Is new sincerity only possible for redditors and the like?

is new sincerity only possible for redditors and the like?

If I don't hide my sincere take on things I can't function in society desu.



more like r/autism

Expliciate. Exactly which attitudes would ravage your place in society if made visible to the outside world?

all dfw was saying was that it would be nice if contemporary lit stood for something rather than satirized everything in a hiply detached way

its not about comfy sweaters and cats

i think he was probably raging against something that didnt actually need raging against... writers dont have convictions anymore? they dont write about "human troubles and emotions in US life"? sure they do, always have. he was prob thinking of a few famous contemporary authors and was extrapolating into some kind of epidemic.

Was DFW being sincere about his fashion choices? With that bandanna maybe it's good he killed himself.


He probably hates foreigners/women, but has rationalised it in such a way that he no longer thinks it sinful and merely objective and nasty truth which eludes all society by their own wilful blindness. Only he in his ecstacy of anxiety can understand how awful they are.
That's the norm on Veeky Forums anyway.

I hate white males the most desu. They've allowed the rest to run amok.

Form tenets of misanthropic philosophy in a series of writings, making sure to be as unironic as possible. Use a pen name. We do break away from reality in art anyway.

Or reject the idea as being misguided, and keep doing your thing. Not everyone has to embrace goy-tier pleasantries.

misanthropy is for losers.
why hate people when you can just not give a shit about them? put your energy into something/someone you give a shit about and if anybody gets in the way of your happiness you can tell them to fuck off and die.

Is that a tin foil hat?

New Sincerity is bullshit.
The biggest problem with it is that we do not have access to any "sincere" self, when we think we do its simply a fiction.

The real solution is to find the truth in the lie itself.

zizek is just depressed m8.

Is that a tin foil hat?

Why wouldnt you be

People don't choose their likes and dislikes, user. Otherwise we could simply choose to want whatever is the case in the world right now and all be extremely happy.

Is that a tin foil hat?


Not sure, but sincerity is boring and ironically shallow. So, probably.

because i care about myself.
really? human beings (of which you are one) can be a dislike? you could say you think most people are morons and i'd agree with you but to say you hate all of humanity? that comes from a place of not knowing what type of people you find to be intolerable and also not knowing how to deal with them.

Everyone is a masochist. We enjoy putting ourselves through pain and rage. What user was saying isn't to do with likes/dislikes, though, it's about actively philosophizing over something so unproductive

New Sincerity is just a rejection of irony.

Misanthropy is a general dislike for humanity, not personally hating each individual.

no those are glasses

it actually kind of is and misanthropy always come from a place of personal experience.
hating humanity always comes from a standpoint of not understanding humanity in others and especially in yourself.

>humanity is good and any other opinion means you don't understand

Actions are where one shows their sincerity.
Words are what we use to make excuses for why we aren't doing what we know we should be doing instead. Or to explain to the children in the ghetto why we are content to just fuck around and get drunk and do "arts."

>New Sincerity is just a rejection of irony.

No it isn't, its a rejection of any sort of spacing between what you believe to be your thoughts and emotions from what you express. Aside from Irony advocates of New Sincerity also abandon claims of pretension and "inauthentic" cynicism or belief among others

It's not that complicated lads. Just have a good heart.

Or if you're like DFW and realize you don't have a good heart, kill yourself.

>thinking that means humanity is good
that doesn't mean humanity is good you dumbfuck autist.
the fact that you see humanity as a black/white situation shows you have zero idea of what humanity is like. but keep thinking everyone sucks because you're a boring sack of shit nobody likes.

Different guy. This is a nonsense criticism. All people on the basis of being isolated self interested consciousness contain a priori qualities and drives that can be legitimately viewed as unworthy of admiration. Regardless of whether you agree with the claim or not its clear there is ample room to make totalizing claims about humans.

There are traits that all humans share. If you dislike those traits enough it's sufficient reason to say you dislike humanity.

Pretty simple reasoning.

>people suck because they care about themselves therefore they all suck
i like how you have to be so logical and intellectual about hating people to make up for your small penis probably.
you hate humanity because you hate yourself. try caring about yourself first then maybe you'll be fit to make "totalizing claims" about humanity.
sure you're free to deny and dislike (your own) humanity but don't claim your reasoning to hold any weight when you want to play the "detached saint" role.

Sincerity only becomes a social problem when the person expressing his opinions doesn't understand how to do so tactfully. I'm a Trump supporter, have a view of Islam that would make the normal Christian-hating atheist piddle in his trousers for fear of being called a bigot-by-association, and believe the biggest problem facing black people in America is black Americans themselves. As a summary, it sounds like those are views that could not be communicated to the average person in a way that would receive anything other than scorn, ridicule, or outright hostility, but they aren't.
You need to know your audience; know when it is appropriate to bring up what topics and how. I've had civil conversations with American blacks about the problems with their culture which end amiably and open us to further social interaction, which happens. I've had civil conversations with feminists (that usually turn passionate and heated) about why they're dead fucking wrong about the things they care most about, and they still call me up to see if we can grab lunch. The most recent date I went on was with an Algerian Muslim girl who was surprised by my knowledge of Islamic tradition and understood why I so despised the faith she was born into and continues to loosely practice, we have another date set up for later this month.
Being sincere with unpopular or "hateful" opinions does not mean they have to, in any way, be perceived that way. As with any idea, or personal truth, the acceptance (or tolerance) by another is entirely dependent on the way it is presented, and has almost nothing at all to do with the content of the idea or your character.
tl;dr If you're not an autist, being sincere will not cost you a goddamn thing.

fr tho what do you do in this position

>when you want to play the "detached saint" role.
Where do you get this?

Ah taking up the throw random shit at the wall and hope for something to stick approach, very intelligent

>I'm a Trump supporter, have a view of Islam that would make the normal Christian-hating atheist piddle in his trousers for fear of being called a bigot-by-association
totally unique and unheard of.

Thank for your words of intelligent wisdom oh wise Trump supporter

>you hate humanity because you hate yourself.
What kind of Jewish psychology is this?

Would you say that to a rape victim regarding her hatred of the rapist?

Didn't read the whole post before responding, didya?

>ever reading a post past "I'm a Trump supporter"

>on a board about literature
>can't figure out the important parts of a paragraph
I don't know how I can forget I'm on Veeky Forums.

you've got nothing then?

>Ah I see you got nothing to respond to my nothing

What is there to have?

I say I dislike humanity, you say I dislike it because I don't understand it. You don't provide any argument for this position.

"You just don't get it brah" isn't a compelling position.

hating her rapist =/= hating humanity

you've got nothing then.
and i'm supposed to show you evidence to help you understand how humans work?
the fact that you approach humanity in this scientific way says everything about the way you interact with people and as a result how you view them.

Man just stop posting, you're not even saying anything. Go figure out what you actually think before getting this riled up

>important parts
>shitty anecdotes about having the rhetorical one-up on a bunch of minorities
please kill yourself.

you say you dislike humanity because you don't like certain traits while for this to happen you'd have to deny those traits in yourself and their function. this makes you unfit to be a proper judge of humanity. how do you not understand this?

>being on a board about literature
>not being able to extract the point of sharing anecdotes
You really are retarded, aren't you? Sometimes, in writing, people tell stories to make a point, or explain a "moral." In the case of this brief passage, the author is intending to explain that even the opinions that are commonly held to be "offensive" or "hateful" can be explained, even to people for whom the ideas could be said to effect the most, in a sincere manner without drawing the ire of those people, or to have them reflect negatively on their opinion of you. The purpose of this was to respond to the OP asking if people and ideas outside of the mainstream can be expressed sincerely without social stigmatization.
You understand it now, or did I just use some words you're not familiar with?

Wrong person retard, nice comprehension skills

>all these assumptions
Why would you have to deny those traits in yourself? You can dislike humanity including yourself.

>has nothing to say, claims he's someone else
you already switched your identity once and you're going to do it again?

>being this buttmad about being called out for feeling proud about rhetorical one-ups on people who are easy to get rhetorical one-ups on
again, kill yourself.

because if you accepted and understood those traits you hate in yourself and humanity so much the blind hatred wouldn't be there.

Man that's fucking awful. I can't think of anything lamer than trying to buy a personality because you don't have one.

Why blind hatred, user? Just curious.

Holy shit, just Google the damn thing, because what I said clearly isn'tgood enough.

Do you people always just make assumptions about terms and phrase because of what they sound like? Without looking any further into the matter?

no because the ugly, creepy sincere is more sincere than the acceptable, know what I mean?

because you hate it without understanding it.

>if you accept and understand rape you won't hate rape

you're a strange lad.

My diarrhea desu

Yeah because there is no official definition you autistic looner. I'm basing my understanding of the term through the only legitimate way how, the tendencies and attitudes of the arists and writers its based on. Where the fuck did you idea of it come from?

Videos of interviews with authors on the subject, various, articles, essays,

Great now provide me with one of them that states New Sincerity is exclusively about a rejection of irony

I lied to you, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

Society is not sincere. You disavowing your own sincerity is not sincere.

Sincerity is just an aspect of integrity.

>this thread

>equating humanity and rape
nice projection.

Tell me about DFW, why does he wear the bandanna?

Is that a tin foil hat?

i hate you
only a stupid pleb mind like yours could come up with this bullshit

why is it bullshit

because is a child. You're absolutely right; DFW was "raging against something that didnt actually need raging against." He spent too much time in graduate school and came out with only the skills to imitate already established artists and had really didactic theories on art. He long has his themes and philosophies ready to distribute before he can actually create a beautiful piece, which is why it always comes across so ugly and instructional.
Luckily this won't be so hotly debated in 20 years when America establishes real artists who are young and great, like Delillo and Pynchon once were.

>There are traits that all humans share.

what are they and why don't you like them?

I'm not equating, just substituting the subject in order to show you the structure of your argument.

you are in a very idiotic fashion.
you're equating rape to specific traits in humanity. the difference between those traits and rape is that those traits are an inevitable function of society whereas rape clearly isn't. but keep drawing rape analogies whenever you feel your distorted and fragile worldview is in danger.

Rape is an inevitable function of society (or at least humanity) as far as we know though. There has never been a rapeless one.

>Rape is an inevitable function of society (or at least humanity)
society or humanity? pick one. if you say rape happens in society that's true but that's not what we were talking about. if you're saying rape is an inevitable function of humanity which is what we were talking about you're a fucking retard who should probably hang out on pol and/or kill yourself.

Why do you think rape isn't an inevitable function of humanity? Or murder for that matter? People have been killing for as long as we exist, and our pre-human ancestors have as well.

Hell, rape didn't even exist until someone invented the concept of consent. Fucking and killing is pretty much our modus operandi.

>trying to change the topic entirely
do you really think using rape/murder as an argument for hating people is valid? i know you're an autistic retard but you're willfully going full retard.

Are those not good reasons to dislike people?

only if everyone rape and murdered. i'm pretty sure you were samefagging the entire time with different arguments, please kill yourself.


So if only 99% of humanity raped and murdered that would be not reason enough to dislike humanity?

>I hate humans because they do bad things to other humans... whom I also hate.


I dislike the harm doing aspects of humanity but I still feel empathy when they are subjected to it.

Pretty reasonable stance for a non-psychopath.

this insane lack of self awareness is only achievable on anonymous forums

Please shoot yourself

In other words, you aren't a misanthrope. You're just bitter and angry.

Hating something does not mean you want it tortured, psycho.

Then you have never felt true hate.

Hate is the complete removal or inversion of all empathetic or sympathetic connection. Hate is something you feel in every inch of your body, whenever you come into contact with the object of your hatred, it is maddening, and gratifying, and the worst emotion you can ever have.

take the gun you keep in your car for when black people come up to your window and literally blow ur brains out

something something a rival's existence something on his enemies existence something

The only crime is being boring. Incarcerate yourself, newfaggot.

Is that a tin foil hat? >:^(