Is conservatism a mental illness? What is the scientific verdict on this issue?

Is conservatism a mental illness? What is the scientific verdict on this issue?

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Conservatism is easier to believe, not a mental illness. It's just that conservative opinions are mostly simple and don't require a lot of knowledge and analysis of questions.

>implying (((knowledge))) and (((analysis))) is more trustworthy

Conservatism is a natural response to an agressive version of liberalism.

Even leftists like myself have a problem with the new far left "progressives" who now seem to be mainstream. How do we fight those people? The only natural response is far right policy.

So I will just wait for the far right to grow stronger so that then they go into a political/military civil war, exterminate each other, and then I can go back to trying to institute communism in the US.

It fucking sucks because we were so fucking close of becoming class socialists when these motherfuckers hopped into our train and started saying

>What if class isn't the only opression structure?????????????

and fucked our entire movement.

speaking of mental illness...

Aren't they?
If you put a question under logical analysis and research about it you are more likely to be right than if you just repeat opinions you heard from someone else.

I'll take "things only fedoras say" for 500, alex.

Not OP, but I think he refers to conservatism in general, not to the rising wave that we are having now.

Basically this, it's all about ignoring complexity in favor of dick waving and easy sound bites.

You realize those parentheses are used to mark Jews, right? You look like a /pol/tard antisemite

How is conservatism "in general" bad? People are born. As they grow up, they want to change things. Some might call that being progressive. When they're older and things have changed, they want them to stay the same. They want to conserve their way of life. For those people, further change is seen as regression. Perhaps that's overly simplistic, but people are simple, so fuck you.

That's not just simplistic, it's "fake Winston Churchill quote Facebook meme your uncle shares" simplistic.

Both sides get played.

>Le communism is a mental illness meme

topkek, big words for a baby like you. 99% of people would benefit from communism, don't you know?

I guess. In that case then conservatism is the low IQ version of leftist ideology.

Think about it. We are always looking forward. We have a difficult but not impossible goal post of communism and we are always getting closer to it, even if we only make small steps.

Conservatism is the opposite. It is in their name. To "conserve". Their final goal is to stay where they are. "Don't rock the boat", they say. Conservatism is the ideology for you if you are retarded, lazy and an under achiever. Communism is for the big boys who are not afraid of real challenge because as perfect as communism is, it is really hard to get there.

Even those who have tried to impose communist utopias throughout the world failed because even though they half assedly achieved the "communist" part, they always fail at the "utopia" part of it.


>How is conservatism "in general" bad?
Conservatism is bad because it is precisely what holds scientific progress behind. Stem cell research could be a lot advanced if weren't for the "life preserving" conservatards.
It is also bad because it doesn't allow people to do what they want and deprive them from happiness despite they not doing others harm just because of arbitrary and illogical morals.

>Perhaps that's overly simplistic, but people are simple, so fuck you.
People aren't simple at all. If you think that you are either really autistic or too young to be here.

>calls me autistic
>says morals are arbitrary and illogical
o i am laffin

I didn't say all morals are arbitrary and illogical, just the ones that conservatards defend. I obviously have morals, but they are guided by logic above everything else.

everyone's morals are guided by whatever they consider to be logical, you fucking moron

i'm not even a conservative but you're clearly a fedora

>morals guided by logic

What does this even mean?

You look one way your kids get injected with millions of heavy metals and toxins and you eat poison drink poison and breathe pollution the other way

It would stand to reason that, generally speaking, people who cling to conventions are less likely to be adept at thinking abstractly. However, there are people on both ends of the political spectrum who would rather rehearse rhetoric that they gleaned from their echochambers than apply rigorous critical thinking.

There are areas where conservatives are more unreasonable than liberals, and vice versa. That said, perhaps I'm just biased, but based on the current state of affairs in the U.S., I think it's safe to say which end of the political spectrum is least intelligent and more easily manipulated.

>I didn't say all morals are arbitrary and illogical, just the ones that conservatards defend.

Defend this then.

Some people give anything that God supposely tells them more value than any conclusion they might arrive through logical reasoning. They say that "there are things that logic cannot explain". Did you ever talk to christian or someone who merely believes in God? All of them say that.

It means that I don't kill people because it is intrinsically wrong. For instance, I don't kill people because:
1) Due to my non-sociopathic nature I would feel bad for killing someone.
2) That would give suffering to the people who are significant to the victim.
3) I would be arrested.
4) I don't need that to get what I need.

>defend this then
What does this have to do with morality?

I don't give a fuck if he/she decided to change their sex. As long as no one but him/herself is not suffering any harm (and no one is), it is perfectly acceptable.

>what does glamorizing a mental illness have to do with morality?

>murder (killing people who are not threatening you) is wrong
>babies are people
>there's no clear distinction between a fetus and a baby
>therefore abortion is murder
>therefore abortion is wrong
>therefore harvesting fetuses for the purposes of stem cell research is unethical

wew, logic

I eagerly await your "logical" "counter argument".

It was never glamourized. Just because someone wrote about it in a magazine it doesn't mean that transsexuality is having its weight reduced.
IIRC she even said that it was really tough to go through that.

>it was never glamorized
>wins glamour's woman of the year award

Half a year I used to believe that.

Now I am a Burkean conservative.

The verdict is - don't call those who you oppose at the moment mentally ill. Who knows, in the end you might consider yourself in future mentally ill.

A fetus is clearly not a full human being. It's just a group of organs and tissues that do have life in them, but are not a human being per se. You can see that just by the way it looks, and obviously that difference is not just skin deep.
You seem to be one of the people who value life above everything else, regardless if it is good or not.

You look like your average liberal who believes that eloquence is a sign of knowledge and that spinning wheels and engaging in "dialogue" is more effective than actually solving the problem

...because human beings are mythical creatures that don't follow cause and effect like the rest of the universe.

You fucking retard.

That's because of how tough it was to go through to sex reassignment. If anything, she is a symbol for the struggle of all the transsexual people. One can't possibly use every single person to portray that, so they took someone who is famous and fits the criteria to raise awareness about it.

>That's because of how tough it was to go through to sex reassignment.

"I have gotten more flak for being a conservative Republican than I have for being trans"

BTW he still has his penis.

>personal responsibilities and individual rights are a mental illness

>"I have gotten more flak for being a conservative Republican than I have for being trans"
It just means that SJWs have managed to be more annoying than conservatards, but not that she didn't get any backlash for being trans.

Every single time I open up Veeky Forums...

Not by his logic, though

1) a woman willingly having an abortion abortion will not cause suffering for anyone
2) there is a clear difference between a fetus and a baby, one is basically a parasite and the other isn't

and yet both fields have laughable rate of successful treatment
literally women's studies tier useless garbage for brainlets who can't deal with their issues on their own

>laughable rate of successful treatment
Definitely. 100% of the people on antidepressants end up suiciding. It's all pseudoscientific garbage.

What backlash? Where? Even Donald "Literally Hitler" Trump invited him to use the public bathrooms at his buildings.

I agree that it's completely sanctimonious, but even if the "glamorization" were causing liberals to commit acts of aggression against people who find it immoral, the vulgar display of acceptance of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, itself, is only as moral or immoral as you make it out to be.

>living in a society in which you are viewed as a freak (even by yourself) for changing your sex
>no backlash

/pol/ requires living space

There it is.

>drumpf is waycist
>mah bady mah choice
>rapefugees welcome
>muh truck of peace
>dude weed lmao
>video games are art
>modern art is fine
>global warming is more urgent than terrorism
>require a lot of knowledge and analysis of questions

Are you baiting or are you really this mentally ill?

>Is conservatism a mental illness?
holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
a person who is averse to change and holds to traditional values and attitudes, typically in relation to politics.
Traditional values:
those beliefs, moral codes, and mores that are passed down from generation to generation within a culture, subculture or community.

So being conservative is listening to what your parents taught you, ie learning from your environment. Whereas a mental illness is caused by biological factors. So by definition, conservatism and mental illness are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

Although it's stupid to think that the world isn't in constant change, and that our ideologies shouldn't reflect that, it's also stupid to not look back in history and accept the lessons our mothers and fathers have learned in their lifetimes. The world changes, but not so much that the previous generation's problems become completely irrelevant.