Is this an example of 21st century literary genius?

Is this an example of 21st century literary genius?

>I'm going to post this book every goddamn day, in almost every goddamn thread, until you read it and suffer like I suffered.

What did you mean by this?

kek. That's exactly what's going on here. There is nothing groundbreaking going on in IJ.

Should I read this? I've only read random novels, never anything of critical acclaim except Kafka.

>21st century

Thats part of its genius

Yeah honestly you'd really like it, despite its size and reputation its very accessible

You're probably memeing me but it's cheap so I'll buy it.

really made me think

I'm not, you can hear him reading his short stories on youtube for a taste of his style. Very down to Earth

don't start with Infinite Jest, lmao. it's incredibly long and most people who do have an active interest in literature fail to complete it.

if you're a complete noob, the following are all good starting points, being short, easy-to-digest, but also high quality:

James Baldwin - Go Tell It on the Mountain
Kurt Vonnegut - Sirens of Titan
Yasunari Kawabata - Snow Country
Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
Herman Hesse - Siddhartha
James Joyce - Dubliners

google the synopses and choose whichever seems to most pique your interest

2666 is a better example

What about Gravity's Rainbow and Blood Meridian? They sound interesting.

Yeah. I really liked Good Old Neon

also Ficciones by Borges

t. brainlet
The first serious literature I read after cruising through American middle and high school lit and never really reading anything else was Gravity's Rainbow, in my sophomore year of high school. Literature, for the most part, does not require you to start small and work your way up, unless you are stupid. It requires patience and determination above all. My sheer will power and superior intelligence was able to get me through Gravity's Rainbow as the first entryway to serious literature, and to have worked my way up to it would have been a waste of time. Read what will challenge your intelligence, and read only the greatest. Infinite Jest will be an acceptable start to literature, though a bit on the lighter side.

Blood Meridian & Ficciones are fairly noob friendly. gravity's rainbow is more demanding than infinite jest.

mate, three or four months after reading the novels i listed above, i read through james joyce's bibliography and all the necessary precursory materials in preparation (shakespeare + homer). i'm well aware that it's possible for a complete novice to handle maximalist lit with enough dedication; however, i'm also well aware that the average person does not in fact possess that level of dedication, and you'd have to be a fucking dunce with zero theory of mind to start them on this route without any solid evidence to the contrary. please kys, you pretentious twat.

If you don't have the immediate dedication required for difficult literature, then literature is not for you, and you should probably go back to YA trash.

>nothing groundbreaking
carefully crafted bait

in your own post you admitted to reading high-school tier lit before starting GR. you have not in fact adhered to this maxim.

and i should add, the books i recommended were high-school level lit, which the op has not read either if his only experience is with kafka.

are you straight up unfamiliar with the concept of scaffolding?

Idiot. The middle and high school books I read as required reading for school. If you haven't at least obtained the required reading level of a high schooler by the age of 18 (and I'm assuming the OP is 18 or older) then I truly cannot help you.

whatever, mate. please, in the future, just refrain from giving book recommendations to another human being. you seem to lack the social intelligence required to accurately simulate the perspective of anyone other than yourself.

also, maybe hit up a cognitive behavioural therapist; you might have literal autism, in which case they'll be able to give you a few much needed pointers on how to be less retarded.

why are you being such a little insufferable fuck?

these are decent and accessible works that will start to pique anyone's interest in serious literature while admittedly not being high art themselves. think of them as stepping stones that will eventually allow you to really appreciate more difficult works.

dont let anyone try to meme you with the iq requirements. maybe you wont get it the first read through and thats ok. further analysis and rereadings keep your favorites alive.


yes, but only because 21st century literature is post-discernible-talent.

>21 Century
>Published 1996

Só i started IJ and i'm on the notes about James Incandenza filmography, should i really brother reading the details of all his movies?

He needed an editor who had the balls to tell him no.

Question: What would you think of the book if it didn't have any footnotes? I think it would have been better, by a large margin. Discuss.

yes, it's important later.

I mean parts of the book were definitely intended to be tedious so I think it would've ruined parts of its integrity but its not like I would have been asking for footnotes had they not been there.