Describe the smartest person you know

He excelled in math. Now he teaches math at Harvard.

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>He excelled in math. Now he teaches math at Harvard.
same for the smartest person i know

maybe its the same person

What is his research area?

number theory

Different person. Although. I will say I like number theory.

People can be very good at anything if they invest the time. I feel that way about myself and project that it can't be so hard for other to excel.
Some people who are good in their speciality don't impress me. I think it's admirable if they have discipline, though. I think it's cool if they found what they like.
I can't know how other brains work. I know I'm smart and I know there are some guys who I can work with well or who I can ask things about certain topics and they know their stuff.
I'm 31 now, studied physics to a PhD. My first response to that question was
>the guys who solved all problems super fast at uni do some stupid consulting shit now - the raw speed/intelligence doesn't mean much. It's often not used for anything outstanding
On a tangent, and maybe along those lines,
Grothendieck wrote about smart people here

He is homeless with a mental illness. I was friends with a different guy who went to Stanford and Harvard and is homeless with a mental illness too.

OP here, 100% agree. Great bonus on Grothendieck.

You can read more of his writings here:

This. People overvalue quickness as a trait. Learning anything at a graduate level involves a long period of slowly engorging your mind with material and letting it process, because things quickly learned quickly fade. I find there's not much correlation between fast learning and long-term learning. In fact, fast learning can drain your memory and make you worse at making you remember things long term, because you don't learn at any depth that helps things stick.

Lubos Motl?

It's me

me, ama

Excels in math, well-versed in latin and greek, learning sanskrit at the moment, spends most of his time reading anything but math, yet somehow manages to destroy the whole department

He works with the FBI doing nerdy tech things. He's still a complete social disaster.

Used to be my mentor for a PhD.
He won the Nobel Prize a couple years back for physics

me, but i don't know anyone amazing so i'm waiting for my inevitable disappointment

I knew a guy who wrote a book I think

I'm still a youngin I don't know any smart people personally

a majority of the smart people i know have unusually long arm hair.

girl that majored in CS, was offered to go for a PhD in CS, is about to finish their bachelors and get their 100K starting at some tech company.

really into teaching people things, a really likable and positive personality, self-taught CS and math knowledge.

A t.a. who literally came with just some chalk to class and answered on the spot everysingle question correctly. I only recall him fucking up about two times with some pesky notation. Sometimes, he even conjectured shit when someone asked something and he gave either a proof or a counterexample. And many times, after the counter example he would then change the hypothesis to generate a correct proof. He's also generally fit and charismatic. Fucking hell some people are just too damm good.

Parents pushed him super hard in grade school, burnt out in high school and got lazy, now studying at Alabama

I never met a smart person in my life

He got top 10 in my state but was really retarded about real life. He thought for example that masturbating stunted growth but if you ate your cum it would be fine. He wasn't socially deficient or anything though

He couldn't handle the real world that great and now he has a really average government job and is fat

I'm always reminded how mediocre I am when I realize how few intelligent people I've come into contact with. By this I mean of course not that I am so smart that everyone I meet is unintelligent but that I am so mediocre that I have never found my self in the same room as a real genius.

>tfw people you know tell you how smart you are, you say not really because you know you really aren't all that great, not compared to your friends or any of the professors or researchers you look up to.
>Realize you can't really explain to them why you really aren't all that smart without the ensuing social consequence of talking down to them, as this would backhandedly call them an idiot for thinking you smart.

Some guy from China who studied in my uni before being offered a place in Ecole Polytechnique for the prestigious diplome d'ingenieur. I'm pretty sure he's gonna make his mark on mathematics someday. God bless the lil fucker

People like to praise me for being really smart for being good at math. I've figured out that a good way to counter this is to point out that this is simply just your "thing" and that everyone has their own "thing". It causes the person to think about something he/she is good at and then sees it in a different light. You don't give them the backhand but at the same time, you get to be honest that you're not really that great, you just have a thing.

I feel like that's almost tautological.
You'd be hard pressed to convince me that someone who teaches math at Harvard didn't excel at math before they got there.

>Nobel Prize winner
Woah. Who is it?

I should try this more often. I'm really not all that smart, I never attended any college, I just like learning stuff in my spare time. Maybe it's because most people don't give a dick about Astronomy they just assume anyone that's bothered to learn .000000000001% of it must be "really smart".

Marry her.

His name is Elon Musk

Each person is smart at what they're good at, and a dumbass at what they don't know.

I know people who excel at math, but they're dumbasses in other fields I'm good at.

There is no such thing as the smartest person you know.

Everyone is a dumbass at something, and smart at others.

Don't catalog yourself as a dumbass just because someone else is good at something you're not.

Designed my own way of writing CSS which I implement and use on my own websites.
Write HTML in a method that very few experienced HTML coders can read.

I've never been able to look up to anyone, I don't know anyone who's better at html and CSS than I am.

He was a mathematical prodigy, alwas one of the best in high school, graduated at 16.

He was then accepted at Harvard University, got his Bachelor's there.

Later he specialized in Complex Analysis, wrote his PhD thesis about that; they said that only 10 something people in the country would have been able to understand it.

Became youngest ever assistance professor at Berkely, age 25.

He was blessed with intelligence, he was above all of us on this board, wether you like it or not.
Two years later he suddenly resigned and left academia forever.
Noone understood, everybody thought he was headed for greatness, why would a genius like him give up his academic career?

Because he had found the truth to something bigger than all of that

You know who I am talking about.
He later became famous as one of the most infamous terrorists in the history of the US.
That "nutjob" who wanted to end industrial society and return humanity and the entire world to its natural state.

And you wanna know something?
He was right about everything

He wasn't a terrorist, he was an activist.

>end industrial society and return humanity and the entire world to its natural state.
He wasn't an activist he was a martyr!

condensed duning kruger

I do something like this as well. I'm actually quite dense a lot of the time, and lack some common sense. When people say "You're so smart!", my usual response is "Nah, i'm just good at math."

>Got a quantum related job in the summer after 1st year of undergrad
>We only do like 2 weeks of quantum in a modern physics overview course
>One of those annoying guys that ask questions outside the scope of the course
>But I like him as a person so it's fine

Me tbqhwyf


>going into teaching

Went to Harvey Mudd and died in a car crash

He wasn't a martyr he was a GOD

In case it isn't bait.

He is a deluded, regressive, anti-civilisation maniac. He was wrong about everything.

Define "unusually long"

He's my age and probably about to finish up his doctorate in robotics at a UC. NASA recruited him to work on soft spongy robots. Huge asshole, borderline narcissist, really good with women, but many suspected he was gay.

heh nice bait
I bet some people can write AI that could generate better html and css

>Write HTML in a method that very few experienced HTML coders can read.
Why would this be a positive?

That may be your opinion, but to me Anarchoprimitivism is absolute bunk. It is inherently human to innovate and invent regardless of motive, which is how we got here in the first place from grubbing in the dirt.

Thus, how can the process of adaptation and development- which we obey of our own free will- be 'unnatural' when it is part of our condition, and how is it objectively bad when it freed us from the struggle of life long enough to dream of bigger things? Nietzche brought up this exact issue when he slammed the Stoic pretension of 'natural living'; isn't it rather hypocritical to impose your ideas of what Nature should be on the real thing itself?

>Write HTML in a method that very few experienced HTML coders can read.

This is the opposite of good code

He's a student at École Normale Supérieure, where he ace all tests. Our professors, some of them are Fields medalists, often joke at how intelligent he is and how he will get a Fields medal. Plus he's so nice with everybody, and quite beautiful, I'm jealous as fuck :(


Pics pls

>what is google

dude stfu and save time
and don't be didactic on fucking Veeky Forums. You are not swaying shit

Ahah no :)
However, I've said he's *quite* beautiful, he's not at all a parangon of beauty, he's less than 6 ft and pretty slim, and yet he has a very beautiful face !

>He said, wiping the cheeto dust on his camo 3/4 pants before going to youtube and watching survivalist videos while preparing his sleep apnea machine for a good night's rest.

>not being the smartest person you know

if he's so fucking smart how come he resorted to pointless chaotic, and ultimately pointless actions, when he could have simply interface the system proper and hacked it like a pro user?

Knowing how to solve problems doesn't change the way you instinctively behave around people.

>self-taught CS
>majored in CS
well well well, what do we have here

the smartness person would know how to live the best life possible.

if you solve a millenial problem but live a desolate life under the university's basement alone that's not smart.

what is he so wrong about? this civilization is bound for some shitty ending.

This tbqh desu senpai
I would much rather come off as a quiet well meaning weirdo than a pretensions pseudo-intellectual faggot.

> !
What did user mean by this?

This has never worked for me. The day after you assert this, they come right back to calling you a genius.
>tfw to smart too convince smart people I'm an idiot

Anyone with some money can live comfortably, regardless of intelligence or even achievement considering inheritance. People like Perelman and Grothendieck solved problems literally no one else could. They aren't normal in any sense and probably don't care how they live at all.

He's a grad student now, and he's like 2 years younger than me.

I just realized that I only know this because I Facebook stalk him. I am such a fucking normie scum.

What math course was this exactly?


This is just a bit about myself

>Literally the smartest person on Veeky Forums
>Have a Masters' in every subject and a PhD in every STEM including an MD as a multiple purpose surgeon
>Never lost a debate

My mum tested ~160 on a childhood IQ test
she doesn't seem that smart, very stupid in some ways, but somehow she knows how to do a lot of shit and is right about most stuff. She dropped out of high school halfway through year 11 (age 15). Came back at the end of the year and passed her school certificate. Then ran away from home and became a waitress, then became a graphic designer because some dude thought she was talented. My guess is that she mainly has verbal and spatial intelligence.

There was also an asian in the maths class above me in high school who was like 4 years younger than me.

That's about all

He's shitposting on Veeky Forums right now.
Guess who.


girl from my uni, at first I thought she is just working hard, lmao. then I saw her in action. can't believe a woman is that smart. the thing is, she doesn't even want to do research math, what a waste of intelligence

Going into mathematics is a waste of intelligence.

she just wants to "teach" ayy lmao, I struggle with my pathetic research for years, really could use extra IQ points

Here's a list of people who are smarter (or as smart) as all of the people you guys came up with:

Know that the most talented will rot in the grave, and be tortured by their own tormented minds, just like the worst of us.


Real anal


He created the hardest boulder in the world in the 80s. Now he's the most big shot scientist in my country by all quantitative metrics, he's also a great clinician, and he really knows how to smooth-talk all kinds of people.

Although his field of research is medical so perhaps it's not grandiose mathematical intelligence but rather extraordinary shrewdness.

He knows immediately the best answer to any problem.

He even has a respectable degree of integrity for someone who made it this far.


he wasn't relevant until he put on the mask. now hes a big guy

I know memory does not equal smart but having a great memory doesn't hurt. I'm jealous of my autistic nephew for this. He can watch a movie and quote the entire movie after one watch. My sister who is my nephew's mother can read a 800 pg book in around four hours and actually understand everything she read. It bothers me they have a gift but do not pursue anything academically. In fact, my 35 year old sister is jobless and has never held a job for more than two weeks before quitting. My nephew who is 20 seems to have no goals at all.


They aren't gifted user, you're just retarded. Sorry for being the one to break the news.

Not sure if serious but I actually like him. /pol/ generally fuckin hates him despite him praising /pol/ in numerous videos. He hasn't said anything brilliant or groundbreaking to prove he is highly intelligent. I don't think he has a huge ego like many think. I think he is actually quite fragile emotionally. I honestly think when he post something that goes against the grain of what many /pol/sters think, he immediately checks to see if people are talking shit about him and normally they are in such cases. Once again, I do admire him for his integrity and am a subscriber. I prefer him over Sargon and any other political commentators. I watch him more than anyone on the tube. He actually reminds me of myself except without the long hair, glasses, and odd fashion. Edits and cuts are also overrated.

You know like rock climbing but at low height and without ropes and also mostly laterally instead of vertically.

solved math unexplored. now lost

I guess I'm the retard who is actually trying to do something with his life. They have traits that I wish I had. I have to grind to succeed. My memory is shit. I'm a fairly slow reader but I can analyze well. I've had a few professors call me the best writer in their respective class.

they arent rich user, you\re just retarded. Sorry for being the one breaking the news.

I think he's very intelligent. Very good general knowledge, has interesting insights. Would be better if he did debates though.