
Post your poetry, any language.

ching chong, nip
nong gong.
ching ching nong ching

>any language.
You're just asking for it, aren't you?


Not enough syllables. Learn how to play a guitar, and sing to it.

Here's a haiku I wrote yesterday while having a nervous breakdown before going to sleep.

La voz que llama
el nombre reverbera;
el viento calla.

A thousand miles from here,
lie a thousand dead soldiers,
a thousand dead dreams,
a thousand naive souls.
Which God Himself did not
care to save (from ignorance).

Wrote this three years ago, pretty bad, but some parts are okay.


don't assume G-d's gender shitlord

Thanks, user. Would you like to add something else? Do you think that, as a haiku, it is good? I like it, but for some reason I am not entirely satisfied with it.

Pretty commonplace, but the last line is nice touch (i.e. human violence and ignorance is so terrible that even God is unaware of it).

That was written intentionally.

Something with birds, and leaves.
Try to rewrite it as a western poem.

How many poems do you write per week?


Not finished:

I kada Sin na Zemlju se vrati,
Susjed susjedu dušman će bit',
Zemljom će ić' i duše će brati,
Napokon pokazat' će svoju pravu bit!

Nebeska vojska Svijetom kad harat počne,
tjelesa će padat',
već od prvih udaraca krvave garde moćne!

Taj Omen, pretkazanja znak,
prikazat će Nebeskoga Sina pravu ćud.
Čisti, crni Mrak!

Here's semi-Nordic gibberish, though I tried to have it make sense.

Sje Koels im Þrevgōr

Hwēscae gjedragōst eme brelvasōs,
Morjescāk ahd im Þrevgōr;
Sā dechracte isc tjem lihc ahd valsōs,
Sā fret-chā aste nascgjōr.

Komdēsjavt mich dragōst fāmjen,
Myl frechtag ahd kīg gjemt.
Sje koels im Þrevgōr sā gramven;
Gramven kje koelen myl fent.

(not exact, some concepts and poetic structures don't have really good English equivalents)

So Lies in Threvgor

Going far beyond highest mountain,
My love does wait in Threvgor;
Her home is warm as the summer,
Her laughter as sweet as the dew.

I've come from beyond the mountain,
Here does my love not await.
So lies in Threvgor her grave,
The grave of my missed love.

It needs to be longer, it's something of an epic.
And your comparisons are bad, but try to finish it.

If you haven't, try listening to Laibach.
Slovenian industrial band.

Comparisons would be better if I did more literal translations, but would sound more clinical and odd, for instance:

Sā dechracte isc tjem lihc ahd valsōs

>Her home is warm as the summer


>Her stonehouse is heated (by fire) as like the summer time would warm it (by the sun).

It would be better.
Try posting it somewhere else, anonymous, and see what people say, but write more poems, similar to this one.

Oh how the rays burst the petty coat clouds, the blue bundle of light breathes in the majestic air, crisp cool wind cooing the hairs on head and arm, long for this ship sailing in a sea foam dream

do you want to fucking folly, she said, do you want to fornicate a cornicopia, I obliged, well heaven sent, your dingus, madam, is quite cunning, reckon that

tender little feather whistle, slipping boe down the arched back, tender touch the derlict, slurred caress the tender diction, the airy fragrance of silent speech, stuttered in the lands of no man, spiritual romance, the buttocks of wisdom, the wine of wondering eyes, the blushing moon, the hiding trees,

not a neighing donkey, nor a trap of boobies, that majestic rug, that magic carpet, thee swollen temple, with no oil the candle burns bright, till twilight my dear, and forever more,

my heart thinks itll miss you, my mind bothers to be not, to face tragedy in a mirror, the lace gown sulken over doorknob, the champagne stains the wooden stairs, the bubble bath naught drained, my maiden, ye have left me more times than ive known you, stand above my head stand, let your precious gruel consume me

- - - Is actually an eternal kingdom of over quintillion AI

Fallout New Vegas was such a good game.

They don't make 'em like they uaed to...

Gonna post one of my personal ramblings from my diary.

Do note that I'm not a writer and not even a reader, I'm a /v/fag that is just lurking around because I'm making a short story, I sometimes write just to let steam off so sorry if this goes full 15-year old edgelord.

They're watching...
And they're coming
They're gonna get me
And I can't fight them

All the dreams and monsters
Stronger than ever
Fed from my slumbering emotions
They're just waiting

I expect them always
But they never come
I fear that if I drop my guard
They'll finally attack

When I sleep
It's when they enjoy the most
Oh, but you see
They aren't coming only for me

I have no idea
What they'll do to you
Because I have no idea
What they'll do to me

Through me they will act
And bring havoc and destruction
Oh, the shadows, they will come
But my warning to you is useless
Because there's no precedent for this
I tell you this only out of courtesy
Because it's irrational to believe it

They'll mangle me and destroy me
And when they're done
*You* will be next

U have always tried to hold them back
But I am not willing to continue this ordeal
Maybe it's best for me if they consume me

What will become of me?
I'd let them in only to find out
Because uncertainty is awful

I will try to explain what they've done
If only to explain why I expect them
When I sleep, they show me the visions
Inanimate objects watch me
The depths of the see opress me
Inaction goes through every corner
And even the end of the world grows nigh

If this ever starts happening to you,
Talk to someone
If the bond doesn't exist,
Create it
I don't want the shadows to come for you

But I also don't want them to come for me either...
And yet, come they will

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