What's the best ways to prepare black beans?

What's the best ways to prepare black beans?

I bought some in a can recently, might buy some dried in a sack in the future

Should I just mix them into a bunch of different meals?

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Black bean and chicken burritos.

Black beans cooked with diced peppers,onion, corn and spices. Put in a tortilla with cooked chicken and a bit of rice.

So I can just fry them? Every time I google it they talk about having them soak in water for some amount of years and then put into a 36 hour stew

Under cooked beans can can cause digestive upset, so you should at least cook them until their soft. soaking isn't a bad idea. If you're eating them out of a can, they should be pretty much good to go anyways, its really only dry bagged beans you have to worry about.

You can make black bean burgers.
Or you could eat black beans and rice.
Or black bean tacos.
Or you could mash the beans up and turn them into bean dip.

if using dry beans it's best to soak overnight and boil around 60 minutes.

Kills off the lectins that cause gas and loose stool.

Once boiled, you can use fry them or roast them in the oven as you want to.

Canned beans are pre-boiled pretty much always.

*90 minutes. They might still be a bit hard if you only cook them for 60 minutes.

No. You need to leave them soaking for somewhere between 7 and 24 hours, and then cook them for approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
You could also cook them for about 3 hours without soaking them at all, but you need a lot of water for that.

>need a lot of water for that.

Why on earth would you cook beans in water?

Use a flavorful liquid like stock or broth.

chicken stock and beer

Black beans are already pretty flavorful as it is.
I wouldn't use any kind of stock or broth to cook beans with other than some basic vegetable stock.

>people advocate eating rice and beans
>"soak them in water for 24 hours"
>"boil them for 90 minutes before eating"

Yeah, no, I'll eat something edible instead.

oh well fuck me

I always used 'ready to cook' beans in cartons and shit and wondered why I was feeling so shit after only soaking dry ones overnight

Nice to hear your going back to eating dick again FAGGOT

Just buy canned beans. I don't know why people insist on telling people to use dried beans. It really isn't worth it.

Disgusting kys and never shpw up here again

Friendly reminder that black beans are the exception to the rule, thanks to their relatively thin skin. No soaking is required.

Preprepared (not dry) beans are already cooked and never require soaking, however dry beans once made have a more robust savory flavor.

Let me guess: canned beans on the left, homemade beans on the right. Yet for some reason my homemade beans always end up looking like the ones on the left.

soaking is a meme; easiest method: pressure cooker, high pressure, 40 minutes, then do whatever with them

No it's soaked (left) vs. unsoaked (right). You can tell the one on the right is unsoaked because it's darker in color since it hasn't been exposed to water for prolonged period that strips off some of the natural pigment and lightens its color.

I've read the article and its references and tried it both ways at home and still prefer soaking

it makes for less flavorful beans, but the outcome when it comes to the time it takes to boil until soft is more guaranteed. When I didn't soak, it took between 1½ and 5 hours before the beans were done, which was a pain in the ass, and the inter-bean variation in how done they were varied a lot; in the end, some were mushy while there were still hard beans in the pot.

if your experience is different, by all means don't soak.

>soaking is a meme
Get off this board you utter cretin.

How did you cook them? Crock pot? Stove? Oven?
An even ambient heating environment is best.

My beans hardly ever soften because of how hard our water is (>250ppm measured with a 10$ Total Dissolved Solid electric meter from Amazon) unless I add a tsp or two of baking soda to the soaking liquid.

Apparently, if you live in an area with very hard tap water the extra calcium and magnesium, among other excess minerals, in the water inhibit the beans from softening because of some weirdness with molecular ion transfers which the baking soda helps counteract or you can use distilled water.

I eat black beans all the time, I use them in a rice and beans/vegetarian chili meal that I came up with. Black beans, diced tomatoes, corn, mushrooms, onions, chili powder, cumin, dried chili flakes, and a fuck ton of garlic. Stew all that together and serve over rice.