Made some homemade vegan crab cakes. Find a flaw

Made some homemade vegan crab cakes. Find a flaw.

They look fine. Probably would be better if you had something with it like a nice cup of mango aloe juice and some chips

>Find a flaw.
1) paper plate
2) where's the knife?
3) No socks/shoes worn
4) pretty crappy looking sear
5) vegan
6) I don't see much in the way of seasoning or aromatic veggies in those cakes...they look bland as fuck

You made a vegan dish to imitate meat instead of just eating meat. If being vegan is so great why do your meals revolve around replicating meat based dishes?


Exactly. It's like lesbians being obsessed with cock-shaped dildos.

>Find a flaw.
everything you post, this included, looks like garbage

congratulations on your most recent shitpost


You're lying, those are regular crab cakes.


> Vegan

>bare thigh
>no shoe
>legs apparently spread

Please, for the love of god, OP, please tell me you are not sitting there naked with your dick and balls just flopping about as you eat your fucking fake crab.

I was


Nice, post your cock please.

wtf i hate vegans now

>vegan crab cakes
>going through all these mental gymnastics so you can eat shitty """""""""crab cakes""""""""" and not feel bad about it

fucking vegans man


What's with the "F" word? I didn't realize homophobia was tolerated on this site.

Fucking queer


You must be new here. Homophobia isn't just "tolerated", it's dirt common.

your feet are gross. do you have sad floppy nipples as well? because you remind me of someone.

Why would a vegan use paper plates? You must just be in it for supposed health benefits.


What is wrong? Why would someone who cares about the environment use disposable plates instead of ones you can keep reusing?

I reuse the paper plates dumbass.

He is sitting there, completely naked, with his sad floppy nipples and sad floppy penis and sad swingging balls all flopping and swinging about while he lunges toward his fake crab cakes lying on the paper plate on his table. He shoves a whole lump of faux crab into his mouth and chews, crumbs falling down his face and becoming caught in his pubic hair.

That was pretty accurate actually


oh how I love Veeky Forums

Why crab? Why not just under-seared vegan disappointment cakes?

it wouldn't be real disappointment if it wasn't called something else than it is


Look at those pale "cakes of disappointment"
No way they taste even close to delicious.

Being a stupid faggot is a pretty major flaw.


There's no fucking crab in it. Fuck off and never post again you dumb nigger.

You can't have a crab cake without crab why can't vegans just name there own food


He should just name it breading cake or tastes like shit cake.

Hey look! I just made a faux vegan wild sprig salad with baby greens and organic Chinese herbs.

Why don't meat eaters try to glom on to veganism?

Because it sucks..

I'm saving this. I like the mental picture.

Does that ketchup have horseradish in it? If not, there's your flaw.

How do you mimic the taste of the sea in mock fish dishes? Jackfruit is texturally right for crabcakes, crab salad, etc. but I want to it to taste briny, also.

That's the flaw. If I want crab, I'll eat crab, not a pale imitation. Where is everything else? The 'taters, sides and more?

is this a thing

lmao foreveralone neckbeard detected

To be fair, this entire site is filled with "straight" men that love shemales.

Hearts of palm work great for vegan "fish" and chips. a little caper brine goes a long way.

Also, generally, fried capers can be used like anchovies for depth, saltiness etc.


t. triggered redditor

Not enough tomato ketchup.

I've never tried ketchup with seafood. Probably tastes fine, but I'd have used tartar sauce.

Nobody said it was great. Why are you having imaginary arguments with yourself?

>99% feminine body
>1 (one) dick
how is that gay?

what if there's more than straight and gay.

trannies suck a mean dick, user