Why the heck do people focus so much on his antisemitism? It wasn't in any way important for his work or ideology...

Why the heck do people focus so much on his antisemitism? It wasn't in any way important for his work or ideology, and yet it gets the most attention, and is even used to downplay his achievements.

/pol/ please don't respond.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because his poetry was perfect and they needed something else to criticize him for.

It's easy to milk for controversy and academic moral point-scoring.

Virtue signalling.

he sucks tho

/pol/ leave

A man can build 1000 bridges and suck one cock, and he will be remembered as a cocksucker, not a bridge-builder.

Because Jews control the western world and force the media to focus on it.

a man can suck 1000 cocks and build one bridge and he'll be remembered as OP.

For real though, how did he react to the Holocaust? What was the significance of it to him?

He thought it was a bit of a shit thing to happen

Because kikes will milk every shekel they can out of goys.


Not such a poet anymore huh?

Harold Bloom said he didn't care.

Pseuds like to make themselves feel important and the easiest way to do that is to nitpick at the character of great men to take them down a peg.

Because antisemitism is good and everyone secretly wants another shoah.

Because people don't understand that genuine literature is art for art. The only thing that matters is style. Humanism, morals are irrelevant. Hence why CĂ©line is still the greatest French writer in spite of being a Nazi antisemite.

>art for art

Utterly meaningless cliche

What if it's his own? Then he'll forever live in our hearts as the contortive bridge constructor.

Haha I love reddit humour

>An bookwise, intensely clannish and extremely activistic group with a culture of critique operates within a hyper-altruistic environment
>pwees, no /pol/ stuff I'm afraid! I am OPEN MINDED.

OH NO, it's probably because "antisemitism" is very very interesting to average literary people.
Back to plebbit, retard.

Humans find gossip more interesting than art, and probably will until Kingdom Come.

Anyone rich and privileged, and speaker of the English language, was into antisemitism then, just as today, anyone rich and privileged still eats meat and drives gasoline cars.

People care because nothing isn't important for someone's work or ideology.

>The Dry Salvages

"I do not know much about gods; but I think that the river
Is a strong brown god - sullen, untamed and intractable,
Patient to some degree, at first recognised as a frontier;
Useful, untrustworthy, as a conveyer of commerce;
Then only a problem confronting the builder of bridges.
The problem once solved, the brown god is almost forgotten
By the dwellers in cities - ever, however, implacable,
Keeping his seasons and rages, destroyer, reminder
Of what men choose to forget. Unhonoured, unpropitiated
By worshippers of the machine, but waiting, watching and waiting."

take off the trip, you little shit

Leave Constantine alone, fag.

go to reddit if you want to upboat your favorite posters