Picky Eaters and Food Plebs

>Frying up some diced onions for a tomato sauce.
>Getting nicely caramelized.
>Wife walks in.

I love my wife but she has the absolute shittiest taste of anybody I have ever met. She would seriously eat kraft macaroni and chicken tendies every day if I allowed it.

Does anybody else deal with people like this in their lives?

Stop bragging you have a wife.

my mother is the worst

I always lied to her and told her whatever meat I made something with is beef or she wouldn't eat it

I made the mistake once of telling her the chili that she loved was made with venison and she acted like I shit in her mouth

You dirty lying fag.


>using a googled image to go with a story because you aren't an autistic instagrammer taking pictures of every second of your life makes you a liar

Whatever you say, downie.

>writing a novel on Veeky Forums
Who the Downey now homes

I stole the picture of sauteeing onions from google for illustrative purposed.

Did you really expect me to take a picture?

>Making chicken curry in the crock pot.

>wife walks in

>makes exagerrated gagging sounds just looking at it

>proceeds to make herself noodles for the 4th night this week

Yeah well fuck you too

You did it again you fucking egg.
What exactly is a problem

>married a womanchild
>expects anyone to sympathize
Have fun getting taken to the cleaners.

Dude Ur wife must stink like shit if she has such a poor diet

Struck the illiterate nerve in you, huh?

Do you need any definitions for the words I typed, or are you good?

You have autism. I'm coming around to love this website again though. I would never know a person like you could exist without Veeky Forums

I deal with people like this all day everyday coming onto Veeky Forums. Bunch of plain pleb faggots who thinks entrails and organs are disgusting. I go out of my way to find these delicacy.

>if I allowed it.

a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.

not to mention OP's wife's pussy must be so disgusting to taste.
>The palate is ruined. THE PALATE IS RUINED!

>the whole house already smells because of your fat fucking vagina, I'm so sorry i tried to make it smell like something different for once

I've always been insatiably picky. Ever since I was a kid. I'm getting better because I'm not as much of an entitled faggot (I'm broke), but I still hate so many things
>raw berries
>dried fruit
>cooked peas
>Dijon mustard

My favourite dish is wild pacific salmon fettuccine alfredo. Tell me what an uncultured and privileged piece of shit I am

>implying it took more than 30 seconds to write that

getting desperate for a comeback i see

Ehh, some people have over-active tastebuds and can't handle strong flavors of any kind

I reserve the right to look down on you, though

>may favorite dish is salmon
Critically retarded

Just. Kill. Yourself. Although I agree with mustard.

No autism in me im clean fagboi.
Post another shitty storey about you and your missus.
I dare you


More like they were spoiled growing up.

Congrats on having the taste palette of a fetus you fucking pussy.

I'm not OP, if you think posting google images related to a story is an outrage, you're just undiagnosed.

My friend is a total manchild that barely ever eats anything close to healthy- typically only if I'm the one thats made it since he would never seek it out on his own. He's disgusted by broccoli and strawberries to an almost comical degree if he was a child, but being an adult its bordering on pathetic.

Guy Fieri literally wanders the country eating food from shitholes (though a lot of it looks quite good) and the man will not eat eggs.

>has to go out of way to find entrails and organs
>calls other plebs

The only reason you would have to go out of your way to find organ meats is if you routinely shop at some shitty supermarket like Super Walmart without a butcher shop, carniceria, etc.

Whatever nerd I can probaly cook and lift more than you fag

I mean if you bought more food then me, yea you could cook more than me. Or had a bigger kitchen. Not really an achievement though.

Of course you can lift more, tard strength is nothing to scoff at.

I agree with you on cantaloupe, mushrooms (for the most part, but I love what they add to stroganoff), and maybe olives... I haven't tried an olive in a while though, I might like them now.

Hot wheels tires imo

You fags need some new material

Used to despise these little fuckers. Grew to enjoy them so much. It's the palate growing wiser and more prone to bitter food. Olives are truly a gift of the gods. So meaty!

I thought the tard strength one was as hot and fresh as little caesar's pizza, senpai.

Yea as the guy he originally was replying to I was glad you pulled my ass out of the fire with that one.

She is probably a supertaster and its you are who is a food pleb, rejecting other people genetic/anatomical features they cant control.

>she acted like I shit in her mouth
I hate it when people react like this. It clearly isn't the flavor they take issue with. It's like some kind of fear of foods they aren't familiar with eating daily.

The only thing I have to deal with are either vegetarians or people who prefer their meat cooked past well done (burnt). AKA women.

Your imaginary wife is 100% correct. Onions are fucking nasty food that people should stop eating in such huge quantities, or at all, if possible. When I make shit that has a lot of onions in it, I can literally smell onion coming out of my pores for a whole week afterwards.

The worst is people eating eggs without massive amounts of spices or without mixing the eggs into other shit to dilute the disgusting sulfur smell. Sunny side up with runny yolks makes me fucking gag.

ITT fags who think their funny as shit

Who cares...?

are you autistic

serious question

Its holmes not homes
Ahhhhhhhh you lousy cu/ck/s you should have never become a fucking dishwasher that way you would have nothing to say around here

Spoiled how? With bland, terrible food?

Allergies dude.
It is not only incredibly rude to put "secret ingredients" in your food, it is extremely dangerous.

If you do not reveal every molecule you put in a dish, you are endangering and offending people.

I was force fed food I was allergic to hundreds of times and I have developed severe physical and mental handicaps because mommy and daddy thought it was OK to force shit down my throat.

You can't do this to people.

If you're still unsure, the next time you feed the wrong shit to someone with an allergy and they go into anaphylactic shock, your only way out of a decade in jail is if they can prove that you refused to reveal the ingredients of the food to them when asked.

I'm starting to think FDA ingredient list laws should apply to homes that are serving food of any sort, since there are so many fucking imbeciles living in America that think force feeding and hiding random meat, spices and sauces their food is necessary.
Huge dumbass fest we got here.
Child abuse laws caught up and you can't force feed your children any more but food and air poisoning are still mostly legal.

No, you fucking Brit idiot. It's HOMES, as in homie, from homeboy. Translated into citrus language, you would understand it as "mate" or "lad." It comes from nigger language, something most Americans are fluent in, but I doubt you'd be able to keep up, nahmsayin?

What are your allergies, user?

It's homie not holmey you retarded inbred cuck.

If you're so allergic to a very common ingredient found in food that you could literally die if you ate it, then that's just God's way of saying that you shouldn't pass on your inferior genes to future generations.

Sounds like you're just a pusspuss. Ever tried not being allergic to stuff, you fucking labia?

Yea I'm sure a son was completely unaware of his mother's allergies.
What are you allergic too, and is your paranoia a 10/10 or 11/10?

Peanuts, honey, gluten, lactose, fructose, sugar, alcohol

Allergies aren't genetic retard. However the allergy guy is also retarded because he needs to be the one to tell other people of his allergies, not expect everyone to cater to his rare condition.
>Ahhh I think I will enjoy this delicious meal that someone made for me
I hope he dies honestly.

Were you born via C section by any chance

I literally have no idea besides seafood, citrus and vitamin d. I can't keep track. I have physical reactions when the scent of an allergen is nearby though.

I do not respond to global rule 3 violations.
My report form is broken, can we PLEASE get the guy that's been shitposting for 5 hours the FUCK OUT OF HERE mods?

I'm not sure, what a strange question

Some allergies aren't genetic.

>and vitamin d
If you were allergic to vitamin D, you'd be dead. Your body needs this to live.

What the fuck are you talking about, newfag?


I was force fed as a child, yes, literally food shoved down my throat, and I don't have allergies to anything that I can't simply ask about.

I am merely saying that people that hide stuff in food and misname ingredients intentionally are endangering others and now we have a 20 post global rule 3 ignoring "weak gene" shitfest that is going to last hours.

You don't get to choose how or what you are born as, guys.
Stop making this board hell now please thanks.

It's always the fattest motherfuckers who are offended by the slightest flavonoids, too. Their taste buds are wrecked by 18 years of tendies.

Literally triggered.
people will be accommodating.

(there are hundreds of posts)

Night guys.

Not true. I'm fat and have better taste buds than most of you. I can eat anything and replicate the dish.

You're the same limey who couldn't smell homes, aren't you? Maybe you could help me out with something. What does the text written on the side of this rocket say?

Dude why are you so upset? It's a difference in opinions.

>there are 69 posts in this thread
>most of them aren't even about you
Holy shit.

>(there are hundreds of posts)

Literally only about 70 posts. The fact that the report system is "broken" for you () tells me that you are banned on another board, so the supposed problem with the thread almost certainly lies in your head only.

>Does anybody else deal with people like this in their lives?

Nah son, I know.

Was making a good vegetable stir fry, and then friends/cousins come over
>no onions
>no mushrooms

What the fuck?

Yeah I do.
What are you angry about?

People who hide shit in food are complete assholes and many people will back me up on this.
Grind up peanuts, add them to your chili and enter it in a local competition if you think this is reasonable, intelligent behavior that a normal human being would engage in.
I attribute it to a psychopathic need to control or harm other people, if not maybe an extremely strong desire to have control or play god with people's food.
This is on par with spitting in someone's burger and no one looks at "secret ingredient" guys as anything less than socially inept psychopaths who endanger and offend others just so they can enjoy the pleasure of making someone eat something they didn't want to eat.

You may as well put your venison back in the freezer and eat it yourself dude. Devoutly trying to feed it to every single person you meet that tells you they don't like venison is NOT a trait of a normal human being, you are a psychopath.

I hope you understand what I'm getting at because it is not normal.



You have no idea what you're talking about.
It's just slow internet and the board has been flooded with rule 3 breaks for 5 flat hours now because some caffeine junkie got banned elsewhere and can't stop being a complete fucking dick to everyone here.

I do not like or enjoy translating my english for you, dude, stop.

If you can't use the report feature, then you are banned on another board. You can check that here: Veeky Forums.org/banned
Be sure to report back about the nature of your ban. I'm guessing that you posted furry shit on /a/ or something equally degenerate.

>Bro and his wife decide to come over to my house for dinner.
Fuck it, no big deal, wanted to make steaks on the grill anywa-
>She only likes chicken.
>Decide fuck, it's cheaper.
>No spices.
>Skin on.
>We might have a redemption here.
>Decide to bake it because it's windy as fuck outside.
>Chicken is done perfect.
>The awkward silencm no there are two infants fucking screaming so silence would have been preferable.
>She doesn't like the chicken I made, because it isn't fried.
>"So, you just wanted KFC?"
>'Hey dipshit, she only has chicken certain ways.'
>My bro and I fling shit at one another like classic Veeky Forums trolls, but I was annoyed as shit at his point.
>Tell them to get out of my house.
>See his eyes survey the surroundings, I am printing like fuck.
>Again tell them to pack up and fucking leave.
>His gun is in my locked safe because of his suicidal ex, so they walk out of the house and I lock the door behind me.
>At least I had chicken.

I just got it to work.

Literally don't talk about things you don't need to open your mouth about, even after explained.
You'll get along a lot better here if you just say nothing.

You're probably one of those fucking mongoloids who caramelizes onions using vinegar which does make the entire fucking kitchen stink. I mean, fuck, you've posted a pic of red onions so you're already beyond saving.

>I don't like red onions

What is it like to be the coolest, smartest person in the universe?

>I just got it to work.
Cool lies, bro.

There are so many types of onion that it's not outlandish for one guy to not like one type.
But you're both being huge dicks about it anyways.

Red onions are for eating raw in salad.

Fuck off faggot, you're shitting up this thread throwing a hissy fit, no one else but you.

You mean your mom?

I love red onions. You're literally fucking retarded if you cook them, though.

Did you salvage the unseasoned chicken after they left

Kys, faggot. You have contributed absolutely nothing of value to this thread, or probably to the world either, for that matter.

What the fuck are you crying about? I've never met someone that still withheld ingredients after I let them know what I was allergic to...

All I had was garlic and a pinch of a blend a buddy made for me at work.
But I saved it.

haha youre fyucking stupid

basically married my retarded bitch of a sister

check mate

Retard I'm not even that venision guy, hint: more than one person can hate your autistic paranoid allergy tirade.
You're telling me you've actively had people put food you're allergic to in food after telling them you can't have it? Unfortunately in your frothing state here I'm just not gonna believe anything you say.

does your kitchen not have ventilation or something, also
>marrying /r9k/


holy shit my dude
my mom is allergic to pinapple and brocolli. those are it.
pineapple makes her mouth swell and go numb, but is not life threatening.
brocolli causes havoc in her digestion

I fed her fucking venison without telling her. big deal. she loved it, until I told her what it was. her reaction to anything somewhat abnormal is "EW, that sounds icky" before giving it a chance.

I can't believe some deer chili that my mom ate triggered you harder than it triggered the pickiest person in the world.

This shit is why I am always wary of my buddy's new GFs. It's always fucking something. I know a lot of people have hangups but still.
Nice trips too

why the fuck did your bro turn into a potential murder when you asked him to leave dude?

I like to cook for my friends. However, this one of them...

>Friend comes to visit for the weekend, I ask a couple days in advance if I should make us dessert on one of the days
>Specify exactly what I'm going to make, that I'm using brown sugar instead of white and unsweetened chocolate since I want this to taste really dark-chocolatey
>Friend comes over, we go out to the store to get drinks and stuff, friend buys package of Marshmallow Peep Oreos and pint of gelato
>Make dessert the next night
>Friend picks at it, gets halfway through before going "Oh, I'm not going to finish this. It's too sweet and there's too much of it. :( :( :( "

Let me just say now, I'm fine with criticism of my cooking. We can always learn, ya know? But I am damn certain that what I made was nowhere near as sweet as Marshmallow Peep Oreos, and I know for a fact that it was less sweet than the gelato because my friend let me try about half a spoonful.

>Fast forward a couple weeks to this weekend
>Friend is coming to stay again since we're going to this tea and coffee festival nearish to my apartment
>Stupidly ask a few days in advance if I should make us some banana bread since that goes well with tea and coffee
>Float the idea of banana gingerbread since why not
>"Hmm, user, doesn't that have molasses? Isn't that brown sugar syrup? It'll be too sweet. :( :( :( "
>Oh fuck no.
>Try to tell friend that dark molasses is less sweet than its lighter cousin and definitely not brown sugar syrup
>"Well yeah user, but I ASSOCIATE it with brown sugar syrup. Just make banana bread."

Okay, cool, but whether or not you associate it with brown sugar does not, in actuality, MAKE IT BROWN SUGAR.

I have no idea why I'm shocked though.
>Same friend once bragged to me, "Guess what? I went to the dentist and he said my teeth were clean, but I haven't brushed them in six months!"


Your friend sounds like a fucking jackass, dude. Why do you put up with it?