What's the "I'm smarter than everyone else" of the kitchen?

What's the "I'm smarter than everyone else" of the kitchen?

>truffle oil
>any knife >£70

>black coffee

probably posting on Veeky Forums

Any time you feel like you are superior to others thanks to your personal taste.

Unless you are this faggot.
Fuck him.

From an objective point of view some people do have superior taste. Surely you can agree to that.

>my personal taste in black coffee makes me superior to everyone else and if you question that I will get upset and become irrational because my superiority on this point is so incredibly weak and easily shaken by someone elses personal taste.

>some people have an objectively superior subjectivity

this thread is a gold mine

Do you mean being actually smarter than everyone else, or just the douchebags who think they're smarter than everyone else? I'm guessing the latter.
That would be the overpriced knives, the sous vide people, and the people who think that actual restaurant work is for dumb people.

millions of people drink black coffee every day, sorry if that offends your dessert beverage.


As long as you're not an actual handicapped person, being smart is an imagined conditioned. Statistics are as good as opinions, education as good as a job that allows you to live within comfortable means.

Many will look at those who don't play social games or practice conformity as idiots, but its up to the individual to choose what empowers them.


You're trying to sound enlightened, but you're not. Your post is dumb, and you should feel dumb for having typed it.

Honestly if you have the use for them, then fancy knives are great. But I wish death upon every one of the autists comparing hardnesses and apexes when the most use any of them gets is a tomato or phonebook. It is like buying professional photography equipment and using it for selfies.
As for unnecessary shit in the kitchen for hopeless cunts, filet steaks, coloured salts, expensive unitaskers, and form over function things.

>i can't handle small talk


Only once you establish objective criteria.

>What's the "I'm smarter than everyone else" of the kitchen?


YOU get back in the fucking kitchen!!!

>Bacon in the fridge used exclusively for recipes that don't typically call for it
>More avocados in the fridge than a Mexican grocer for use in things other than Mexican food
>More than one bottle of truffle oil
>Cast iron cookware that never gets used but talked about a lot
>pink paki salt. see above
>$180, 1000-times folded, heirloom-grade, steel knife imported from Japland stuck to a magnetic board that's beginning to rust
>Owning any sort of clothing for cooking professionals outside of just an apron
>Big Green Egg or $3k grill that has only ever touched burgers and wieners.

>Owning any sort of clothing for cooking professionals outside of just an apron
what would that even be?

>homemade stock
>"authentic" or semi-authentic ethnic food instead of adapted versions (except if you're from that ethnic group)
>cast iron pans


>what would that even be?
He probably means a full chef coat w/ hat and such

There are folks who legit try and order cooking uniform items like chef coats and hats and shit. It's not unlike cosplaying or reenacting, except you're shit at whatever you're supposed to be doing.

>w/ hat
okay, if you wear something like that at home that would really be a sign of maximum autism

I-it's comfy. Pls no bully.

I can see the coat, so long as you're using it like you would overalls while working on your car, but like...that hat? Really the hat?

Yes. I had a friend before I moved out of state for job purposes who would wear a hat when cooking for guests. Not kidding. I assume if there's one of them, there are many.

Sous vide.
using agar agar.

At least he's cooking for guests.

I guess.

>Sous vide.

I wish sous vide didn't get so much hate here. :(

I wish you didn't type like a fag. 3/10 bait.

It's from all the hot dogs I eat

Things I don't like.

putting sugar in everything

I have a chef's hat and an apron, both of which I use when cooking for guests.
Not because I want to look like a chef, but because it blocks my hair and I can wipe my hands or put something in them.

Rest of the year it just sits on top of the fridge.

okay, i can see wearing a hat when cooking for guests, as a little gimmick. i guess as long as you wear it every time you cook for yourself it may be okay

>as you *don't* wear it every time you cook for yourself
my bad

Unwashed masses discuss other people, intelligent ones discuss events, truly enlightened ones, ideas.
Guess which one you are.

>Unwashed masses
excuse me? but whatever, have a *tip*, noble gentleman. and now fuck off

Nice Eleanor Roosevelt quote, faggot. Have you ever had an original thought in your life?

nice googling the quote so you can pretend you knew what it was, faggot. have you ever had a non-competitive conversation in your life?

I didn't have to google shit. It's a common quote.

i didn't say it was an uncommon one, you still clearly had to google it which is why you were in such a hurry to drop that you knew it. that's insecure behaviour dog

You're a paranoid retard, and here's your final (You) from me.


lol, no, just cynical. i'm not worried about myself, i'm disapproving of you.

uhh whats that in real people money


>Unwashed masses discuss other people

Am I wrong in thinking that that's a bad way to start off a quote about other people?

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.

1 Euro is generally worth 1 USD
right now that'd be about $75


the price isn't in €, though

That's in quid, not the Euro.

Steak doneness

just fuck off, this isn't even slightly as funny as you think it is

The truth very often isn't funny user.

Search your feelings. You know it's true. Faggot.

People who use that quote are just as fixated on people as the "idiots" they decry.

How fucking ironic.

Stop shitposting. Are you really that upset I outed you for being a blithering retard?

Sous vide is a terrific legitimate way of cooking. Just because it is misused these days does not discount its many benefits. Agar is also a godsend although I can't imagine many home chefs finding a massive need for it.
Get orf my board you cunts

>coloured salts
Coloured how?
With herbs/spices/vegetables, or with fucking food colouring?
I've never heard of "coloured salts", and now I'm worried.

Imported from Sierra Leone.

I'll wear my coat if I'm cooking and serving for extended family, and I usually wear the little hat just to keep my hair from falling in the food, and an apron.
But only if it's for a large group of people (who I only partially know, the cunts).
I cook for myself naked half the fucking time (it's usually at night and I'm well drunk).

I'm intimidated by people that own pasta makers, meat grinders and on a lesser scale people that have mastered the art of a piping bag.


I was about to start talking about mineral content and different harvesting methods leading to different colours, but then I got the joke.
Thanks for the kek, (You).

>"Hey look I can dice onions without looking!"
Yes, so can anyone who has picked up a knife for an hour.
>"I eat every cut of beef rare"
Rib eyes are better on the other side of medium, marbling needs more heat.
>"I'm a sous at Moxie's/Boston Pizza/Chili's/TGIFs/Earl's"
So could a corpse be if they put in enough hours.

>I'm intimidated by people that own pasta makers, meat grinders
Really? I own both. Fresh pasta is ridiculously easy to make and so are sausages. There is nothing intimidating or complex about either appliance.

fuck off leaf

>What's the "I'm smarter than everyone else" of the kitchen?

People who like rare steaks and feel the need to be snobby about it.

Yeah, I like my meat well done. Fite me fagot


I agree user, those snobby types are very sad. Many such cases!

Literally any sense of superiority based on what you like on your tongue. There is nothing that's a bigger sign of someone being a massive failure in life. You cling to superiority in something like food preferences because you have no friends, you're a virgin, and have a shit job (if you have one at all). It's easy to use because it takes absolutely no skill or work whatsoever. Literally anyone at any moment can say they like their steak blue rare and anyone else is a pleb. Wa la, for once you're better than someone else.

Which of the above posts touched you, and can you show us on the doll where?

Sounds like someone can't dice onions.
As for doneness, this is 101% preference. Ribeyes are not necessarily nicely marbled, and the less fat that is rendered, the juicier the steak will be.
Pink rock salt, and similar fads. But also shit like garlic salt.

you're talking about people in this post. Guess you're just another member of the unwashed masses, chump.

I love when pseudo-intellectuals use this quote to insult people. They never once stop to think about the glaring hypocrisy of it.

Garlic salt

Wh-what's wrong with garlic salt? I put that shit on everything.

Alberta Beef > USDA garbage
No I can, without looking, I just don't feel the need to pipe up about it out of nowhere.

This fucking post
Odiocy outlandish stupidity

Lemme say this doctors in my hometown charge me 145usd per walk in visit this was 2 weeks ago

I had a doctors visit 2 months ago in mexico that cost me less than 3usd.

Your basis on what is and isn't is absurd to me having moved around in usa canada and mexico, although most in mexico after the us.

Living life is different from reading/watching shit on the internet it very much is.

Don't know about him, but we don't need a doll to show which of the posts above touched you and where.

what is even a superior taste
let's begin from that

Nor him

What the fuck are you babbling about

Captcha too good not to post it