questions and answer them with nonsense without evidence. Sure, there are philosophers who do have an understanding of science but those guys are rare.

It's unfortunate that meany scientists and mathematicians have got sucked into this woowoo.

>say something even a 12 year could have come up with
>write book
>you are now a great philosopher
It had its uses a couple thousand years ago, but now it's garbage.

I think it's good for personal development. It's always extremely general and some of it is plain pseudoscience (especially old stuff, like greek philosophy). I would never apply it to anything but even just as a collection of thought experiments and learning about history, it is really great for mental development.

because those things are all one in the same

Nothing is beyond the scientific method and approach. To limit it is to regress and fail. Though I do like some philosophy, I also understand the perspective of scientism. Natural sciences and Mathematics are not separate from socio interactions and "the implications of existence itself". They are all part of the same thing.

an interesting subject. it tries to answer the questions about people which one cannot consider with mathematical logic alone. philosophy, physics, and math are sister subjects in my mind.

philosophy covers the concept of the mind
physics covers the topic of the world itself
math covers the concept of argument and logic

>philosophy covers the concept of the mind

That's one aspect/field of philosophy know as philosophy of mind.

>math covers the concept of argument and logic

Philosophy is the mother of logic and

That's not how philosophy works though.

What part of the materialist conception of history do you disagree with?

>what part of my shitty overreaching untestable unrefutable theory do you disagree with?
that's not the reason it's shit

>think about something science related even a 12 year could have come up with
>shitpost about it on an anime board
>you are now a great scientist

This board used to be good, but now it's garbage.

>t. someone who doesn't understand philosophy

Philosophy in practice is most often armchair mental masturbation that relies on personality worship. See for an example of this.

>the greatest scientists of all time were philosophers
>today's mediocre meme-tier scientists are against philosophy
really makes you think

Günther Gotthard was right. Und

>required reading
Please share

Philosophers get their testes tickled by the following formula:

Ex Falso Quodlibet Quad Erat Demonstratum

Relevant XKCD: xkcd.com/704/

That it can actually be extremely interesting and that it may be well worth your time to be able to think semi rigorously about these subject matters which are not as liable to rigorous treatment as are mathematics or physics, as they have a way of showing up in relevant aspects of our lives.


I like post modern

maybe you could associate with each philosophical viewpoint a one dimensional vector space with norm, where "how strongly" you feel about a certain opinion is associated with the scalar component

i have found that often someone will strongly support opinions A and B, but will dislike A+B, suggesting some sort of nonlinearity, so perhaps a clifford algebra is closer to what the philosophy object would look like

perhaps, if the set of philosophical views is at least as large as the continuum, you could define a projective bundle in such a way that if any "philosophical curve" through the global manifold has nontrivial cohomology, then the philosophical views are hypocritical or inconsistent, making intuitive the idea of "circular logic"

this is the dumbest smart thing i have read all day
>circular logic represented by actual circles in some space